Page 65 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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College to Restrict Smoking on Campus-Story, Pg. 3 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Virus Tuition, Room, and Board Hit $17,245 Devastates Joe verneut Dorms The administration of West- ern Maryland College an- Todd Robinson nounced, in a special faculty Over the past three weeks the meeting on February 19, that the WMC community has beeb at- school would be increasing the tacked. Not by Iraq, but by a vi- cost of tuition, room, and board rus which one out of two people 7.89 percent tea total ofS 17,245. battled over the past few weeks. According to Dr. Robert H. This campus attack of viral ChambcrS,PresidentofWestcm gastroenteritis was not a flu vi- Maryland College, the 7.89 per- rus as thought by a number of cent increase is the lowest in the students. The symtoms ranged last eight years. Theincreasewill from nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, help the college meet its budget body aches, chills, houlashes, of$27,523,@andhandlewhat and fever. Fortunatly, the sick- Dr. David Seligman, Dean of ness only lasts 24 to 36 hours in ... Academic Affairs, described in most cases. laFebruary 12faculty meeting as MarleneClements,ofStudent ~ a "budget crisis." Dr. Ethan Hea1th Services, said the college -:.Seidel, _professor of economics could not have been prepared for ~ andbusmessadministration,said such an outbreak. The virus ran = its course from about the 9th of ~~~~~~:_~~~~~=~~~~=--:-:~~_:-:_~~il student tuition, bookstore sales, ~ and state appropriations account Febuary and peaked around the Dr. Robert H. Chambers (left), WMC president, discusses financial difficulties of other for 89 percent of the college's 12thor 13th. Itconcluded around colleges during a special faculty meeting on February 19. See BUDGET, Pg. 2 Col. 3 the 15th. ''There are no cures for this bation period, it is considered viral disease, " Clements said, best to let the virus run ttscoures New Hoover Addition Opens "and the only thing the Health than to quarantine students or Center could do was help stu- cancel classes. "Quarantine Jenn Scott unteers from the students. fac- building." dents get through it." The rem- would only have stopped the Thenew scctionofthe Hoover ulty, and staff The addition more than edy for the virus was to keep on virus at periods and itwould have Library opened at 6 p.m. on Quoted from Public Informa- doubles the library's sealing a liquid diet for about 24 hours eventually spread to those who February 11th. tion, Harold D. Neikirk, Direc- capacity from 200 to 530 scats. afterthesymptoms subsided, and had not been formerly exposed Starting at 9:00 a.m., crews tor of Hoover Library, said, Floor space is doubled to 72, 0Cl0 to eat light food like toast and to the virus," Clements added. consisting of not more than 25 "From the earliest discussions square feel. Bookswillbe.added crackers until the stomach was Nonetheless, one fear the volunteer students, faculty, and of [the] library expansion in over the next 20 years to like- ready to eat normal foods again. Health Center had was that stu- staff began one hour shifts 1982, but especially since con- wise double the library's current ClementsandothersattheHealth dents would become dehydrated, moving books into the new sec- struction actually got underway holdings of 163,000 volumes. Center felt frustrated that they but the Center saw nosubsequem tion, according to the Public in 1989, the entire college com- Mark Collier, Reference Li- were unable to offer such little cases. Information Office of Western munity has been deeply inter- barian, said acomputerized cata- help. Clements also pointed out that Maryland College. ested in its progress. It is fitting log system will be on-line by The only precaution is to the virus virtually attacked no. In 1961, the initial move into that the entire campus commu- dedication day next October to avoid contact with the virus and faculty, staff, or administrators the old Hoover Library from nity now be offered the opportu- help locate resources. The sys- keep up good hygeine habits. on campus. She theorized that what is presently the Fine Arts nity to be actively involved in tem will run somewhat along the Since the virus has a short incu- See VIRUS, Pg. 2 Col. 1 Building was also aided by vol- the initial occupancy of the new See LI8RARY, Pg. 8 Col. 4 Faculty Required to Teach Seven Courses Next Year Andrea Covington At the meeting, several pro- ministration because of the re- tesy, their names will not be Until last semester, WMC At a specially-called meet- fessors voiced disapproval of the treat in commiumcru to the six- printed at this time. professors were required to teach ing, the Westem Maryland Col- decision. Richard W. Dillman, course-load. The lcuer also Dr. Ethan Seidel, Special eight courses per year. That lege administration announced Professor and Chair of Commu- requested a forum todiscuss"the Assistant to the President and requirement was reduced when against faculty protests that all nlcations. said he did not feel time and process involved in the Professor of Economics and several faculty members and full-time professors must tem- that the administration had adc- particular decision about the 7- Busmess Adminisuauon.saidhe administrators, including former porarily teach an extra course quately consulted the faculty. course load, clarification of the was disappointed in the faculty's Dean of Academic Affairs per year. "What I'm not hearing is some- criteria used in the process of reluctance to accept the course- Melvin Delmar Palmer, said that Faculty will be required to thing that tells me we should evaluation for promotion/tenure, load increase. The six-course- the load was disadvantageous teach seven courses per year have confidence in the process," [and] the nature of the com- load, he said, was meant as a for the faculty and for efforts to starting next semester, accord- he added. mittment of the college to a 6- reallocation of the faculty's total hire new faculty. ing to Ruth Thomas, Director of Another protest was in a let- course load." The letter was workload and notas a reduction. The decision to increase to Financial Planning and the ter from the "Newer faculty signed by nine faculty members. In agreement with Seidel was seven courses was reached after Budget. This is one course over (1990,1991)" which wasdismb- The Phoenix was able to reach Don Rabush, Professor of Edu- David Seligman, Dean of Aca- the American Association of uted at the meeting. The letter some of these members, but they cation, who said, "The seven- dcmic Affairs, recommended to University Professor's recom- discussed the difficulties of car- did not want to comment and course-load will not create such WMC's BudgetCommittcc that mended load, which is the indus- rying the extra course and the were hesitant about being men- a hardship that we will, in fact, the allocation for adjunct faculty try standard. lack of confidence in the ad- tionedinthisanicle. Asacour- fall over dead." See SEVEN, Pg. 8 Col. 1
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