Page 99 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 99
_ยท'St'l%' \~"'.'''''''May 3,~/lWest&JpMllryland CollegelPage 3 WMC Has Own Slanguage What makes language fasci- blscui .. (n.): l-bun; 2-buns. glarbage(n.): I-foodserveddaily spawner (n.): I-an easy undesir- nating is that it is general enough inOlar. able; 2-person with low morals. tobe\lJldl7stoodbyanentirepopu- burrunary(n,): t-actofmessing booptie (n_): l-baaged-up car. lation while its ethnic flavorings something up, glarblasl (n.): I-product result- pigeon (n.): l-chicken incognito and local locutions make it as ing from post-cafeteria trip. kicks (n.): J-sneaks: 2-sneakers; served in Olar. unique as the person who is speak- chumpy (n.): J-an all-purpose 3-tennis shoes. ing the language. noun, meaning anything. go sick (v.): 1-10 go out and go vidiot (n.): r-perscn who plays The following are some of Example- "Get off my crazy at a wild party. lid (n.): l-hat, video games constantly. the slang terms (and their defmi- chumpy" or "Where's my Brown', Lemma: Nocompound word tions) indigenous to the WMC chumpy?" hu a synonym that is also a compound campus compiled in a Phoenu: word. Send peocf or dispreof by al P. O. 10 Bob Brown counterexample poll. corn (n.): l-com. Box 127. GlarbageAt Least 67 Years Old Continued from page 1 Dr. Ward himself seemed todaytoregardirasseriousenough for investigation and hinted that there would be expulsions and suspensions. "I feel like spanking some of them," he said. "We can't set a table like Delmonico's here be- cause we haven '1 money enough. "when students pay $400 a year for everything, including room, board, and tuition. they can't expect fancy mea1s. President Ward said that he felt "like spanking some of' the stu- dents who pro- tested against the picKledsouse. "W.e do try to give them plenty of wholesome food. Our records show that they gain an average of five pounds in weight between the beginning of the fall term and the holidays." Cooking Displeased Students Mostaf the students will not Youtllike your roommates talkfreelyabouuhehunge-strike, . and it seems to bea fact that things a whole lot better if they didn't have settled down and the causes forrevolt.iftberewereanycauses, have been eliminated since Mon- show up on your phone bill. day. But they declared their ob- ]ohn called Chicago. Andy called LA. Or was that Pete? jection was not so much to the Don't sweat it. Sorting out roommates is easy when you getA1&'CalJMamIfp sensce food as to the foreign bodies it Because with it, you can all get your long distance charges listed separately even though contained and the way it was you share the same phone number And it costs you nothing. cooked. 1b find out more about the freeA1&'CalJMamIfp Servia!, dial1800 222-0300, ext. 600. They made this clear to Dr. Ward,theysay. When they came lt'll make rothyour bills ard your roommates much easier (0 live with. in to supper and saw that they were to have pickled souse, they decided things had gone far AD.T enough. The right choice. The strike order spread rap- . idly through the college butnoth- ing happened on Sunday. Mon- day morning, however. no one appeared for breakfast ..
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