Page 26 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 26
Page 4IWesiern Maryland College/October 27, 1988 Editorial - Mary T. Baschoff WMC lacks culture There are many implications to the concept of a "liberal arts education". At Western Maryland College, an the facets of such an education are offered. but many are not taken advantage of. The College Activities Department, along with many other offices and departments on campus, take many pains to ensure that there are constantly numerous cultural, social, and educational activities in which to panicipate around campus. The social events are usually well- attended. but the support for cultural and educational projects leaves much tobe desired. As well as cultural programs, there are also many educational ones To the Editor: available. Some of these include a great variety of lectures, "Books Robin Askins' letter in the indicative of an orientation on Survival Course limited Sandwiched In". and various academically-based club activities. Inthese October 6 edition described the personal and material gain is enrollment by gender. cases, again, the attendance is discouraging. WMC Anny ROTC program and simplistic and naive. If space It would be desirable and the students enrolled in it by permitted, I could explain the role beneficial to have a female officer One thing students can do to avoid missing out on these opportunities asserting that both place undue of the Anny asa strategic deterrent on our staff, but competition for the is to read "WMC This Week", and find out when and where theevents are emphasis on money and power, to war, as well as theimportanceof few available captains and majors taking place. Traditionally, certain professors have encouraged or even thus fostering a "me first" infusing our officer corps with is very keen. Some of the 310 required attendance to certain extracurricular programs offered by the philosophy, and that "the concept bright, liberally educated men and colleges offering Anny ROTC do college. Although it is unfortunate that educators should have 10 make of peace seems 10 mean very little" women such as we have at WMC. have women officers assigned, but these programs mandatory in order for students to attend them, it at least to WMC's Army cadets. She also Our WMC cadets today are not we do not, possibly because of our makes sure students experience them. Hopefully, by attending a few of asserted that students forty years driven by motives of personal gain, small size. The fact that 77% of our these cultural and educational events, students will develop an ago would be surprised at the large but rather by a sense of duty and cadets are men simply reflects the appreciation for such events. size of the program today. commitment to our nation. relative degree of student interest Certainly our advertising for the Regarding the size of the program, in the program, which of course is A liberal arts education means more than just attending classes and Army ROTC program emphasizes forty years ago all freshmen and voluntary. Finally, the limitation parties. Students are given the opportunity to make the most of their the personal benefits of service as sophomores were required to by gender on enrollment in our education by broadening their cultural and academic horizons. At an officer, particularly the fact that enroll; thus the program was Winter Survival Course was an Western Maryland College, there are many chances for students to the leadership experience one considerably larger then it is now. error on ourpart.aholdoverfrom a receive!!! liberal arts education. gains at a young age is very Bob Brown reported on the few years back when billeting attractive to potential employers. observation made by the Women's restrictions at our training site at ********************************* To say that our highlighting of this Concerns Alliance that all of the Camp Dawson, WV, required such benefit, or the fact that "the ROTC faculty are male, r------------------ ......program gives all types of Military Science are predominately a policy. that the cadets Lt. Col. Joe Cinquino scholarships to students," is male, and that the Jan Tenn Winter Military Science Palmer cites corrections To the Editor: cost of library books and periodi- earn more now with a degree than cals skyrocketed in the 1970's, as before. Fuehrer, even thought fed- ~ MaryT. Baschoff The recent Phoenix article on did the cost of necessary mainte- eral financial aid has not kept pace Production Editor Brian Sobus tuition increases requires some nance and renovation, as did the in recent years, most of our stu- Buslnes, Manager Stefanie R. Shaffer cost of fuel and other utilities, as dents get financial aid, and that was ~ TammieGitt corrections and amplifications. did the cost of medical insurance. unheard of when I went to college tuition does !lQ1 ~ BiIIDesdak First., student Production Apbanl Michelle Kloss support auxiliary enterprises and In addition, we need to keep up and when I started teaching at Photography EdII9l. . Helen E. lowe building campaigns. The College with new technologies and equip- WMC .B!.P2nIlL Bob Brown, Shannon Byrne, Andrea Covington, ment Word processors cost more Melissa Denny, Margaret EctNards, Steve Harlan, Michael Kubacki, Michelle Inn, restaurant, and conference Finally, in spite of increases in Kloss, Debbie leopold, EHen Marth, Bev Megenhardt, Debra Rayne, Debbie center are self-supporting, and tui- than erasers and chalk, as do state- tuition, a student's tuition does not Redmond, Wendy Ruderman, laura Tull tion is not used to build gyms, li- of-the-art scientific and audio-vis- pay the full cost of a student's ~ . Edward Holthause braries and so forth. We have spe- ualequipment education. The State helps and the cial fund-raising campaigns to do Further, even though we are a College has many friends who give thaL non-profit institution, we are not money to help us keep tuition The Phoenixis abimonlhly publication of Westem MarylanclColiege. Theopinions The main reason for tuition exempt from all taxes. Social secu- charges down. In comparison with expressed in columns and letters to the editorclo not necessarily reflect those of the increases is inflation, escalating rity taxes tripled bewteen 1974 and other liberal arts colleges, WMC is staff Of administration. Editorials are the responsibilityof the ecitors-in-chief, and costs. Faculty and staff sa1ries did 1984. still listed asa "Best Buy." are approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix reserves the right to headline and edit for length, clarity, and libelous content All letters to the ecitor must be signed. not keep pace with inflation for a On the positive side, the mar- Authorship will be verified. number of years, and we have still ket value of a college degree has Melvin D. Palmer Address all mail to; ThePhoenix , Westem Maryland College, Westminster, not caught up in real dollars. The also increased. People can simply Dean of Academic Affairs
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