Page 98 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 98
Page 21 western Maryland Collegel May 3, 1990 The Year-In Review by L. R. Scott America, and what type of preju- I hope that President Cham- Over the past year, Western dice I will be faced with when I bers means to bring WMC out of Maryland College. as well as the leave this institution. the 60's and into the 90's with a Black Student Union, has gone I do not say this with hostil- really diverse student body of through positive changes. ity, but with a mind that under- Blacks, Whites, Koreans, Indi- As the outgoing president of stands the cold and cruel world ans, Hispanics, etc. the Black Student Union, I have we live in, and western Maryland This is an ideal that can be had the most appreciated honor of College is no different. achieved through serious work and My hope for the black stu- not tired rhetoric. - being a pan of one of the most active organizations on campus. dents, as well as for other minor- Then and only then' will Our group was notjustatcpic itystudentswho follow me, is that Western Maryland College be for this winter's edition of the they will begiven a fair chance to providing the best education that college magazine The Hill. or prove to themselves that they can money can buy. merely a front page story of The make it. I will miss college life, but CarrollCountyTimes.bUlagroup No matter what your sex, not WMC because of this reason. that pulled together in order to en- color, or religion is, we aU de-- I hope to live to see the reality of lighten our community about the serve to learn in an environment this change. racial problems that existed here. that is conducive to the needs of Maybe I will,maybe Iwon't; I realize that racial equalty all people. only time will tell. Androcles and the Lion Is Bright, Witty by Julie Baiie, Todd Robinson involvement splendid performances and made else. ing such talents possessed by As the last play of the year, Thepremiseoftheactorsasa this play magicaUy funny. Grocki's character, the vain, Sapora and Kramer as juggling Androcles and the Lion was one troupe of seventeenth century Rudennan and Covell were cowan11y,braggansoldier,c1early and riding a unicycle. of the funniest of the season. traveling players was appropriate particularly impressive in their amused the younger members of In addition to the great per- Androc/es, in the style of to commedia dell'arte, a type of ability to silence the often ram- the audience when hebrandished fonnances on the part of the cast, commedia dell'arte, was bright, spontaneous Italian comedy in- bunctious children merely by his obviously ineffective sword at Steve Miller once again does a winy, and very lyrical. volving improvised dialogue in putting their fingers to their lips. them. magnificent job as costume de- The play was about how a accordance with a prearranged Their versatility in playing Newcomers Andy Sapora as signer, with costumes appropri- runaway slave helps a troubled plot. objects as unusual as trees and the Lion, Pam Kramer as An- ate to the period. lion, and, in tum, the lion helps Director Jean Burgess bushes also revealed their acting drocles, and John Cionfolo as And Ira Domser makes great the slave. brought a wonderful comedy to ability. Lillio added a terrific spice to this use of the minimalistic set, with It is a zealous story of love, WestemMarylandCollegetoend In particular, Lambros and comedy. the implementation of hardwood friendship, and helping your fel- this year's theatrical season. Grocki were effective as the Sapora.a senior atwestmln- platfonns, mulitcolored drapes. low neighbors. Returning actors Demetri bumbling, comic villains. ster High School, was impressive and Roman banners. It appealed to all ages, not Lambros as Pantalone, Scott Lambros' performance was yet still endearing to the audience Iamsurethat,asWMCcloses only the youngsters in the first Grocki as the Captain, Kelly in keeping with one of the best as the lion. another outstanding season of few rows, who delighted the rest Schoen as Isabella, and Wendy traditions of commedia delJ'arte, The lively uproariousness of theatre, next year's season will be of the audience with their sponta- Rudennan and Chris Covell as thatoflhe greedy Pantalone, who the cast added to the overall spon- even more fantastic! neous participation and intense the all-purpose servants." gave worshipsmoneyandcaresforlittle taneity of tile production, includ- Kangas Leads Women's Lax; Softball Team Sets Record by Ed Rigling ord at 5-5. Western Maryland domi- up with their first winning season record. Heading into the final game Two days later, the Terrors nated the Swarthmore game by since 1985. The Terrors stepped into the of the season, Ann Kangas was suffered a close 8-7 loss at the outscoring them 6-1 each half for In the last thirteen games, final game of the season against assured her place in Western hands of Dickinson College be- a 12-2 thrashing. Kangas again Western Maryland outscored its Lebanon Valley with a 10-9 rec- Maryland sports history as the fore coming back and winning led the team in scoring as she had opponents by a wide margin of ord, hungry to claim the school second highest scorer in women's two games in a row heading into a season-high seven goals. 67-34, with twenry-twooftheop- record for wins in a season. lacrosse. the Villa Julie game. winklevossbadone goal and ponents' runs coming in the final What unfolded had to beone Through thirteen games this These wins assured the team two assists, while Gran had three two games. of the longest softball games in season, Kangas has forty-seven of its sixth consecutive winning assists as the team forged its sev- Not including the last two Western Maryland history as the goals and four assists for fifty-one season. enth win of the season and set games, the Terrors only allowed a two teams battled it out for two points. Her biggest performance Against the College of Notre high standards and bright hopes maximum of six runs to its oppo- and a half hours, giving a hitting was a seven-goal outing against Dame (Md), the team showed its for next year's squad. nents. clinic along the way. Swarthmore College on April 26. guts and intensity by coming back Needless to say, the Terrors' Ommert began shakily, and She has scored inevery game from a 54 deficit in the first half defensekepttheteam inthegames it looked ~like Coach Dix would this year as the team has moved by clawing its way to a 9-8 lead The Lady Terrors softball even when the bats failed todothe move to replace her. She then toward its sixth straight winning midway through the second half. team survived a 1-5stan and some job. found her groove in the third in- season. From then on, it was all inconsistency to blow past the SophomoreAroye Wal.k:erled ning. After the Johns Hopkins Western Maryland as they scored finish line with an 11-9 season the team in offense with a .468 On the other side, Lebanon game, which Coach Sasterdayde- the last seven goals to shut the record, setting a new school rec- batting average. She also racked Valley used four different pitch- scribed as a strong team effort, the door on Notre Dame. ord for most wins in a season. up a home run, three triples, and ers with littleeffecti veness against Terrors came out flat against Goalie Stacey Herman made The Terrors charged past fourteen RBI's, while stealing the Terror offense. Roanoke, taking a 194 drubbing fourteen saves as Ann Kangas led Washington College, Gettysburg twelve bases along the way. Even though the defense in a disheartening loss. the Terrors with four goals, and College, GaJlaudel University, Freshman pitcher April might have weakened in the final A week later, the team came sophomores Stephanie Gran and and Lebanon Valley College, Ommert finished the season with games, the young softball squad back and put together a consistent Chris Winklevoss each had three losing only to Messiah College a winning record, 7-5, while the will no doubt return all of its effort to squeeze out Gettysburg goals and three assists in the and Dickinson College for a 10-4 other freshman pitcher, Christine members and look to set another College and even its overall rec- winning effort record down the stretch, coming Utley, finished out with a 44 winning record in 1991.
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