Page 34 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 34
.,\,'1(,' ",'j "f Page 6IWestern Maryland College/November 10, 1988 WCA holds panel in forum on experience, obstacles, and decisions Wine expert to g~,. happy family." However,each of speak, 0 0'!1 the four women mentioned that this YOU QUALIFY FUn By Bob Brown was not the case even just ten or Porthemostpart, ftfteenyearsago. INSTANT CREDIT! women are accepted as readily as Start making credit pur- On October 26, the Women's men today in several fields, al- at : chases IHMEDIATELY! \Je Concerns Alliance sponsored a though the past still has a strangle- W'ill send you a Hembe r s panel in the Forum. Four women, a hold in some areas. WMC ,,-' I Credit Card at once witl' trial auoumey, a former vice presi- Teaching was presented rather NO CREDIT CHECK. Buy lI.n~ dent of First National Bank, a co- " ' Jewelry, Clothing,Sport- editor of a paper, and a systems negatively, most likely because it ing Goods,Watches, Elec- analyst for the Social Security represented past oppression to tronics (, MOREl All with Administration. three of whom had three of the four women. (Threeof installment payments out graduated from Western the four had started their careers as G. Hamilton Mowbray, Ph. Mary- of our "Giant 100+ Pages land, told abouttheir experiences in nm Welnfeld,Women's teachers, because they hadn't been D" will speak. on "Sensory and Catalog." Take 12 months Concern Alliance Adviser given any other opportunities, but Aesthetic Aspects of Wine Appre- to repay. Your personal the work place. what kind of ob- they had changed fields at a later credit card is a -eeccnd stacles they had overcome, and the And these four women did sur- time.) Nevertheless, the four ciation" in Western Maryland 1.0.- valuable for check important decisions regarding a mount the hurdles in front of them. guests offered the advice to the College's McDaniel Lounge on cashing, etc. plus your family and a career that they had Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. Students Credit Group had to make. In fact, many women aredoing and students in anendance, male and Mowbray,ownerofMontbray A-l reference 101111 be on Twenty years ago, it was have done the same. One woman female, to choose the career that Wine Cellars, LTD in Silver Run file to help you obtain pointed out, even ifa woman were cited statistics that said that women would make each one of them Valley, was once honored by the other credit cards. So college-educated, there were not made up 44% of the workplace in happy. They extended this to deci- French Grape Wine Growers, A send in your $5 c a t aIog many jobs available to her outside 1986,andbytheyear2000, women sions concerning having a family. retired experimental psychologist, deposit now. (refundable are expected to hold over one-half Although one woman advised to Mowbray has worked at the Ap- with your first order) of the human services category. of the jobs. In addition, these four "not just marry a guy because plied Physics LabatIohns Hopkins Esbblsh 'flU tr1d~ ~oxI'Y! i.e., being a nurse, a teacher, or a women reported that they don't you're in love with him; look be- 100%S:1blJc1ir:nCurrlnllled~ ~J social worker. Ifawomanwerenot experience any discrimination in yond that," most of the speakers did University. (iII'ytaI,Ml!nryBltkl ...----------~==~ educated, her most useful skill was their jobs presently. When asked if not regret having children, saying the Western Maryland College This lecture is sponsored by This was the -----"'----- her typing ability. that the four shehad to"walkafmeline between that their children fulfilled them Club of Sigma Xi, the scientific greatest obstacle women mentioned: they had to being feminine and holding back even more than their careers, even research society. and is free and MEMBERS '.0. BO.. '" overcome the expectations and her femininity," one woman re- though they had to temporarily put open to the public. Formoreinfor- aside the progress they had made in Students FURTLAUD£RDAl.E, pressures placed upon them to sponded that she was free to ex- mation, call 876-2055, ext. 290, CJll£ljlGIIOiJO' FtORr~n331 press her emotions at her job. She the workplace, teach or become a nurse or to accept another "feminine" occupation. said that her co-workers were "one Youdont need yourR'llffits' money . tobuy aMacintosh Just their signature .iL It's never been difficult for students to convince for you in just a few weeks, Which gives you and your parents plenty of lime their parents of the need for a Macintosh" computer There's no collateral. No need to prove financial to decide juS!who pays for il all aI school hardship. No application fee. Ii Persuading them to write the check, however, is BeS!of ali, the loan payments can be spread over IntroducmgApple's anotherthing ahogether, as many as 10years 'R Which is why Apple created the Sludent loanto. Student Loanto own Program Own ProgramAningeniOUSloanprogramlhatmak~S buying a Macintosh as easy as using one. _ ,_,- _ FOR MORE INFORMATION Simply pick up an application at the location . . on Nov~~~:l~~~,C~::::;~:;~ & 9th listed below, or call BOO-831·WAN,Allyour parents • - ~_ to meet with Applerepresentatives, need to do is fill it out, sign it,andsendiL _-.... --~V;?:::iiI§. pm'.. _.. o~:e~r!~~~:cn~~~;u\~~g. Ifthey qualify, they'll receive a check ~J9I!HAppl('Computet,Inc Apple,the Apple~>g<), anti~b(iot,,,,harl' T~~hlm:JlkmJrk' "rApril' C"mpl'l"T,In, '-----------------'--=-----
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