Page 40 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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4iWeslern Maryland CollegelDecember I, 1988 Editor's Note I~ IT"? 'y..,/I).AT I!,) ~EINc:. DClr-le- t.'OOLlT IT? C b.~ \/'IE TALI::. A~ur IT \Nli\-\Our Needless to say, racism is not an easy issue to deal with, nor is it a pleasant one. However, the topic has become preva1enton this and many ~\A'i:.\lNq (:;..RIC"? other college campuses across the country. The Phoenix is a liberal arts newspaper, and it is our goal to be a ''forum'' for the opinions and observations of the college community. Lately, however, the paper has become a battleground for "reverse racist" and racist arguments and accusations. As President Chambers pointed out in his column in our last issue. "If theintelligent women and men at WMC cannot deal creatively with social unrest, can anyone else do so?" There are many other constructive, creative topics to discuss without dwelling on a painful, seemingly endless social problem. ThePhoenixis always open to the views and ideas of the WM:Ccom- munity, and we welcome letters to the Editor. The opinions expressed in letters and columns are not necessarily those of the newspaper staff or of the college. Welliver ing their system. Gettysburg Col- lege bas launched an in-depth studyof their system. Thefaculty L_L...'- discusses at Gettysburg has recommended _£:,_ --'=_~ Barnes comments on that their President and Board of AIT Trustees eliminate their Greek Sherman controversy system. That trend could easily responds racism issue find its way to our campus. The Alpha Tau Fm· Gamma To the Editor: temity is guilty of hazing. The to column To the Editor: through the same process of being The time has come for non- introduced to fraternities and so- I am the advisor for the Alpha Alpha Gamma Tau Fraternity is racist whites to speak up on this roritites. Ifthe group feels that the Gamma Tau Fraternity. There has NOT guilty of many of the wild campus. The Phoenix has run individual has what it takes to be- been a great deal of controversy accusations that have been made To the Editor: articles concerning overt instances come a member, then he is invited suncunding our pledge program against them by some WMC offi- of racism here at Western Mary- to join. If an individual shows no recently. cials and staff members as de- Bob Brown talks of empathy. land College. I, for one, do not interest at all in a group, then how There have been reports that picted in the local press. \The fra- He writes of "looking beyond the deny the fact that sma1lamounts of can that person claim that the group have been surfacing regarding the temity must understand me seri- ends of your branches; 10see how racism exist on this campus or on has practiced discrimination by not iUegalpracticeofhazing. Hazingis ous nature of hazing and then what you could do or say might any other campus in this country; inviting that person to join? iUegal...Hazing is a problem...A change the pledge program. affect the other person." Where however, lam tired of hearing this The fact that some Greek or- great big problem ... On this However, these young men should was his sensitivity when he wrote "We are the victims" approach to genizarions do not have any minor- campus ...On many campuses in the not be subjected lO barassmentand his article, "Glarbage Revealed," the problem. ity membership should not be used - U.S.A. Hazing can cause physical intimidation by college officials. in the OclOber27 issueofthePhoe- It is easy for anyone to crawl as evidence to label them racist or- and psyChological harm lO students In conclusion, I am proud lO nil: ? into a shell and complain about ganizations. Speaking for my fra- and must be detected -and then be associated with a fine group of As a manager, I am always jhings that affect them. A more temity, race plays absolutely no stopped PERIOD!! college men. When the pledge open lO both positive and negative difficulttaskistotakeanactiverole role in the selection process; per- At WMC, hazing (to some program is modified lO eliminate feedback; I try lO respond tcucon- inattemptingtodosomething tore- sonality and potential for contribu- degree) is practiced by most if not hazing or destructive techniques structively. This approach, how- verse the problem. If individuals lion are the only points considered. all of our Greek organizations. It then the fraternity will be an ex- ever, does not mean thai. I did not seriously feel that they are victim- After all, the group is looking for must stop at once or we risk losing ample for other organizations to feel some measure of resentment ized on this campus, then why qualitypecplewithagenuinemter- our Greek system as we know it follow. toward a writer who would author don't they do anything to change est in similar goals and values! The Franklin and Marshall is eliminat- Paul Welliver M.S.