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Page 2IWestern Maryland College/December I, 1988 rS-W-~M-I-T-OM-M~Y-:-M-eta-ph-y-sic-al-In~-onn-a-tio-n~S-e-rvi--'ce.Runners deserve more respect call Swami Tommy: 301-898-5180 Natal Chart with Report (Frederick, MD) by Bill Desciak be different. For Doug, Ben, Joe, Daily Transit Report ... Bryan, Andrew and Mike Kunze'. of there seems to beadifferenttype Relationship Comparison Report It's Saturday afternoon and "high" involved. "Once you start Sexual Profile Report doing it, you almost become arun- Numerology Report I'm just chillin' out in a friends ning addict," states Timpe, "you Biorhythm Report room watching Alabama take on just keep going, and going, and I-Ching L.S.U. in a key SECmatchup. My legs feel, to quote a Pink Floyd going ... phrase, "comfortably numb," Only halfa mile to go, I can ==:~r::g~:;7e~;~:t::: ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.They didn't feel that way about an seethe finish. Ripley probably has For Sale already taken a shower and is now having a burger and a coke. Debbie outs when Dave Cadigan asked me Camara, who ran early, cheers me Spinet-Console Piano Bargain :::~~::'~"sV;t~~~h:: asked time and on. Ican see Kim Lohmann andJiJI a question I've been timeagain:"Whydoyoudoit,Dez, punishment.lUll!: or we're filing in Richard waving their arms wildly, ~ Responsible party to take over low for a new owner!" It's the 41st why?" Myanswe.r? "Idon'rknow "come on, Bill, come on!" Why? BOd, it's just something you have monthly payments on spinet-console plano. running of the MAC Cross-Conn- to do to understand." I'm bringing up the rear, our team try Championships at Gettysburg can be seen locallY. and I'm losing ground. Third mile, no sight of Bryan has already finished its required 5 runners, my place doesn't even It's raining slightly but it's or Andrew. Doug Ripley, our count in the final ta.lly. I finish. Joe Call Mr. White at 1-800-327-3345 Ext 101. warm, the ground is wet and slip- number 1runner for the past three Embry asks if I'm all right, I wave years, is probably nearing the end him off. Can't talk. r Right now I'm hanging tough with of the race. Ben Gonzales and You don't get many spectators I:====~~~~~~~~~~=-~=~pery. should've worn my spikes. r .AN~ i CIDNESE RESTAURANT Bryan Timpe and Andy Krevolin, freshman JoeEmbry,our number2 running, especially in Cross- 1-N .J ournumber4 and 5 runners. ltwill and 3runners, are probably jockey- Country. When's the last time you Hunan Downtown only be a matter of time before they ingforpositionnotfarbehind. My opened up a beer, kicked back and legs are shot, Iusually have a song Szechuan WeSbninster begin to pull away, slipping out of inmy head to keep my mind off the settled in for an action packed showing of Monday Night Cross- Cantonese 59 W. Main St. my sight until the finish line where pain, but Mick and the boys are Country? I guess it's just some- I'llsee them cheering me on. You Polynesian 848'0919 see I'm a sprinter at heart, I ran interrupted by that same damn thing you have to do to understand. American 976-3166 Cross-Country this year to help me question, why areyou doing again? Idon't consider myself a distance with track in the spring. But these For me there are a few reasons, runner, but one things for sure, my that feeling you get rounding the hat's off to those who bear the . Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out r~~!~~~~an~~'p~ last corner in the 400 meter dash, wind, rain, snow and heat just to gaining momentum and passing ~~I~i~AM:.-~lO~P~M~sU~n~-~Th~urs~&:.:I~I~AMiiii-~I~I~PM~F~ri~-~Sa~t;;:;;~away near the 2 mile marke.r I partake in that misunderstood, fii wonder how they can do it, the leader is sweet to say the least abstract sport of running. I haven't experi- Unfortunately The other day I was getting ready for one of Coach Doug Ren- enced that feeling for quite a long Whatsoever thIngs are true, whatsoever ner's 'loss your breakfast" work- time now. Hopefully this yearwiJI thIngs are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatso- Terror hoopsters capture tournament ever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; ...thlnk on these things. Don't let that "howdy-doody" -Philippians 4:8 look on Rob Howell's face fool by Bill Desclak you, the kid's playing underneath like a brute. He's also not afraid to The WMC Mens Basketball pop one from the outside either, team is off andrunning, starting off gotta like a big man with a soft MicroComputer the '88~'89 season with a bang by touch. Where did this Marc Rudolph winning their own preseason tour- nament. The Terrors defeated character come from? Last time I Purchase Plan • Fall 1988 Ramapo (N!) 102-85 in the open- they play unselfish ball which was saw him in a Green Terror uniform he was hanging out on the bench the key to their success in last ing round, then went on to defeat nationally ranked Bridgewater weeks tournament. A torrid taking advantage of the free gator- Vendor representatives will be In the College Store to (Va) 76-66. Dave Barnes led the Ramapo full-court man to man de- ade. Not this year, though. "Rudy" answer your questions and to assist you In placing your TertOIS with 16 against Ramapo, fense didn't shake the Terror has changed his ways, sticking orders on the dates below. while Bryan Lynch, Kent Pearce, guards, nor did the extended zone several shots from down-town. and Ed Krushinski each added 14. which trapped the comers. WMC GiveObersomecreditfornothold- Against Bridgewater, Lynch had calmly moved the ball around the ing theaxeover his shooting guards OCTOBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 20 points while Barnes and Krush- perimeter, not forcing it inside and heads. I can't stand seeing a guy 28 4 11 inski had 17 and 15 respectively. taking the good shots when they come off the bench, missing two or Co-Captains three from the outside, then getting Dave Barnes' and had it. Bryan Lynch made the all tourney And the key to the Green Ter- yanked for not being Mr. Instant DECY[.:!: for us," stated Head Coach Alex envious. "We shot 60% from the ment? Mike Sherlock's dippitty- 1:00to 3:00 PM. 1:00to 3:00PM. 1:00to 3:00P. team. "The victory over Bridgewa- ror's wins? A deadly shooting eye Offense. And the shot of the Tourna- ter was a big psychological victory that would have made Jesse James baby reverse Ober, "they lost their superstar doo, left-handed, floor the first night and 56.9% the from last year, but their still the 7th hook archer off the offensive re- next," said Athletic Ipformation ranked team in the nation in the bound. Sherlock grabbed the 0- • The Office or AcademIC Computing preseason polls." going to lose many games shooting Board and put this prayer up in Director Scott Deitch, "you're not Although the team is young, like that," Ober agreed, "we made traffic with some serious english on it, Boom, count it with the foul. their playing with the poise and our shots, last year we only. shot Check your sneaks, Mike, I think confidence of a well-seasoned vet- 44% from the floor, you can't win Another service from eran squad. There seems to be no you stepped in something. Until shooting like that." and the College Store "superstars" on this years team, but Some pleasant surprises: next umel!
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