Page 34 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 34
1989 Terrors TakeTour- Football Team Loses Three nament Title in a Row ~~~~tl Continued Item page 1 began to pull away until the score The first game was played was 14-7. closely, even though the final score The Bullets came back with a was 15-6 in favor ofWestem Mary- flurry ofpoims, tightening the gap to land. 14-12, putting the confident crowd Gettysburg, wilhonlysixhealthy on edge. players, looked as if they were ready Westem Maryland regained the to bow out of the tournament. serve and put Geuysburg away with The Bullets proved otherwise as the next serve, crowning themselves they kept the score close most of the champions of North/South muma- . way through the second game. ment for the sixth time in the past With thescoreat 7-7, the Terrors eight years. Help Wanted Easy work! Excellent Pay! Assemble products at home. Call for information. by Steve Harlan disappointing Joss to Randolph- 504-641-8003, ext 821, The 5,750 people that packed Macon College on a 40-yard field into or parked around Scott S. Bair goal with only sixteen seconds left in .~.:".:".:".~.:".:".:".:".:".:"..~~~.~~~~~.~7.~~~~~.~~~..~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.:".:"..:".~..::=:f~~~~~~e:::~ the g:::doIPh-Macon came back was due to the rigid Diplomat de- • : landCollegef~~allteam. froma21-7deficillowin37-35. But fense.deading the CFf: in rushing Help Wanted : Fran~~ ~n~::~~13~!1l!~~S ~~ ~;~o~~!:~!h:~a!~~ held the d:fe~~DiPlomatshe1dFreestoonlY at The Westminster Inn: : ~~~=:!~~~::l~=~~e;~ clu:n::~;-~~~~:~~~~:~ ~Yf:r~oru;~;!'yZ:=::::j¥~ • the Centennial Football Conference Healsopiled up 116 yards in kickoff Hamm completed four passes • : (CFC.) returns, including a 71-yard return forZ8yards,oneofwhichjuniortight • We are looking for experienced persons to The game was just another step for a touchdown. end Chris Kane took fourteen yards : work as bus boys, waiters, and waitresses ~=~~:~[~~c=::~~ Joe~=~~~~':;;~:~~; for~Oenie:~~~::~~:=k : in the dining room. I in the CFC, second only to unde- yardswhichincludeda54-yardFaber the onslaught of Franklin & : Musicians, solo and duo entertainers are fea~~i~:~.c~!;:c~ not :~e:u:;~::.ghtendDaveRoss Marshall's rushing and passi,-\"Ig : a/so needed in the "Naughty Boys Pub. " reflect the sheer talent Head Coach Sophomore Mike Devlin and gam~estem Maryland was held to Dale Sprague has under him. freshman Rob Johnson rushcdfor41 169 yards of total offense. whil.e Sophomore tailback Eric Frees, and 32 yards respectively. Franklin & Marshall more than tripled Please apply in person to David Horner wi!h three games left in the regular Then came the42-20 loss to un- that total, compiling 50Z yards in the for ail positions at The Westminster Inn, season. could well pass the 1,000- defeated Dickinson College on Octo- air and on the ground. With three games left in the ber 14. Again Frees rushed for 212 located 5 South Center Street. ..•...•...•...•.....•....•....•..... yard mark in rushing. 500 yards with two touchdown sprints of regular season, Coach Sprague and Likewise, sophomore split end 64and47yards. the team are sure to bounce back to Senior fullback Tim Andy Steckel is approaching yards in receptions from the passing Lohr rushed for a total of 41 yards to reflect the talent within the team. ann of junior quarterback Mike help the team. Joe Faber and so- fooiball The next game for the Terrors Quarterback team will be a non-confer- Hamm. Coach Sprague and the team phomore Todd Leskoski combined ence meeting at Lebanon Yalley began the month of October with a for 154 yards passing. College on Saturday, October 28. and Pace
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