Page 97 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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~ Adverti!rement. page3 E:.rthW~klSprlngF1ing... I ~;:~.~~.~~~~:::::::~~g~~I P.ges8.111 "AU the news that fits, we priat, and "there's stU! space to fiU, we make the pictures larger." Volume X, Number 13: A Collector's Issue Western Maryland College May 3,1990 Activist Coffin Addresses Earth Week Audience by Julie Baile be a leader into something more Part of the solution to the In a fitting conclusion to the than what we presently have. He's concerns that Coffm addressed is celebration of Earth Week, 1990, moreofasymptomthanaleader." in the pledge that he urgedall who noted activist and self-described In comparison to the United werepresennoconfrom: "I pledge "peacenik" William Sloane Cot- States defense budget of 306 bil- to seek such employment as will fm spoke to the Western Mary- lion dollars, Coffin predicted that benefit my fellow human beings land College community On the it would take only 77 billion dol- and not harm the environment. .. topic ''For the World to Survive" lars to reforest the earth.stop the Some of those who attended on Sunday, April 22. erosion of topsoil, and begin pro- the 1989 WMC Commencement Coffin is president of SANE/ ducing infinitely usable, safe, and recalled Coffin issuing the same FREEZE, the nation's largest recyclable sources of energy. challenge when he spoke to the peace organization with approxi- He also pointed out that the assembly there. mately 100,000 members. United States government spends Coffin concluded his address In his introduction, President 340times more money on nuclear by urging those present to get in- Chambers spoke of Coffm as a energy than on solar energy. volved in improving the world, forceful and articulate man and Coffin's speech addressed pointing out that "those further described him as "the college social as well as environmental from the seats of power are closer chaplain of that [the 1960's] era," issues, stressing the fact that, al- to the hean of things," and noting Coffin was the chaplain of though "we can begin to see the that this was true both during the Yale University from 1957 to end of racial apartheid in South civil rights movement and the 1975. during which time he served Africa," there is "no end to the Vietnam War. as an advisor to the Peace Corps global apartheid" that we are He asked the audience 10 and as co-founder of Clergy and currently going through. "neverdoubuhata small groupol Laity Concerned for Vietnam. He also spoke of global pov- thoughtful, committed students Coffin proved himself to be erty, stating that "most of us fear can change the worJd," and 10 end both articuiateandforceful, quor- the poormore than wepity them," Earth Day by saying and rcally ingthinkersasdiverseas William and expressed the need to end the meaning, "1 pledge allegiance to Blake, Margaret Mead, and T.S. policies that "liberate the few and the earth." Eliot, and hammering home the point that we must now be con- and no concept." cerned with the whole earth rather He then went on to say that than just its parts. we must "imagine a world prefer- Coffin noted that "now, it's able to the predictable one we're the whole that can't protect itself that our nation cannot reasonably in," and he implied that President from the parts." expect Third World countries to Bush does not have this sort of Coffin has lectured through- cut back onarms buildup, stating, imagination and "can't seem to out the United States on the need "A fat man doesn't tell a skinny generate the kind of vision that to reverse the arms race, another man, 'don't eat," the times demand." point he brought out in his lecture. His speech focused on the Ken Bigger, a member of the Hepointedoutthat"disannament, necessity forcreativity and imagi- Student Environmental Action ecology, and economic justice are nation in the modem world, quot- Coalition, agreed with Coffin's inextricably linked." ing Alben Einstein, saying, statement, saying rhathe feels that Coffin stated that the Soviets "Imagination is more important Bush "wants to avoid the centro- have offered to stop all nuclear than knowledge," and stressing versialandjustcruisesalongwith 'D;;;;;gih.i;ct;;;:;;-;-;;;p;;o;;;;;; testing whereas the United States that today's society is "all data the current trends, not willing to Sidelights: Bad Food Is Ancient Problem The following article ap- patience. Today the Rev. Dr. A. N. What is the most pressing environmental issue? peared on the from. page of the Sunday passed quietly but Ward, president of the college, Tuesday. January 23, 1923 issue threateningly. No one wanted declared nothing in the situation of The Baltimore Sun. open warfare on Sunday, but on was worth talking about. 9" Westminster, Md,Jan. 22- Monday, January 15, the college He said all the unpleasant- When the cooks and stew- dining hall echoed to the footfalls ness had been fermented by a ards at Western Maryland Col- of waiters wandering among handful of unworthy students. lege began to say it with souse a empty tables. He admitted that they had week ago, several groups of stu- Breakfast was cooked for a had some following, but laid that dents got up from the tables and student body that never came to • Pollution eat it, and there was no use cook- tcthemobtendencyvamong hu, II warm 1flgfOzone left the dining hall. man beings, especially youths. m tecnus Two days later, the entire ing lunch, because, by lunch time, Students who have been fa rernescc-ces student body of about 400 the signsofrevoIt were unmistak- asked about it agree, however, D Rainforests launched a hunger strike. able and a formal protest by the that the hunger strike was not a • Other Thestrike isovernow. It was students was being prepared in prank by a handful of students, on Saturday, January 13, at sup- writing. but a serious protest by the entire Survey Size: 164 per time that they served the pick- Dr. Ward Blames "Mob studentlxx1y. led souse that broke the students' Tendency" Continued. on page 3
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