Page 61 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 61
February 14, 1991 Western Maryland College PageS 60 Seconds on Campus Jenn Scotti Andrea Covington Do you feel that your Residence Assistant functions more as a counselor, a police person, or as a link with the Administration? Chris Covell Drew Reddel Tracey Snyder Mike Sabo Marc Steiman -Student -Studenr -Student -Student -Student I think that my RA A police person, A link with the The school makes A counselor, be- functions as a sani- because it is basically administration, be- them function as cause every time I go tary engineer/mom, an ego power trip for cause she has a really police officers; they to him with some of because I rely on her them. good bulletin board. don't give them any my problems he usu- for toilet paper and She's casual; she choice. ally solves them. trash bags, which she doesn't ask too much so graciously pro- from you. vides. Letter to the Editor: Parsons' Proposal Responsible Freedom Editor, students would then have the of a change for students or fac- seOTI, from Page 4 Recently the administration same amount of free lime to ulty and we can live with the and faculty of W.M.e. decided pursue research and to develop guilt. war, accounts will be settled. now means If press-restraint to reduce the normal teaching close interpersonal relationsh ips It would helpifthoserespon- that my peers in the Middle-East load from four courses to three that the faculty now enjoy. sible would stop scheduling will be alittle safer, I'm all forit. courses per semester. The rea- This same proposal, if cultural events on Thursday I'm confident the whole story sons given for this change arc adopted, would allow students night. There'splentyoftimefor will be available as soon as it's many. One of the best reasons and faculty to morefullypartici- thamonsenseon Monday, Tues- safely possible. Yes, we have for the reduction is to provide pate in Thursday nights at day, and Wednesday. There's the right to afreepress (and even our professors with more time to Champs. Since there would be no need to clutter the weekend in themidstofinformation omis- devote to the development of no classes Fridays, students withacademicretaedevems, we sion, it is a free press), but we close interpersonal relationships would have that entire day lO get enough of this in class andon also have a responsibility for the with us, their students. How- recover from their hangovers free public television. safety of our fellow Americans. ever, there was no change in of guilt over missed classes. I hope I haven't wasted too Think about it, think about curricular requirements which But, come to think of it, no much of your time. your friends, and bea little more would allow students additional c1assonFridayisreallynotmuch Steve Parsons patient. 0 Letter to Editor: Harbold Protests Protest Poster Editor: office of the President of the hanged, all the citizens whohave moral rightness or otherwise of aware that his actions and activ- IfWade Fannin was attempt- United States-regardless of been stripped of their national our current dependence on for- ism have made his name- ing to elicit an emotional reac- one's opinions of the current sovereignty, if they feel that a eign oil does not change the fact rightly or wrongly-all but syn- tion with that banner of his, he holder of that office-should war~gainstIraq isa "rich man's of that dependence, now, Mr. onymous in the minds of many has certainly succeeded. Adjec- prevent a reasonable, decent war Fannin. with the gay community on uves fail me in describing my person from defacing his por- Does Mr. Fannin feel that, Third and finally: how does campus. He would do well to feelings. I am so angry I can trait in such a fashion. The fact despite the human rights and Mr. Fannin suppose that sending consider, then, that his aggres- hardly think rationally .butI will that Mr. Fannin would stoop to world stability issues at stake, troops to Saudi Arabia, or not, sively (I would say, irrationally attempt to do so to refute not such a level to make a point is a the taint of the "oil issue"is such affects the issues of "racism, and irresponsibly aggressively) only the opinions expressed on sad commentary on his charac- that we should not intervene? sexism. and homophobia?" Arc confrontational attitude is likely the banner, but the kind ofmen- ter. Does Mr. Fannin have a car? we to send 430.000 troops on a to cause as much, if not more, tality that would put sucha thing Second, if it were possible, I Does he have a home with heat? bouse-to-housesearcf to rootout "homophobia" than it cures. up in the first place. should like to put Mr. Fannin on Or would he prefer to freeze this the proponents of such evils? Thomas H. Harbold First, I do not think much of a plane to Kuwait city, where he winter, or the next, or the one Come off it, Mr. Fannin. At- P.S. News reports are that Sad- George Bush personally, nor do could interviewthe Kuwaiti citi- after, and see the elderly and tempting to link these issues is dam Hussein has called upon I agree with a number of his zens who are reaping the bitter frail do so too, just to prove a far more ludicrous than Mr. "Arabs and Moslems every- policies, panicularly asconcems fruit of Iraqi aggression and point? Does he have posses- Hussein's desire to link his with- where"tomakeJihad(HolyWar) the environment But I do think annexation. He could ask the sions with plastic pam? Does he drawal from Kuwait to Israel's against "the forces of evil and that even a small amount of sisters and brothers of the women know anyone who works at a withdrawal from the occupied corruption." I, for one, applaud courtesy towards the man, being raped by Hussein's troops, factory or utility plant which Arab territories. him for having the decency to George Bush, not to mention the the wives of the men being needs oil to keep running? The Mr. Fannin should also be call a holy war on himself!
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