Page 32 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 32
Page 4IWestern Maryland College/November 10, 1988 Editorial - Mary Baschoff In the past month. there have been approximately twenty reported cases of car vandalism on campus. There have been a countless number of discharged and missing fire extinguishers, and a significant number of damages to college property has taken place. Something has to be done about Security at Western Maryland College. Everyone complains about it; students, administrators, and Campus Safety officers themselves. It's time for some changes. At present, there are eight full-lime officers. and one part-Lime officer. On weekends (often when they are needed most), there are only two to four officers working. There have been times when only one officer was present on campus on a weekend. Campus Safety officers at WMC are paid $5.78 an hour, and they work an average of fifty to sixty hours per week. With these statistics, it -1$ is surprising mat there are as many as nine officers. , Part of the problem with security is that if tbeofficers don't receive . ~~:~~1~~::~~e~;:f~~~n!~:~e:~ ~:~m9S~.:e~~ L:::=-_...L===:..!...:==:..:..._:..:...:=-==C!..I. :..:...:::::,,_=_~_::J Cops" who have no power and are unworthy of authoritati ve respect. This image must change if the college is to create and maintain an efficient, B.S.U. replies to Ross professional security operation. What can be done about this problem? Although there is no immediate solution, there are several changes which could be made to make the campus more secure. To the Editor: tence today were established at a requirements as any other student First, there is an overall lack of communication between the admini- This letter is in response to the time when blacks were not allowed the only difference is an effort is stration and Campus Safety. An effort should be made on both partS to recent letter on the absence of ra- to attend white universities. Be- made to attract them. fonn a closer relationship between the two vital groups. cismatWMC. Theletterwasludi- cause white institutions began It does not take much intelli- Campus Safety would like to have more power as far as sanctioning crous and done in bad taste. It is admitting black students does not gence to know that any true racist is concerned. At present, when a disciplinary incident takes place and is often the opinion of the majority justify the abolishment of any would not voluntarily place him- approached by Security, the incident and its repercussions are immedi- that all accusations made by the black institution. Placing the selfinanenvironmentwhereheor ately turned over to the Student Affairs Office. Perhaps if Security had minority are unwarranted. When a blame on institutions or organiza- she is outnumbered. The Black more '3a,.l\ctlol\mg \'lOwer, \he'j would gain more respect. white student says to another. "Ido tions, when it lies within the indi- Student Union is open to any stu- Another possibility [or improvemem would Obviously include nor cat or shower behind 'nig- vidual aJso does not alleviate the dent who has a genuine interest in higher salary. However, according to several Campus Safety officers, gees''', this statement can not be problem. the group. Thegoalsoftheorgani- they would be willing to receive training instead of more money. There labeled as a slip of the tongue. This A true liberal arts college sup- zation are not to promote racial isa training program sponsored by the Maryland State Police Department is a racist comment from an igno- plies for its students a diversified segregation buuopromoteanenvi- in which the officers could become "commissioned". As commissioned rant individual. Maybe the eyes academic curriculum as well as ronment where there is a mutual officers, the men or women would have more power as far as arrests, through which we view our corn- social environment. Diversity on sharing and understanding of cul- sanctioning, etc. Also, the officers would then gain the same rights (and munities should be opened to ex- this campus is virtually nonexist- tural differences. consequently the same respect) as a "real" police officer. The college's pose to the blind what really exist ent. There are too many followers Racism is ignorance plus power sponsorship of a commissioned officer training program would create on this campus and across this na- and not enough leaders. Everyone and denial of its existence only per- more respect for the authority of Campus Safety, and would show concern tion. If the so called continuous is afraid to rock the boat and take a petuates further ignorance. In the by the college, therefore bringing the administration and Security closer policy of desegregation wereeffec- stand on anything except for parties past year and ahalfthat Ihave been together. uve then the black community or drinking. This school's attempt here, I have been a victim of or was would no longer need more at- to diversify its student population infonned of racial discrimination , --, tempts for equality. The programs is long overdue and the lack of on several occasions on this cam- are established and implemented knowledge about other races is pus. Whether it was blatantly ex- bywhiesandthusequalityisdeter- evident in the classrooms. Your pressed or done indirectly, the mined by whites. There are no assumption that the black students problem exists. So let's stop look- colleges in the United States which to be recruited by WMC would be ing the other way and face the have the formal title of "Black on a lower level of merit disgust problem. University". Mosrorthe piedomi- me. Black candidates for edmis- WallaceHenry,III nantly black institutions in exls- sion must meet the same academic Vice President of the ssu ~.. . Mary T. Baschoff Busln es , Manager.. .. Stelanie A. Shaffer Producllon Editor.. Brian Sobus BiIiOesciak Students want more Pub hours ~.... . TammieGitt ~. . ~ . Ed Yantz. Andrea Convington Phqtographv Editor.. .. Helen E. Lowe production Assltanl .. .. MichelleKloss ~ . BobBrown.Shannon Byrne.AndreaCovington. To the Editor: When hall parties existed, dif- A good way to bring students to- ~::,s~~yLa:;:re~lI;"dw:~. ~~ M:e:·~~h~t!U~;~.M=: Every Thursday, Capboard ferent groups of people mixed to- gether is to open the Pub every day Redmond. Wendy Ruderman. Laura Tull,Rock Reiser sponsors entenainment in the Pub. gether in a casual atmosphere. as a restaurant would, serving beer AsIlifac-· EdwardHolthause This is the only evening thatthereis Because of the costly damage, par- and food in a relaxed and respon- ThePhoenix is abimonthJypublication01 Westem MarylandCollege.Theopinions beer served. The same routine oc- ties in the dorms had to be termi- sible environment. This atmos- expressed incolumnsand letterstotheeditordo notnecessarilyreflectthose olthe -curs each week; a herd of students nated. Currently, the school allows phere would be conducive to get- staffor administration. Editorialsam the responsibilityolthe editors-in-chiefand is packed into the Pub like steer. closed clubroom parties with a sev- ting toknow faculty as wellasother :~ta:r::::,y ::'it~: ~:r!; ~~ Even if you are 21, it isa struggle to erly limited number of people per- students. Isn't that the appeal of a Thursday before publicationto be considered. Allletters must be no longerthan get a beer. Once you have con- mitted. Vsuallythesameguestsare smallliberaJ ans college? one page. typed,double-spaced. and signed. Aphone numbermust be included quered theenonnous line,youmust invited to each party week after Debbie Leopold, Steve Werntz forverificationpurposes fightthecrowdlikeasalmonswim- week. This has led to an increase in Letter also signed by 100 addi- Address all mail to:T::~~~~,~~~tem MarylandCollege.Westminster. ming upstream; only to fmd you're socia1 segregation. ''The Hill" is tionalstudents L- __' swimming in your own beer. too small for this to happen. ~,:." ~",." , "
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