Page 25 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 25
WMCto Ice Hockey Club prepares for season I host mock The new coach/manager is Any male is allowed to join By Laura Tull political sophomore Dave Drawbaugh, and the Hockey Club. Membership, the president is Dan Hudson, also a however. is not limited to the debate The WMC hockey club has sophomore. students of Western Maryland just started its season, and The hockey club, which is College. Currently there are about in the club. people Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, according to club treasurer Robert primarily sponsored by Budweiser twenty-three interested in the club, is part of the Mason- and WMC, Anyone oldest daughter of Robert Kennedy Hess, it is going to be an exciting Dixon Hockey League. They play even those without previous will speak for the Democrats in a one. schools ranging from Bucknell and hockey experience, is invited to mock debate with Maryland The Hockey Club was started Gettysburg to larger schools such call the training room at extension Senator Raymond Beckat r.Sup.m. four years ago by WMC's head asGeorgetownandJohnsHopkins. 584 for more information. Thursday, October 27. in Western athletic trainer, Paul Welliver. Their home games are played at the The hockey club's first game Maryland College's Baker Welliver is not only the advisor, Northwest Ice Rink, and is against Georgetown at the Memorial Chapel. but is also an occasional player for occasionally at the Baltimore NorthwcstIceRinkatll:15pm on In the debate, Beck will speak the club. Arena. '----------___j Thursday, November 9. as the George Buch surrogate, and Townsend will be the Michael ~=::~~~~ia~~k~~I:~!!r------------------:/:""/-:-=I:""d-::'"o-n:""':""t-w:--an--t--------------. honorary degree recipient. •• 1 f h The program will follow iYpe. regular format. and questions will a ot 0 Justwant be taken from aihree-memberpanel I. of local television, radio and print g media Jack Bowden, former some thin I Channel 2 anchor, will moderate, Carron County Commissioner •• Jeff Griffith will introduce the can count onJ J Dukakis surrogate. Carroll County Republican Central Committee member Frank Rammes will introduce the Bush surrogate. Questions can be submitted by the audience before the debate begins. The mock debate is co-- sponsored by the two Carroll Some long distance County political central rompanies promise you committees. the moon, but what you Soviets reallywant is dependable, high- quality service. That's just what you'll gel when to visit you choose A1&T Long Distance Service, at a cost that's a lot less than you campus think. You can expect low long distance rates, 24·hour Three Soviet citizens from operator assistance, clear Moscow will talk at Western ronnections and immediate credit for wrong numbers. Maryland College as part of a And the assurance mat cultural sharing of ideas at 2 p.m. virtually all of your calls will Thursday, Oct. 27. in McDaniel Lounge. go through the first time. The trio. including a dentist. an That's the genius of the economist and an official member ilf&T WOrldwide Intelligent of the Soviet Peace Committe. will Network. When it'stime to be in westminster to promote better choose, forget the gimmicks understanding between the Russian and make the intelligent and American peoples and to build choice-A1&T. _ bridges between the two cultures. Ifyoutllike to know The program is sponsored by more about our products or National Bridges for Peace, the services, like International Maryland Interfaith Consortium calling and the Af&T card, and the Western Maryland College call us a' I 800 2220300 Philosophy and Religious Studies Department. Theprogram is free and open to the public. he Phoenix deeply regrets AT&T the loss of Beth The right choice. Jones, Co- Editor- in-Chief. ~----------------------------------------~
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