Page 100 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 100
Editorial That's it! AufWiederseben. Adios. Bon voyage. Ciao. We're curta here. Well. not yet, but in eight days, exams will be over, and in two weeks and two days, we seniors will sprint across the stage to grab that much-sought-after paper baton with the golden seal. After Warden Chambers hands it to us, we'll walk out the gates- not with a new suit of polyester and ten dollars, but with a new set of ideas (and about a buck-fifty.) - With the diploma awarded by the warden, we'll ward off unem- ployment and poverty, except for those of us who have decided to pursue graduate studies at another ward. But the transition up the elevator to the nextlevel of our lives won't be so simple, It can't be-settled with the waveofasentenceortwo, for we will aJileave behind people precious to us. .!;;;------;i;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;i;ii;;ii;;;;;;;;i;i;~iiii;~iii;ii~";i;::=~ffi~:~ Imagine trying to have held up under the pressure without your I core of friends, whether they number two or ninety-two. Fortunately, a close relationship with some of them will continue to be possible, even as different career paths are followed, while these next few days may be~the final moments spent with other friends. (I'm sitting in thelibraryas Iwrite this, turned towards a memorial on the wall from the class of 1927 which honors its deceased class- mates. One died that same year, and six died within eleven yearsofthe IKepo' rers L'U class's graduauon.) There are, though, things which can never be left behind. And I'd like to focus on the negative ones-the memories that we never made, so to speak. Regrets of things left undone or untried can never be forgotten. Ip;,~;;pi;.k~;:~~,;Z;:~:~~~.'.~!:t".~:~:'~~~li~ Perhaps these regrets are over a sports team not tried out for, a II committee not participated on, a school publication never written for, a sorority or fraternity not rushed, or even a minor never completed. IM,onkey.l,usiness Maybe it's a more personal regret, such as a kindness left unspo- ken, or a person never reached out to. Those of us who are graduating leave those of you who will return next year to WMC with this parting benediction. I~:::~,~:"~:~;~;;~i;;............................J.~~~; When you finally walk across the graduation platform yourself, as your college career flashes before your eyes, may your mind befrce of grief and void of misgivings. May it lack lamentations and be stripped of sorrow. May it be relieved of reluctances, with all regrets removed. Don 'tleave that place as Oreste left Argos in Sartre's The Flies- followed by the Erinnyes, a teeming, stinging swarm of regrets.
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