Page 37 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 37
Inside: Editorial: page 4 60 seconds: page 5 Sports: pages 6, 7 Western Maryland College November 9,1989 Sexual Assault Student Leader Participates in Strikes Whiteford Pro-choice Demonstration by Andrea Covington, Bob Brown ber I, a rape crisis intervention pro- by Wendy Ruderman gram was held by Joanne Hare of the Early in the morning of Sunday, Carroll County RapeCnstslnterven- Lastspring,approximately forty- October 29, the campus once again Lion Center, which was attended by three students boarded a bus and fell prey 10 a, sexual assault. approximately twenty-five female headed forthenation'scapital to par- Similar to the infamous incident students, the majority of whom were ticipate in a pro-choice march con- during the first week of classes last freshmen. cerning the recent Supreme Court year in Rouzer Hall, two female stu- The subject of discussion cen- decision to allow individual states to dents who had passed out from too tered on the prevention of sexual detenninetheirownpoliciesonabor- much alcohol were sexually assaulted assaultandcategories of rapists.rape, Lion. by a male student. and sexual assault. On April 9th. six hundred thou- Charges of fourth degree sexual According to Dean Sayre, not sand people, men and women alike, assault have been levied against the only was alcohol a factor, but the flooded Washington to express their alleged attacker. attacker was invited into the build- outrage and begin their fight to keep According to Philip R. Sayre, ing. However, several Whiteford abortion safe and legal. Dean of Student Affairs! on the restdemscxpresscdconcem over the ThemarchbeganatLincolnMe- morning after the incident occurred, fact mal the building is often nor WhoopieGoldberg,CybilJSheperd, 1~;!~II;;~!!!! where morialandendedattheCapitol another female student informed her secured. several public personalities, such as R.Athatshehadbeenassaultedunder One second floor resident of similar circumstances by thc same Whiteford, who alleged that she had and Jane Fonda, spoke in favor of attacker. been visited by the attacker "at I:30 pro-choice. sending ripples of ex- In the wake of the incident, a.m.," justa few minutes before the citement through the crowd. Whiteford residents have taken in- assault took place, contended that the Karen Sullivan, president of the creased personal safety precautions. buijdingisoftcn notlocked properly. Western Maryland College junior "More people are locking doors, "The security guards sometimes class and a strong advocate of andmorepeopleareconcemedabout don't even lock the doors on time. women's rights, organized that trip strive to attain their goals. start to notice that the world is not as safety.t'aated Stepheruc Shull.presi- They are supposed to be locked at 12 to Washington to take a stand on an Sullivan is no exception to her frceand equal as you would like it to dent of the Whiteford's Residence [midnight], but people just walk in at .issue that she believed in. high school's emphasis. Organizing be," stated Sullivan. Hall Association (RHA). onc and two in the morning." Sullivan, who said that she was tripsto wasbmgtonandparticipating Sullivan said that she felt both Becauseofthesccurityconcems, Inaddition,otherWhitefordresi- brought up being taught the impor- in rallies during the summer, she men and women at WMC would be the Whiteford RHA held a manda- dentsrevealedapprehensionconcem- tance of independence, went LOan all realized whata set back this decision treated equally if there were more tory meeting for all Whiteford resi- ingaccesstothe building through the women's high school for two years is for the advancement of women. courses geared toward women and dents on Sunday. November 5. at windows of the basement and ground where the faculty stressed women's "As you mature, new things minorities. She also said that she 10:00 p.m. Previously, on Novem- Continued on page 3 _rig:..h_~_'_"d_;P_"'_h_'d_'_h'_i'_S_'"d_'_"~_IO_boc_o_m_'_im-,PO_.;."""_'IO_.;.'O_"_,a_n_d.:..'O_"_C_on_H_n"_'_d_on_;p_ag:..'_3 _ Dr. Chambers Manages Varied Jobs as Sidelights President tion ofteaching Covington by Andrea (currently aJapanese HI eventually and American Literature course for became a professor. became Dean of On October 24, the President's honors students). the School of Arts and Sciences at How many times do you skip class during a Office held a surprise birthday puny "Ienjoyteaching,"conLinuedDr. Bucknell and then the Dean of Dav- month? for Dr. Robert Chambers, President Chambers. "I don't have as much enpon College at Yale. After thaI I of We stem Maryland College. timeasI'dlikeforthat. I'mafaculty came here." President Chambers, who cele- member only as long as 1 teach." Along with teaching, President /' brated his 50th birthday, received Still the president has "a lot of Chambers is also responsible for many gifts. Among these gifts was a constituents to work with. 1worry the representing the college on and off toy gumball machine and a roll of most about the Board of Trustees; campus, frequently in fundraising .0 ments of Vice President of Admini- "Burf haveotber consutuentsas officer of Western-"Maryland Col- Number of times brand new 1989 pennies, compli- they hired me and they can fire me. activities. He is the chief executive r2I 1-'2 suauon and Finance Jennie Mingo- well, certainly the students and the lege. In addition, Dr. Chambers con- lelli. President also Chambers faculty." !ill 3-4 £::!l 5-8 After some assistance with re- observed that he was "more of a eiders entenaining a very important moving the cellophane, President businessman than anything else. pan of his job. Chambers proved to all present that "Ifindalotofmyjobisthinking The President's House, which hecould successfully manage a gum- about money-how _toget it and how will be 100 years old in December, ball machine. to spend it. I often find myself won- receives almost two thousand vis tors Gracefully handling sarcasm dering how 1got this job. loriginally annually. fromsubordinatesisoneofDr.Cham- applied for business school after 1 But Dr. Chambers finds that his 286 surveyed Source: Phoenix bet's informal responsibilities as graduated from college. and I de- primary duties "change with the cri- President. He has also made a tradi- cided that it wasn't for me. So 1 Continued on page 6 /
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