Page 95 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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April 19, 19901 Western Maryland Collegel Page 7 How To Beat Senior Blues: Nosel Knows The staff members of The Phoe by J. J. Boggs Lime post-graduation job search graduate school process a little Whatever lheproblem,Smith strategies and graduate school easier and less worrisome. Be- nix wish to join the college commu- House seems able to soothe what preparation. sides being available for personal nity in expressing their sorrow at the ails you. Cathy Nosel,Directorof Some of the specific acuvi- appointments, Nosel found time Career Development, is an estab- Lies that she operates to aid SlU- to leach one section of a Career death of Jean Alpaugh, a senior at lished member of Smith House's dents in the job market include an Development course this past dedicated team. ongoing mock interview program, January. She also holds group Western Marylarid. She and Karen Arnie work resume reviews. workshops,ajob presentations and even on cam- together to provide plenty of ca- fair which was held in Hager- pus recruiting. We send our sympathies and reer advice. Although their jobs stown in Febuary, and ajob bulle- If you're a senior who is condolences to her family and have much in common, Arnie tin listing full-time jobs which stressing over the opportunities focuses mainly on underclassmen she makes available monthly. available after graduation, make friends. while Nosel works primarily with Graduate school entrance test graduating seniors. information (like the GRE) and a :~~~~~::~~~:~s~~r:~~~l':-================::::!J Nascl's overall purpose is 10 credentials file for senior -refer- to provide you with helpfu1 infor- help seniors. who know their ence letters arc only a few of the mation and guidance concerning Join The Phoenix staff general career goals with full- ways she helps to make the whole your options next fall ~~ING C~.I"~ Benefits: UNION # .O~· NATIONAL ~~ ~~ Q" Hands-on journalism experience Many positions available '" Steady salary ($0.00 per week) '" What more could you ask for? ~ BANK'S NEW 0 Call 876-5657 for more details. e WEST MAIN BRANCH Z Open Support/Education Group for rape and sexual assualt survivors, family members, BETWEEN w. MAIN AND PENNSYLVANIA AVE., WESTMINSTER friends, professionals, and anyone interested. Guilt, shame, loss of control, confusion, and fear arc all Come into the branch April 16-April28-and ~.;e feelings that sexual assault survivors and their families and getajreeplant(justintimeforspnngplanting). ~~ friends experience. Learning about the recovery cycle, gaining Enter the Grand Opening Dally Prize ~ II;.;., support, and understanding the legal aspects are important steps Drawing-and win, I/, towards recovery. TIle group will meet on alternate Mondays at the Rape Crisis • beachchair • backpack• ceoler> gardening· ~. ~ .. office at 224 North Center Street, Room 001, Westminster, from tools • beachtowel • dinner for two • watering ~ .-'ilL 7:30-9:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend and reservations arc can • golf umbreUa • picnic basket not required. You may attend as many or as few as desired. Both male and female participants are welcome. Andenter the Grand Prize Drawing for a state- Future groups will be held on April 30, May 14, and of-the-art cordless phone and answering machine May 28. PLUS \\ In For more information call 857·0900. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIlESE SPECIAL OFFERS: Chinese Restaurant Hunan t:AN5 Downtown 1. 2% under existing loan rate-on a new auto, personal, or Szechuan Westminster home improvement loan, 48-month maximum . . Cantonese 59W.Mainst. 2. First check order free when you open a new checking Polynesian @ 848-0919 account American 876-3166 3. $5.00 off first year's rental of a safe deposit box. Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out Bring this entry blank to the branch, April 16-28. IIAM-lOPM Sun-Thurs &1IAM-11PM Fri-Sat Contest rules: Must be 18 to enter. One entry per person. You need not be a customer of Union National Bank to enter. You need not be present at the drawing in order to win. Bank and advertising agency employees not eligible. Fitzgerald's Carriage House Liquors i~~=::::'=~:~:7~=i 113 West Main Street Westminster I I and Grand Prize draWing dunng the Grand Opentng I I Specials ... Celebranon Coors, Coors Light, Coors Extra Gold Member rmc Equal Opportunity Lender I N~ I $12.29 caselcans 876-2051 848-7200I I A C>~/SU"IZ,pCod, - I I Old Milwaukee $4.49 12pack/cans Rf.MfAlB£I! BRING lOlIR COMPlETFll ENT1I.YBLANK TO THE LT~~:~r _j Heineken $8.99 12pack/cans BIL\NCHATU1USTMAlNSTJ:fXr,APRILI6_APflIL18! Stroh's $10.49 caselcans ???????????????????????????
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