Page 35 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 35
October 26, 1989! Western Maryland College! Page 7 Comuzzi Leads Field basement of Daniel MacLea. Everyone _ Phoenix meetings are held each Monday evening at 6:00 in the I Hockey Offense is welcome. I ADOPTION Jy Ed Rigling Following a disheartening 5-1 Mother Nature struck the fol- loss to Elizabethtown, in which lowing week, postponing the Mes- We are a happily married childless couple who cannot After having relied on defense Comuzzi scored the only Western siah and Lebanon Valley matches. for solong towin their big games, the Marylandgoal,theTerrorscameback Still, team captain Becky Bar- have children of our own. We very much want to adopt field hockey team recently generated two days later to edge Mid-Atlantic low feels confident that the Terrors an infant. Legal and medical expenses paid. extra offense to beat Dickinson and Conference rival Dickinson 3-2, can win two of their last three games. Catholic and improve their record to bringing their conference record to 2- 7-5. 3. ;!:r~r:~~w~~:i~:~.OOI Legal and Confidential. The main reason for this offen- The Terrors then triumphed over "w, have a good chance of that Call Collect: Piper and Phil sive pushis DinaComuzzi,asopho- Catholic 3-1, as Comuzzi scored [winning the two games]," Barlow 301-340-7472 more, who has scored all four of her twice. Freshman Jodi Livingston said. "We want to end the season on ~~~~~~ ~ goals this seasonduring the last three scored her second goal of the season a good note." rrr games. in the Catholic match. Rape Myth # 31 M:tlh: Men who rape other men are gay . or desire. It is an act or .fw;1: Rape is nol a sexual preference News In Brief ... power and control. person. A recent surveyor is to humiliate rapists The intent or the rapist and another brutalize convicted round that at teast haIr or these men did not care about the sex of their victims. They raped both men and women, and were involved in a sexual relationsbip with a willing partner prior to Ibeirarrest. Two Western Maryland College coming football game. paintings, illustrations in various graduates were presented with alumni media, batiks, cerarnics.jewejry, pho- For help, or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention awards during half-time ceremonies Dr. Joan Develin Coley, profes- tography, fiber arts, and basketry. Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. of the Homecoming football game sor of education at Western Mary- Teachers participating from the Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 8S7-f)900 against Franklin & Marshall, Ocio-' land College, has been awarded a If ber'21 at Scott S. Bair Stadium. $12,000 block grant from the Mary- high school level include Cynthia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dryden, Holly Ferraro, Jan Halman, The 1989 Alumnus of the Year land State Department of Education ;~~oed!,,;,;:~ns=~~;~:-,~~~:'FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Award was given to C. Frasier Scott, for production of a video tape. Hunan @ Class of 1943, of Bethesda, Mary- Dr. Coley, an expert in vccabu- CarolynSeabolt,andLindaVanHart. Downtown land, who is vice president of the lary development and reading com- Teachersfrom themiddleschool Consumer Credit washington Area prehension, will oversee the video level include Ralph Billings, June Szechuan Westminster Division with First National Bank of production. Bayhoff, Elizabeth Fabritius, Stan Cantonese 59 W. Main S1. Maryland. The topic of the tape will be re- Gilmore, Nina Moore, Allan Potier, Polynesian 848+0919 The Young Alumnus Service ciprocal teaching, focusing on the and Wilbur Welch. American 8763166 Award was presented to Claire A. teacher's decision-making process Teachers participating from the Mettille, ~:::::;===:::::;~==========~ Moms, Class of 1982, who teaches throughout the year. Thomasina elementary school level include Pat Cocktail Service QUK:k Lunches Carry Out thirdgradeinaMontgomeryCounty DePinto, a fourth-grade teacher at Aaron, Ruth Aukerman, Betty II AM-IO PM Sun-Thura & II AM-II PM Fri-Sat elementary school. Westmins!CJ"Elementary School, will Scou's alumni service to West- be the teacher in the video. Caroleen, Karen Linda Nordling, Sandra Sarles, Joan Un- ern Maryland College started in a This will be the second video gar, and Janet Van Birber. leadership capacity in 1954 and has tape Coley will have made with a For more information about the continued for the past 35 years. state department gram, Last year's exhibit at WMC, please call 857- RESEARCH PAPERS Some of his posmons include; tapewasjointlyproducedwithJoanne 2599. or from Baltimore, 876-2055, 19,27810 choose from - all subjecls serving on the National Alumni Fund Strohmer, reading supervisor in Car- ext 599. Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD Committee for seven years; presi- roll County. That tape also focused .. 8q,q;,~,~J.;9a~~2 dent of the Alumni Association; on the technique of reciprocal teach- A new display of arms and at- Alumni Visitor to the Board ofTrus- ing. mor, organized from thecollection at tees; regional chapter president; and The production staff for both theMetropolitanMuseumofArt,has Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance chairman of the Special Gifts Com- videos includes Dr. Robert Sapora, begun a tour of selected museums 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN. Los Angeles, CA90025 mittee for the WMC Annual Fund. WMC professor of English, and the across the nation, and photos of the Custom research also available-all levels He was awarded the Meritorious WMC film crew. exhibitwillbeondisplayinWestem !::::c_=_=_:-:_=_:c_=_=_:-:_=_:c_=_=_:-:_=_=-_=_=_:c_=_==, Servi~:~ar:o~~~7~lth FrrstNa- stan~~nZP;~~~y~~=~tO~~ ~=~:n~l~~~~:~~~~r tional Bank of Maryland, Scott was Higher Education Level 1988-89 by November 19. Fitzgerald's I ;i:x~~e;~~!n~%n~ir~.NatiOnai :a::::!:~~!~~~tiOnal ties~::eb~:~~::~~::"a!: Carriage House Liquors I Morris has servedas class presi- "The Art of Chivalry" indudespho- 113 W, Main Street : dent since her graduation in May Twenty-four teachers from the tographs of arms, armor, and major Westminster I ~!~~sh7n~: ~~~~~~: =~~~u;t:,~~:~s~G:~~ fig~i~:h:t:~~~:~tlt Specials... I ing Young Alumni ChapterCoordi- One of Western Maryland College's a grant from the National Endow- Coors, Coors Light & Extra Gold I nator, Montgomery County; mem- Fine Arts Building Oct31-Nov.17. ment for the Humanities in collabo- $11.99 case/cans I :do~~e~:~i~~r~I~;~7~~: will~;;::~:;~::'~~;!: :~:~~d~e;'C:::U::: Heineken $8.9912-pad< I Committee; andalumnivobmteeron 5. The teachers will also be display- San Antonio, Texas., Miller, Lite, & Genuine Draft $11.99 case : ~ campus. I ~ ; ing their work at the Carroll County "The Art of Chivalry" photo Budweiser and Bud Light $11.99 case The alumni ~wards ~ chosen; ArtsCollf!CilGallery.10Northrpurt dis{'~y is spon.sored by the College Mix and ,Match Wine Coolers $3.99 4-pack : =~dn~;:or:=.:e:: ~~l, Westminster, November4 to ~~~:e~~~:~~:=c=~ Peachtree Schnapps $5.99 750 ml I presentedeachyearduringtheHome- The an on display will include Formoreinformation,caJI857-2265. L ~!!~~ !~I!a!!t~ $.1.0.2~7~ !!" .J
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