Page 25 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 25
THE PHOENIX Volume XI Number 4 Western Maryland College October II, 1990 Sidelights Advisory Committee Announces Plans for Implementation of Campus Recycling How often do you witness acts of homophobia on campus? by Pat Blackman The Advisory Committee on Environmental Matters offi- cially declared its plans to im- plemcnt a campus-wide alumi- num and paper recycling pro- gram at WMC. The program, which is tentatively scheduled to be in full swing by December I of this year, will involve ap- proximately one hundred small 12% receptacles (fifty for aluminum • never and fifty for office paper) and [2] seldom one large recycling dumpster !ill sometimes divided into four separate com- o orten partments. The large dumpster o very frequently will be used to collect the re- D don't know what cyclablcs from the smaller bins "romophcota" means as well as newspaper which will am Ie size: 130 Source: Phoeni be picked up if bundled prop- erly and placed next to recy- SEACAlive and Active on Campus cling bins. Collection of re- Envtronmentar Matters. cyclables and mairuainence of cling firm which serves the mental Action Coalition by Pat Blackman effort. the program will be handled by county. (WMC currently pays (SEAC) used in its program last While the Student Environ- Work is already beginning Physical Plant staff. by weightforall trash removal.) year. The office paper bins mental Action Coalition on organizing a recycling edu- The large dumpster was re- Western Maryland paid for half resemble large plastic milk (SEAC) got off to a seemingly cation program to assist the cently purchased by WMC in the dumpster while the County crates and arc green with gold slow start this year, members of Environmental Advisory Com- tandem with Carroll County's paid for the other half. WMC is lettering. the Coaltion report that SEAC mittee in its efforts to institute purchase of two other such re- paying for all of the smaller Placement of these rcccp- is ready to move ahead into its campus wide aluminum and ceptacles. The dumpsters are receptacles. lacks has yet to be determined, another year of environmental paper recvcling program. identical to those which the The official campus alum i- but the Committee plans to uct activism. In addition to recycling county is already using in iLS nurn bins arc identical in form feedback from the campus The SEAC has announced workshops, group members own recycling program. The and color (covered metal, red community on the issue to fa- a tentative regular meeting report that there may be stan- large dumpster will be emptied with yellow lettering) to thecans cilitate its decision. schedule and plans for a cam- dard environmental workshops free of charge by a local recy- which the Student Environ- See Recycling, page 3 pus-wide consciousness raising See SEAC, page 4 Gulf Panel Discusses Military, Economic, Cultural Issues of Crisis Panelists Feel U. S. Intervention Has Little to Do with Establishing Democracy in Kuwait by Pat Blackman ing our understanding of what is He also criticized the me- History, with a detailed knowl- of infidelity, corruption, and a I was asked by The P hoe- going on around us and spurring dia for a tendency to ignore the edgcofIslamic culture), Lt. Col. direct threat to the sanctity of nix. LO cover the open forum on us into acting on our feelings restrictions placed on it and Joseph Cinquino (Military Sci- the world of Islam. the crisis in lbeGulfwhich took about things. In my opinion, as instead fuel and participate in ence), Prof. Terry Dalton (Jour- Lt. Col. Cinquino gave a place last Monday (10/1/90). a whole community, we lack nag-waving. nalism), Dr. Ethan Seidel (Eco- basic tactical assesmeru of the My original plan was to report geography and the forces in the on it like a news story, but Ifind area. myself too critical of U.S. for- Prof. Dalton addressed two eign policy in the Gulf to write issues relevant to media cover- anhoncstlyobjectivearticle. So age of the crisis. On the one this is more of a review or cri- hand, Prof. Dalton criticized the tique of last week's forum than U.S. government and military a straight news article; and I for their severe restrictions on won't pretend to be objective in press freedom in the area, a my position, except for a short pancm which he noted has description of the format of the become well established in thc event and me basic commerus POS1- V icmam world of the Gre- ofthe panelists for the benefit of nada and Panama invasions. On those who didn't attend. the other hand, he criticized the Let me say, before moving that kind of learning environ- cuss the events in lbeGulffrom nomtcs). and Dr. Robert Weber mainstream media for focusing on, that I feel the event itself is ment, and that is to everyone's a perspective mainly informed (Political Science). so much lime and energy on ir- a good step towards nurturing a disadvantage. Thissortofevent by their respective academic dis- Dr. Badice addressed a relevant fluff stories on the healthy leaming environmeruon is the kind of thing we need to ciplines. Theaudience then was deeply rooted cultural view in conflict (such as how many campus. One based not on keep trying if we want to nur- allowed to pose questions to the Islam, namely that the world is times a major network morning academic knowledge for its own ture a true learning environment. panel, while the exchange was divided into two realities; the news figure had to use hcr air- sake, but rather on a spirit of Theeveru was based around moderated by Dr. Melvin D. abode of submission to Allah sick bag when she was flying in sharing in an ongoing dialogue a panel of WMC faculty who Palmer. The members of the andtheabodeofwar. The West, a fighter.) focused on sharing and deepen- each had a few minutes to dis- panel were Dr. Julie Badiee (Art in the view of Islam, is a world See GulrCrisis, page 5
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