Page 29 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Inside: Billy D's Picks. page 3 Editorials, pages 4,5 Stats, page 2 Vol. IX, Number 4 Western. Maryland College November 10, 1988 people and public officials to find "We need to reorder priorities in By Michele Kloss something that will work?" this country," Oates claimed. However, both Musto and Oates "Let's spend some money on Western Maryland's latest believe the answer to narcotics cops." "Town Meeting" proved to he a control lies elsewhere. According Oates, who supervises a narcot- controversial one. Last Wednes- to Musto, the nation's leading ex- ics division in North Brooklyn, day. November 2, the college- pert on the history of drugs, drug served as the "reality check" for the hosted a heated debate on one of the use will eventually decline on its audience. Under Oates's supervi- nation's most crucial topics, "The own. Mustobaseshisbeliefsonhis sion, his team has made nearly 600 Drug Dilemma: Crime or Ill- studies of the history of drug use. narcotics arrests. However, ac- ness?". (From left to right) Daniel Oates, Kurt Schmoke, Dav!d Musto contends that in a typical cording to Oates, "85-90percentcf According to President Raben Musto, and Dr. Robert Chambers drug cycle, durgs are initially seen the work is 'buy and bust'". Con- Chambers. the debate served as a control begins with "taking the The evening of the debate, in a as helpful. Extreme punishment, trary to popular belief, rarely is an "thoughtful means of dealing with money out of drugs". meeting with local press held in silence, or exaggeration do not stop entire drug operation brought the drug dilemma". Three promi- "The crime problem can be President Chambers's home office, drug abuse. Emphasis should be down. nent speakers participated in the made manageable by taking profits Schmoke revealed that when his placed on protecting the commu- When speaking of his New York discussion, and all provided vari- out of drug trafficking," stated idea was released in April, he faced nity. City department, Oates contests, ous thought-provoking views on Scnmokc Ia ~3 opening remarks. mainly negative criticism. Now ''The immediate (ask is to sup- "We are very good at what we do." However, out of the 135-copĀ· de- the topic. ''The profits are so high that crimi- Schmoke's mail indicates that port families and commun- partment, 8 officers have been Baltimore City Mayor Kurt nals will go to any length to sell people feel the dcbate is a good idea ities,"Musto stated. "Legalizing Scbmoke, Professor David Musto. drugs." but that Schmoke has drawn poor drugs is a proposal simply out of killed this year, 3 of them narcotics author of The American Disease: Schmoke also pointed out that conclusions. step with the public." investigators. Origins of Narcotic Control"; and he does not condone drug use; he "The questions is nOL'Should Part of Scbmoke's plan for drug "It seems to me that a substance New York City Narcotics Sergeant decriminalization calls for reallo- that destroys lives, neighborhoods, simply feels that the focus should the U.S. legalize drugs?,'" Daniel Oates opened the debate betaken off of punishing drug users Schmoke pointed out. ''The ques- cation offunding in theareaof drug and futures should not be con- with briefs concerning their inter- and placed on treating them as pa- tion is 'Are we winning the war arrests. Schmoke wants to elimi- doned," Oates remarked. "We in pretation of the United States nar- against drugs?" nate "criminal penalties for posses- the government. . somehow are cotics problem and their solutions tients. ''This war should be led by the Later, during the question and sion of marijuana" and put that not doing enough." ''11Ie Oares later commented, for dealing with drug problems. Surgeon Geneta\, not th~ A\lom~)' answer session, Schmekc again money into drug prevention pro- answer is a better job of govern-:- Schmoke, a nationally recognized General," has met substantial criti- posed a thought-provoking is grams. Oates disagreed ,....nh menl We haven't tried 10 get rid of Schmoke commented. However, for drug decriminaliza- spokesman question,"If policy the current Schmoke ~----------------~ of the Mayor's proposal. drugs yet." the key to narcotics tion, believes failing, isn't it the responsibility cism for his controversial views. Sidelights: Trustees discuss revisions and purchases By Shannon Byrne (which evaluates the President who time. These members "own" the in tum evaluates the Vice-Presi- college and decide on all issues that 100 The Western Maryland Col- dent), and the Fringe Benefits will affect the school. Tobeonthe lege Board of Trustees meets three Committee, which isonly a tempo- Board, these people must be will- times a year. (in February, April, rary part of the board. ing to work, since it is a volunteer and October) The most recent Each of these committees had position. Mostofthccurrent Board 80 Board meeting took place a':' Octo- their meetings on October 22nd. members are major figures in ber 22nd and 23rd. They followed their own agendas Maryland and the D.C. area, while On Friday the 22nd, the Board and discussed the decisions that some even come from as far as had its committee meetings. The had to be made. These decisions Colorado. The Chairman of the for tactics Keigler and the 50 Board consists of ten committees. included Library, fundraising modified fali Board is William is Robert Mathias. vice-Chairman new They are as follows: the the Executive Committee (which decides on budget, and WMC's purchase of a Both of these men dedicate much main acts for the board), the Aca- farm, previously owned by Charles time and effort to keep the school demic Affairs Committee (which Singleton. The purchase of this running smoothly and efficiently. 40 deals with curriculum and faculty), property (70 acres), will increase They constantly interact with the Audit Committee, and the the campus size by 50% with three President Robert Chambers, wbo is Budget and Finance Committee. houses and several outer buildings somewhat of a go-between for the Other committees include the for which the uses have not yet been Board and the faculty. They basi- 20 Building and Grounds Committee, determined. October 23rd, cally keep both sides informed. No that may affect action the On Saturday, serious Relations the College Committee (which deals with public relations members of the Board, Emeritus school can occur without the of the college, alumni affairs, and members, faculty, students, alumni Board's approval. Basically, the publications of the college), and the and some of the administration at- Board is the heart of the school, Long-Range Planning Committee. tended a meeting to hear the heads which keeps everything running There is also the Membership and of the committees give their re- smoothly. As President Charnbers The Board Nomination Committee, the Stu- ports. up of forty-one of Trustees of is commented, " A college is only as chairs, made strong as its Board of Trustees" Presidential Candidates the Ex- l dent Affairs Committee, Committee which thirty-five are filled at this ecutive Compensation
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