Page 44 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 44
Page 4IWestern Maryland College/February 11, 1988 Editorial Double standards, double trouble Artistic expression, social restrictions, and fire hazards. Each of these strict college policies carry severe consequences for students who violate them. But these "campus" rules do not seem toapply LOother members of the college community. On Jan. 25, a party was held at President Chambers' house, where two live bands performed "slam dancing" music. The event, set up in the basement was highly publicized because of a front-page news article in The Carroll County Times, and attracted a crowd consisting mainly of high school students sporting punk clothes and hair styles. The basement, called "The Dungeon," was painted with graffiti- style art, and included such designs as skulls, a murder tracing, and various "scientific" equations such as "CC1 4 + HCl, = Death." According to the Times, the President's response to the artwork was that the basement "looks a lot better than it did." On the other hand, when a group of studcntspainted their apartment in a similar manner last semester, they were severely reprimanded and punished.even though they painted over their "artwork. " Why were these students punished, while the President has publicly condoned the defacing of a National Historical Landmark built in 1889? Furthermore, the clean- up of "The Dungeon" will probably require sandblasting equipment, yet the students repainted their apartment within days utilizing a brush and a can of paint. --...:...._- LetterstotheEditor---- Still, other points need to beaddressed. Thearticlealso reported that dancing). which surely represented a fire hazard in the small low-ceiling St uden t respO nds to COIum n approximately 130 people were at the party (and many of them wereslam- cavern-like cellar of the Victorian house. The college has ruled hall parties illegal fora similar reason. Remember the Thursday night rally on the President's lawn last semester? Theone thing that thearticledid And what about the admission charge to this Dungeon party? Each Editor, individual problem. The college person entering paid three dollars for the band, drinks, and food. But, as As a student and ex-reporter of should not be responsible for, after not mention was the fact of finan- cia! aid. That's right, the reason for a pan of college policy, WMC students cannot even charge minor fees to The Phoenix I resent the publica- hiring people to clean up the mess, defray the costs for infonnal social gatherings in their rooms or suites: tion of "Freshman recounts experi- immature students who do not that was because without that aid Why was this party different? Because it was the President's house? ences" in the December 3, 1987 know how to handle themselves! I 75% of the college population A set of double standards has evolved. Students are being punished issue. agree that is nasty, but when going would not be here, including my- for acts which have been publicly condoned by Chambers. A uniform I feel that if a newspaper is to college you don't have mommy self. The personnel in Financial code should be established for the students and the President, or other going to print any story, the editor and daddy to clean up after you it's Aid bend over backwards waiting campus residences, and enforced equally. has the responsibility of printing all time to taking care of yourselves. for students to say "It's notmy fault The college is not a babysitter! that my parents didn 't send that Gee, maybe Ben's Rental has a sandblaster! the facts. The article that Mr. Jim Vowles wrote is quite unprofes- As far as Glar is concerned I do form in. Ithink Ishould stillgetal! sional. have toagree that it is not the great- of that aid that 1was supposed to be The Phoenix is nota paper that est, but if you don't like it then given four months ago." That statement brings up an- move off campus and take the time should be helping to destroy the • The Phoenix college's reputation. There is al- to prepare breakfast, lunch, and other point. Student Accounts. dinner yourself. ready enough bad attitudes toward An lever hear about them (from certain administration policies and Tosomepeoplegoing toasmall students who haven't paid their everyone already knows of them. school is not a plus, but for those bill) is that they shouldn't be held Editors-in-Chief ............ Andrew J. Raith. Craig Cecil "Freshman recounts experi- students who went to a small high up from registering. ''I'm not re- Copy Editors ... ..Maryann Rada. Beth Jones Sports Editor. ........ ... Cynthia Schiller ences" is NOT a news article. In school in the country then, yes, it is sponsible for paying that's my par- Business Manager .... ..........C. Uoyd Hart professional journalism (and that is great Here a person doesn't just ents' responsibility" and "I didn't News Editor .... ................... Roshini George what The Phoenix was last year) it become a number, like you do at know lowed that much" (with a Managing Editor . ........... Mary Baschoff is called yellow journalism. College Park. Because Western small balance of $5500.00) Photographers . Kathleen McNulty. Eileen McNulty. Cynthia Schater, Andrew Raith Now, to hopefully contradict Maryland College is so small then It's time to grow up. Everyone Reporters .. ............. Jonathan Slade, Bill Desciak, all the vulgar language and the poor the "absent-minded professor's" at this college is (hopefully) old Jim Vowles. Tammie Gitt. Boyce Day. journalism used in that article, I am (as they were called) are able to enough to lake responsibility for lee Spector. laura Beckoff. Dan Mills. themselves. Stop blaming others Douglas Hitchcock. Dave Sailor. going to tell you of the better things offer office hours and give personal Christopher Davis. Cyndy Walsh, that this college has to offer. help to every student in his/her forthelhings which arc your own and Wendy Ruderman When living in the dorms what class . fault, n01 the college's! Advisor ... . ..... . Pamela Regis is the college to do? They can't I would venture to say that no Jason E. Plummer have someone sitting and watching one at College Park has even heard the bathroomsforthem to run outof of such things as "office hours." Bduor'snote: Mr. vowies'col- The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication of Western Maryland The professors don't just end College. The opinions expressed in co'cmns and letters to the toilet paper. umn, like all others which appear editor do not necessarily reflect those of the stafl or administra- If someone goes to use the toilet with office hours, they can sched- in this space. are denoted, as a tion. Editorals are the responsibility of the edilOr-in--chief . and and he/she doesn't look for the toi- ule times that arc convenient to mailer of style, by a black bar are approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix reserves the let paper then he/she deserves to get both the students and themselves. across the top of the article. Col- right 10headline, and edit for length, clarity. and libelous con- tent All letters to the editor must be signed. Authorship will be stuck! Some of the "absent-minded umns express only the opinions of verified. As for "living in a place that professors" even go so far as to their authors, not of The Phoenix. Address all mail 10: The Phoenix. Western Maryland College. reeks of garbage, beer, and drink- give students their telephone nurn- Columns are never intended to be Westminster. MD21157. ing too much of the latter" thatis an her at home. news stories.
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