Page 8 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 8
Page 8IWestem Maryland College/August 30,1990 GregGaHent Conium .. ECDnomia and Hou1lng ComellUnivenity "The first time I saw a Macintosh, I was immediately hooked. It's awork of an. I saw the student pricing and my next move was obvious: get one. "Some other computers are cheaper, but they're a pain to learn, and working on them can be a grueling experience. last year, a friend bought another kind of computer against my advice and has used it for maybe 15 hours. What a waste. "Macintosh, on the other hand, is a logical extension of the mind. It lets you concentrate on what's in your paper, not on how to get it on paper. You can create protessional-looking documents in minutes, and you lose the fear of learning new -~ ~~,..,,=-~~- ~ programs because they all work , "~~r_~"~~'\'" .! .'''' in the same way "Once you've worked with a Macintosh, there's no turning back' Matriculation Thursday, August 30th from 10-4 Decker HaJJ- Outside Forum Why do people love Macintosh? Ask them. ""900_eom_,'n<._.",.....,pIo._. _....."ntm.I> ...... ,_u_m."'.oIA_Com""' ...I""
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