Page 33 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 33
October 26, 1989/ Western Maryland College/ Page 5 ยท60 Seconds on Campus Helen lowe/ Wendy Rudennan Do you feel that non-alcoholic drugs are a problem at Western Maryland College? Kevin Richardson Scott Tinney Carrie Arbaugh Bill Guy I haven't been confronted No. Ithinkthat the problem is Yeah, I think it is, because R.J. Measday Noway, What, a problem? Iwith it, so I don't really see evident, butthat It is exag- they are easier to conceal, dude. ( as a problem. gerated bytheadministra- and with the stricter atco- tion and some students. hoi policies on campus now, people will resort to that type of recreation I " instead of alcohol. trustee Clarke Proposes Cam- Got the Mid-Semester Blues? Need a change of pace? pus-wide Ban on Alcohol Wondering if there's more to college than books? Continued from page 4 liberal learning. they are-simply do not go far by students 21 or over has the practi- ''We strive to place students at enough. We've got the answer! caleffectofencouragingdrinkingby the center ofa humane environment You must know ... that I rank those or that age and, also, by under- so that they may seeand work toward alcohol abuse and its terrible conse- Come see what we age residents. theirpersonai goals while respecting quences among the first rank of the It can be argued that granting others and sharing responsibility for pressingproblemsofourtime---right ~ can do for you .... such permission treats a 21-year-old the common good. up there with drugs, poverty, AIDS, as the adult which he/she is, legally, "Weprovidevariousapproaches homelessness, abuse of guns, racial and affords him/her an' opportunity to knowledge and personal achieve- discrimination, and abuse of the en- Aiiil z:d:hf~trYuOs~ for independent and mature decision ment so that students can think criu- vironment. rnaking-whi'fh should be encour- cally about, respond creatively to, In fact, alcohol abuse is a basic CAPBoard... aged. I and form sensitive, intelligent deci- orconlributingcauseofsomeofthose While thi~ argument has valid- sions concerning the world and its other problems. ity,.itsforcei~diminished!Jythefact future. But alcohol abuse does not get It's what you make it! thai the 21-year old can still decide "In the classrooms, in the resi- the remedial attention it should be- Weekly Meeting Times: whether or not to drink-at non-pro- dence halls ... .and in the lounges, causeiteitherhitsclosetohome (i.e., scribed locations on and off campus. Western MarylandCollege works to many of the decision makers drink), Mainstage: Tuesdays- 9 prn- Freeman Room and, ultimately, the limitation on his/r disseminate these First Principles." or has not hit close to home (i.e., a Second stage: Tuesdays- 9 prn- Gold Room B her freedom which we advocate I believe a ban on alcohol in decision maker's loved one has not should be weighedagainstthepoten- residence halls would translate those become a hopeless akoholic or been Films: Thursdays- 12:30 prn- CAPBoard Office ual harms to himself;herself and words into action. killed by a drunk driver), or both. Promotions: Mondays- 7 pm- CAPBoard ,Office others described above. With respect to the weight to be In my view, neither excuses Performing Arts: To be Announced Ibelievethaloneofthemostim- accorded 10 the alcohol policies of decision makers from taking con- . portant lessons to be !aught-and other colleges ... in deciding on any crete, grass-roots action calculated, ................. , Don't Forget.. !:f~~!:l~~:~e;;:::;:~~ ~~~;;I:~i~~~r~~Y:~~::~~ overlti::~~~:rv~~w: ~~:~ significant role in teaching such re- thedecisionforWMCshouldbemuch drinlcinginone'shomeorsociallyas CAPBoard Sportswear Contest: spect, more broadly based. posing a moral, ethical, or religious I am sure that you and other As I have suggested, WMC's question. Hence, I see no mconsls- When: Until October 31 memoersorme Administrationshare decision'should beconsonant with-- tency if one who drinks moderately What: Your design for the official CAPBoard that view. Indeed,thatviewperme- indeed, breathe life into-s-its First acts forthrightly to curtail abusive ates the College's First Principles: Principles. We should be a leader, drinking. Sweatshirt ... Must include the CAPBoard Logo ..... fLJiberallyeducatedmenand rather than a follower of the herd. ...1 am surewewilldiscussthese and WMC women think and lam not unmindful of the stiff- maners again. acL.~wnanely ... ~andJ develop their eninginpolicyandenforcementsince Where: All entries can be dropped off at the uniqee.potenuals with ... hwnancon- 1984 ...and I commend you for the CAPBoard Office (if no one's home, slide it cern. jWestemMaryland acc~tsthe panyouplayedinbringingthatabout. under the door) or in our mailbox in the College cnauengejoprovideenecademtc and However, I remain of the opin- SOCial; en~ironmen! that promotes ion that those changes-salutary as Don Clarke, 'SO Activities Office.
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