Page 88 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Page8IWeslern Maryland CollegeiApril 27, 1989 Academicawardsceremonyto Modestproposal------------- beheld (DESIGNATED DRUNKS) and 2) instead the Saturday and Sunday much stress or exhaustion. (DESIGNATED UNHEALTHY exercises of 1) (DO). This will This will also reach the idea] The Senior Investiture and presented to the seniors, as well as LOVERS) will be followed explic- obviously please the College Cur- of Western Maryland faculty and Honors Convocation, an annual activity and leadership awards. itly for the full three-year cycle. riculum Committee because the staff-because anyone who has ceremony honoring WMC The student awards and the The only difference is that 3) (DES- former Greek societies will be fcl- observed faculty and administra- students. alumni and faculty, will Distinguished Teaching Award IGNATED DRUNKEN AND UN- lowing the committee's paradigm tors for long realize that they seem be held at 2 p.m. Sunday. April 30 remain confidential until the HEALTHY LOVERS) will be ex- of allowing relief from the rigid re- most unable to perform their des- in Baker Memorial Chapel. ceremony. cused during their senior year from quirements of some single majors ignated chores on Monday morn- Academic awards will be the Saturday and Sunday exercises so that the designees can perform in ings. Consequently. biorhythms of faculty, staff, and former Greek of Group 2 (DUL), and substitute both tracks sufficiently without too r------------------------------------------, organizations will be synchro- nized. The college can then start the regeneration of independents. RES E R V E 0 F Fie E R S' T R AI N I N G COR P S want to keep an account of all of will Fratemitiesandsororities these activities. and report them to the ALL TOWARDS A MORE SOCIALLY ACCEPT ABLE DRINKING POLlCY AND HEALTHIER LOVING AFFIN- ITY GROUPS COUNCIL. The Council,in tum, will wanttoreport its successes in a professionally designed publication: I suggest as a title PRIJNK.'N-GQ.CHlCK. As is customary with other so- cially accepted college organiza- tions or divisions, report only suc- cesses, and sweep the rest judi- ciously under a rug or a blanket. I give this advice freely and without prejudice only because it has recently been.suggested that some faculty are not involved closely enough with various stu- dent activities outside of class. Perhaps that is so, because Ihave noticed that some faculty mem- bers always return refreshed to class on Monday morning. Thus chastised, Ibelieve it only proper to draw on my expertise in litera- ture, philosophy ,and social theory to do what I can to assist in the acculturation of fellow students at Western Maryland College ac- YOUR FIRST STEP TOWARD SUCCESS IS TBE ONE cording to recently articulated Student Life guidelines. Thus,let no one think that Ioffer this pro- YOU COULDTAKE TBIS SUMMER. posal frivolously or for personal At Army ROTC Camp Challenge, you'll learn reasons. Iaman unregenerate for- mer fraternity man (Gamma Beta what it takes to succeed-in college and in life. Chi, Class of '58) who has no You'll build self-confidence and develop your desire to become a designated leadership potential. Plus you can also qualify drunken and unhealthy lover look- to earn an Army Officer's commission when ing for redemption. I have more you graduate from college. thoughts on the subject, and would Army ROTC Camp Challenqe. II may be just what you need to reach the top. be willing to present them at a properly structured Forum For AdvancedLiberal Social Thought ~ ss ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COWGE COURSEYOUCANTAKE. CONTACT WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE FLOOR GILL GYM "1 L SECOND (301) 876-3804 ~ ~. I
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