Page 24 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 24
Page 8/Western Maryland College/September 27,1990 Poet Daniel Hoffman to Read from Latest Collection, Hang-Gliding from Helicon, at Holloway Lecture Daniel Hoffman, poet in His previous book, Broth- of Younger Poets. He has also of Congress. Inaugurated in 1986, the residence and director of the erly Love, a narrative and dra- received poetry awards from the Well respected as a literary Fred Garrigus Holloway Lee- writing program at the Univer- matic meditation on Penn's National Institute of Am and critic as well as a poet, Hoffman tureisnamedforwestem Mary- sityofPennsylvania, will give a treaty with the native Ameri- Letters, the Poetry Center in is the author of The Poetry of land College's fourth president, talk and read from his latest cans, was a finalist for both the New York, the Literary Medal Stephen Crane (1957), Form who guided the institution from collection, Hang-Gliding from American Book Award and the of the Athenaeum of Philadel- and Fable in American Fiction. 1935 to 1947. Helicon: New and Selected National Book Critics Circle phia, and the Memorial Medal (1961), Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Holloway died in 1988, Poems, 1948-1988 at the fifth Proze for poetry. oftheHungarianP. E. N. for his Poe Poe (1972),andFaulkner' .I' having served as president of annual Fred Garrigus Holloway Hoffman's first book of translations of contemporary Country Matters. Drew University, as a bishop Lecture on Tuesday, October poems, An Armada of Thirty Hungarian poets. He is also the editor of the for the United Methodist 16. Whales (1954), was chosen by During 1973·74 he was a Harvard Guide to Contempo- Church, and as a trustee of sev- The event, free and open to W. H. Audenforthe Yale Series poetry consultant forlhe Library rary American Writing. eral colleges. the public, will take place at 8:00 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. Hoffman, a noted poet, teacher, and critic, has published eight volumes of poetry, including Hang-Gliding from Helicon, which recently won the Paterson Poetry Prize. Cross-Country Teams Sprint to Strong Finish by Andrew KrevoJin The Western Maryland College cross-country teams participated in the Howard County Community College Invitational on Saturday, Sep- tember 22, with fourth and first Happy Hour • Mon - Fri 4-11 pm place learn finishes, respec- Including our tively. The women's team, led by FREE ITALIAN BUFFET sophomore Kendra Weible's second-place finish in a time of ITALIAN PASTA & SAUCE' ITALIAN SALAD' PIZZA 21:35, t.allied 44 points to take lin Lounge Only) first place. HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS OtbcrWMCfinishcrswere Draft Beer 75'. Frozen Margueritas $1.95· Pitchers of freshman Kirsten Stockel (7th, Beer $3.95· House Wine 99¢· House Drinks 2 for 1 22:56) and sophomores Kourtnay Sweeney (9tb,23:35), Must be 21 ~ars of Age and Must Haw Proper LD. V\i"lyone under 30 will be Carded} Diane Byerly (11 til, 23:57), and Shannon Franklin (12th, 24:28). Enjoy Monday Night Each runner contributed to WMC's strong showing in the Football at the meet, and the team expects similar success at Catholic \ Olive Leaf Cafe University next week. The men's team finished fourth (76 points), as Essex This Monday- Community College won with a score of 52 points. Vince Mar- Our Giant Screen T.V. tell of Gloucester Community College (NJ) won the five-mile And Join Us for race in rainy conditions with a Redskins Football time of 28:41. WMC's Derek Johnston On Our Giant Screen T.V. ALSO (11th, 29:51), Guido Stuben- This Sunday. Sept 23 at 1:00 rauch (13th, 29:56), Joe Em- brey (17th, 30:27), Bob Kirken- dall (20th, 30:32), and Andrew Krevolin (26th, 31 :39) rounded fo~~!7Se $3 95 out WMC's team scoring. Other WMC finishers were Dave Radosevich (34th), w/Saurkraul & DRAFT Marshall Eidenberg (45th), All The BEERS PITCHERS Steve Harlan (52nd), and Bill Toppings Dolbow (55th). -m-the-T~~·~rc~b~~-~~pm-g~fr-nt~er~~~-------~------ The men's team hopes to regroup in two weeks at the Route Xext to wets ~larket 829-9500 Arch Road. 27 & Twin Dickinson Invitational, as many Mount Airv. \tan-land of the top runners will bypass 3 miles ~. nf"1-70. turn right into center the Catholic meet.
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