Page 37 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Inside: Sports- pages 2, 3 Letters- pages 4, 5 Movie Reviews- page 12 Vol. IX, Number 5 Western Maryland College Sayre appoints panel to discuss .alleged fraternity hazing By Michelle Kloss Sayre's appointed panel con- and Mary Baschoff sisted of 2 students (one Greek and one independent), 2 faculty "A fair number of destructive, members (one from- the Honor dangerous, damaging activities and Conduct Board.and the sec- were engaged in," remarked Dean retary of the Faculty), and .2 of StudentAffairsPhilipR.Sayre. administrators (one of whom Dean Sayre and Associate dealt with the 1982 removal of Dean of Student Affairs Charlene the Delta Pi Alpha charter.) Also Cole conducted interviews with present at the hearing were four approximately 20 students, faculty Inter-Greek Council members and athletic staff, and fraternity andthreeoftheiradvisors. Along members and pledges. Following with flatter, Alpha Gamma Tau the investigation, a panel selected members Paul Holloway and by Sayre was invited to make rec- Dave Bames were also present ommendations about the Issue'dur- "The panel looked at every- ing a hearing which was held this thing from revoking the frater- past Monday. Following the allegations, the &,1- nity's charter to no sanction at WMC Basketball starts off the season with victory In the Allegations of Alpha Gamma ministration placed the Bachelors on all," noted Sayre. TIp-Oil Tournament (story pg. 2) Tau's (also known as "the Bache- probation. "Hell Week" was halted, Mter reviewing the recom- lors") hazing arose near the end of brothers and pledges were banned mendations made by the panel, Revolving around the hazing October. According to Sayre, sev- from their clubroom, and no pledges Sayre made a preliminary deci- incidents were accusations that County Timesas saying,"Thisstuff were allowed on the 4th floor of is gone, on their part and on my eral credible sources led the ad- sion regarding the possible sanc- the pledging was interfering in col- part, It's forgotten," ministration to believe that hazing Blanche Ward Hall. tioning of the fraternity. Tomor- '-UneBi:helor pledge withdrew was taking place. Recognizing the need tor rrater- row, Sayre will meet with Presi- lege athletics. Football Coach Dale from the fraternity during Hell Sprague hazing, believed that "They don't have any kind of nal bonding, Sayre commented, "I dent Robert Chambers to discuss caused 2 of his players to miss the Week, but despite rumors, Flatter concrete evidence," remarked made it very clear when interviewing the issue, and his decision will be November 5lh Swarthmore game, contends it "had nothing todo with Chris Flatter, Alpha Gamma Tau the pledges that I was not interested released either tomorrow orearly Sprague was quoted in the Carroll hazing". President. in the secrets of the fraternity." next week. Sidelights: College purchases 70-acre estate from Hopkins Do you think certain drugs (i.e. marajuana, morphine, etc.) should by Michelle Kloss Jackson Marthiel and With the recent purchase of e legalized? the Sing1eton estate on nearby Mathews owned the rest of the es- moment, the houses on the estate are being rented. Stone Chapel Road, Western jate. They too were world-class Singleton wished for the prop- Maryland has increased the size scholars, and were superb French erty to be used as some type of of its campus by approximately translators. Upon her recent death, "study retreat", perhaps for a visit- 43 percent. Marthiel Mathews bequeathed her ing schclar. Chambers is consider- The 70-acre estate, located property interest to Western Mary- ing multiple uses for the property, off Route 31, is a rustic valley land. including using it for biology ex- with 2 ponds, a stream, 3 farm Negotiations began in late periments, freshmanorientation,as houses, barns, and cattle. Ac- August between Johns Hopkins a guest house, or in connection with cording to Western Maryland and Western Maryland. The es- the college conference center. President Dr. Robert Chambers, tate's assessed value varies, but the "We have just, 1 think, in one "It's 70 of the most beautiful universities finally agreed on the stroke, made the college more at- acmes you'll ever see." price of $260,000. tractive," Chambers commented, The property was owned in "It was in the interest of Johns "Let's think Of it as something part by Charles Singleton, who Hopkins and Western Maryland to coming to the college for college before his death in 1986 was a reach some sortof amicable agree- use." world-class Italian scholar, and ment," Chambers said. "TIrey The purchase of the Singleton perhaps the best translator and wouldn't know what to do with it" estate is not an effort to expand the interpreter of Dante in the world.' The property was' purchased college enrollment. Chambers Singleton was a professor at both from endowment funds, not stu- contends that be akes the present • to 64.0% Johns Hopkins University and dent tuition fees. consultant George size Western Maryland . College "Every college I've been at- ~ YES 36.0% HarvardUniversity,andreceived an honorary degree from West- Grier and 2 Western Maryland stu- tached to has had some property ern Maryland College. With his dent interns are now exploring somewhere," Chambers remarked. death,helefthisshareofproperty possible uses for the property. In "This college lacked that" intctcst 10Johns Hopkins. January, they will report 10 Cham- bers with suggestions. At lhe
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