Page 33 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 33
60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe/wendy Ruderman Dr. Darcy, I like his Theresa McMahon, she Dr. Colyer, because he's Dr. Burgeron, he reminds Dr. Alspach, because he professionalism and he's treats me like a son. down to earth and relates me of my stepfather, and teaches well and I enjoy sharper than the rest. to us as adults. he's understanding and him as a person. helpful Ed Dentz Mike Nicholson Tara Munster DodieLaird Pam Scharrer Waldman accepts invite to awards ceremony Ross' letter refuted A seasoned interpreter for the partment of Labor, for years. deaf-blind person truly sees the deaf-blind, Sandra 1. Waldman It was through her friendship world through your eyes," she said. was invited to the Twentieth An- with McDonald that she became nual Presidential Awards Cere- involved with theArnericanAsso- To the Editor: Black Studem Union and Dean Cole mony for Outstanding Federa1 Em- ciation for the Deaf-Blind, of I am writing this in response to (their advisor) practice reverse dis- ployees with Disabilities. which he is president Waldman, David Ross's teuer published in crimination through their exclusion The secretary for Western executive secretary of the group, is the Phoenix on October 27. I'm of whites. The Black Student Union Maryland's psychology depart- the only sighted and hearing offi- sure that some people feel that this does not congregate specifically to ment watched recently as Roderick subject has already been pounded exclude whites. The Black Student McDonald, WMC honorary doc- She often serves as an inter- into the ground, but I need to ex- Union is a place where blacks can torate 1986,accepied one of the 12 preter for the deaf-blind, using up press some ideas that I think we meet to escape the constant discrirm- awards given to persons from all to four different fonns of sign lan- should hear. nation and be themselves. While at over America. Waldman, of Ha- guage to communicate with them. I'm wondering how Mr. Ross BSU meetings, they do not have to nover, PA, has been a friend of the Last year she served as an inter- can urge us to "Stop crying racism act white to fit in with our "white deaf-blind man, a computer pro- preter-guide at a conference for when there is none," while his let- world." A famed black philosopher grammer analyst for the U.S. De- deaf-blind people in London. "A ter itself contains strong racist once said that the American world overtones. Ross stated that the "only lets him (the black) see him- ------ Bob Brown black community and the media self through the revelation of the Greatest problem on campus revealed use and exploit racism for the American world" He goes on to wrong reasons. Maybe in some state that one person is at the same What is the greatest problem the hostilities ourselves. For ex- abuse, and disrespect for life. If :::.~~:~: ~o,:~~o:: :e:~~-~~~~:e~: on ourcampus1 I'll give youa hint; ample, during lunchtime, you of- imitation is thehigbest fonn of flat- cism is not exploited and that it is place where the Negro can be him- it's also the greatest problem in our ten see several black students sit- tery, many movies seem to be glo- simply noticed. selfandrevelinhisheritage, while at society. I'm not going to spellitout ting together ala table. The imme- ryifying such violence as murder We, as whites, live in a white the same time escape the pressures right away, but see if you can pick diate reaction is, ''There they go and ~haliS the greatest problem world. Racism is something that of the American world. it up from the following examples. segregating themselves again." There has been a shameful Butthat's whatany of us would do thatwe face today? Crime? Drugs? :~;:x~~~;:::~~~~~;:.l?t : :e :~~e~~:'; recurring event on this campus if in a situation where we felt un- ~:'pa~!r al~~~~~:le~~:! whatsoever with any member of supposedly signifies equality. But which already received some cov- welcome. We'd look for someone erageinthepaper.It'sthewaylhar. who would accept us. people are just selectively empa- ~~;'::~~?e~~~':~:ts:~~ ::~~:~~:~:~~~~ minorities are treated on this cam- The other example is also one :ti~:y o~:~nd B~t;u~~: was. Blacks, however, live with allthosewhodonotfitthiscategory. pus. To be blunt, several times this that has been reported in this pa- telling the truth, you have to tell the discrimination and prejudice day Racism is alive and well in the year, a black student has been per. There is often violence di- called a nigger to his or her face or rected at other people, especially wholetruthandrothingbutthetruth :!:~~!S~~l~:t::i~: ;:~man~a~t n:~.':::S~ -- behind the back. That iskilling the women. The sexual assault of the ~:~~r~:~: b~l~:~!~ subtle form. When bringing ra- _was many years ago. Why should it person-emotionally. Why do female student in Rouzer several ciple of the tree falling in the forest. cism to our attention, minorities be? Through the years we've dis- you think it is that several minority weeks ago showed that W.M.C. If they can't hear it fall, it doesn't are not "exploiting" the subject at covered many ways to disguise it, students have left this school orare unfortunately has moments when make a noise. They can't see out- all. Theyaremakingastatemem: especially when we make racism considering transfertng to another it resembles too much the "real school? Their academic standing world." Why was she assaulted? side of jheir own bark. So, look ~ekn;::~~~~;::i: :~~ ~~!i~~ '::;~' ~:~ ~~I~:~ is not in question, but most of the Because someone couldn't !!Link beyond the ends of your branches; ment, we feel threatened and turn you throw reeks at them-if-the rocks time, they are-not made to feel beyond his own hormones; his :g~~':r;:C~ ~:~:~I~~~~ ~~ the confrontation into something look like one thousand dollar bills. welcome. Mostofusarenotaware head wascaughtinhisfly. Adding short, if your empathy doesn't in- equally as threatening - "exploi- Despite their looks, the rocks hurt of the hostility towards minorities fuel to the flames is the media because we are not thereceptors of which perpetuates this violence, elude everyone in society, it's not tati~.f~o~a:~e~tated that the ~~~~~~:i:Sthey did before. em~yMill. 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