• A.T.C. such a one-sided article, without ,.:.:=:::.::::.==:..::::.::::.:::::.....---------, consideringtheeffectitwouldhave their situations? fact one is a minority does not exclude him from becoming Some may argue that nothing in- on so many employees who giveso can be done at WMC to make volved. To use the cafeteria as an much and try so hard to deliver a things better for minorities. They example, groups of white suidenys quality product Regardless of think it is the fault of all whites who eat together on the porch do whether or not we have achieved because certain ignorant individu- not claim that they are discrimi- our goals, we are making improve- alsholdbeliefsthatareinconsistent nated against, yet they may never ments, and those efforts went com- withthemajorityofthegroup. lam become involved in suchorganiza- pletely unrecognized and unre- in no way condoning racism; I feel tions. Racism cannot be used as an M,__ M•••_••M•••••_.. M MMM.MM._••M._._ ••••M. Mary T. BaschoH porred. it is a negative aspect at WMC. excuse for the tough social condi- .._M ..M.._M_._._ _ _ __ ._Stefanie R. Shaffer Bob Brown quoted his mythi- ____ ..M.M._ _.M_ M.M._ ...... M..... _ Tammie Gitt However, I feel that instead of lions here at WMC. _ •• ._. _._ _._._ ..... ..!. ._ .. __ Bin Desciak cal ''GIarGuy'' as saying "We-a no complaining about it, these "vic- This was my opinion of the ~ •._ • ._ _ Jeremy Veme, Andfea Covington 'speer all deeza peoples show uppa rims of racism" should sponsor situation before I had the chance to f'hoJpgr.phy Esther _.._.__ ._ _.._.._. ....._._ M.M..M..MHelen E. Lowe today." Does this indicate empa- events that will help to bring about speak with the vice-presidentofthe PrgdUCt!gD Anltao! _._._ __ M _ .. _ .. _ _ •• _ Michelle Kloss .8!R!uWL _._ .._. M.Bob Brown, Shannon Byrne. Andrea Covington. thy? Respect? Understanding? As better understanding to the prob- Black Student Union, Wallace Melyssa Denny, Chloe Gamlttson-Butz, Steve l1ar1an. Michaet Kubacki, MichelJe a writer, before preaching to his lem. Henry. Mr. Henry Informed meof Kloss. Debbie Leopok:l, E~ Marth, Bey Megenhardl, Debra Rayne, Rock Reiser. readers, Isuggest he practice what In one article, the author some measures to combat WMC's Wendy RucIemlan, Laura Tull, _ _ _ he preaches. claimed that the reason you see problem of racism. Meetingshave _M..M._ r""ol9'" Adylsor _ Edward Holthause blacks in groups in the cafeteria is been held in the President's office The Phoenixisabimondlly publication ofWesiem Maryland College. Theopinions Geri Shennan, Director because they are the only people with the BSU. A Minority Task expressed in columns and letters 10!he EKiIOl' do ~t necessarily reflecl those of the Administrative Services who will accept them, and every- Force has been established as a staff or acministration. Editorials are the responsLbililyof the editors-in-chief, and one wants to be accepted. In this result. This task force is respon- are approved by the edilorial board. The Phoenix reserves the rightto headline and edt for length. clarity, and libelous content Letters must be submitted by the example, effort on the pan of the sible for suggesting ways to retain Thursday before publication to be considemd. All letters must be no longer than "victims" could help alleviate the and attain minority students and one page. Iyped, double-spaced, and signed. A phone number must be included .,@:,: ...,., problem. faculty members for WMC in the for verification purposes. . Mixing in socially at WMC is future. among other tasks. Address all mail 10: ThePhoenix , Western Maryland College. Westminster, Maryland. 21157. ~ difficult for anyone, regardless of (cont'd on page 9) race. As freshmen, we all go "
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