Page 70 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 70
Page 6/Weslem Maryland CollegeiMarch 31, 1988 Letter/ Fraternity reacts to letter to freshmen BLOOM COUNTY continued from page 5 think of doing, and that is survive HeIWi$IW~T for nearly seven years without a MfIN •..1/ l'eC£Nr incident happened. So why should charter. How could a "loosely- tMN ... A 511rCEKtf MAN .. we be held responsible? knit" organization accomplish \ Sayre also goes on to say that this? we are a "loosely-knit" organiza- I realize that there are proba- tion. My question is, just exactly bly a number of people who do not what does Sayre know about our like the Preachers. but there also fraternity as individuals? The an- happens to be a large number who swer is apparently not very much. do.ltisimpossibletobewell-liked since we are one of the closest-knit by everyone, but we believe that organizations on campus. The let- even those who do not like us, have ter concludes by stating "I wanted to respect what we have done. to provide some Information lO In conclusion, we want to say help you [freshmen} make deci- that there are two sides to every stons." What Sayre fails to do is to story, and we just wanted our side provide accurate, fair information. to be known. We hope Sayre real- Since he only chose to tell the izes that no matter what people say "negative" side of the Preachers, I or write about us, they cannot take would like to make the following the strong feelings of friendship positive statements. that we have towards one another Despite the loss of our char- away. Isn't this what a fraternity is ter, we still havea very strong influ- all about? Large numbers and use ence on this campus. Aside from ofaclubroomdonotmakeafrater- being very competitive in inuamu- nity- FRIENDSHIP OOES! raI basketballandsoftball,we have We believe that this is the representation in a variety of activi- major ingredient in having a strong ties. Acaptain of the football team, fraternity ,and based on this criteria an MAC championship swimmer, we have one of the best! and Junior Class president are all Pemapsthe most ironic result Preachers. We also have members ot Sayre's lener was the great com- on the Dean's List. and recent pliment he paid us, by devoting so Preacher graduates move on to much time to an "unrecognized" successful business careers. fraternity. I guess that shows just We have also been able to do how unrecognized we are. something that we doubt any other fraternity or sorority could even 5'tpp{ication deadline 5'tpriI 15, 1988
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