Page 42 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 42
Page 2/Westem Maryland College/February 11, 1988 MSA changes name to Black Student Union whole group, the name was by Lee Spector Chang:-h~C~:I::t.although, The Minority'Students Associa- the name change may sound dis- lion (MSA) has decided to change criminatory, the group will remain its name to the Black Student open-minded. Union (8SU). This decision re- "The rules haven't changed. ceived much consideration at the All persons of any race are wel- end of last semester, and was put corned to join us," says White. into effect in February i988. However, several members In one of the general meet- are sceptical about changing the ings, President Andre White had a name. Josh Valentine feels that the mock debate discussing reasons group is small enough-already, and why the organization should re- this will make it even smaller. main the MSA or change its name Wallace Henry disagrees. to the BSU. According to White, "By changing to BSU, [the new each side presented'gooc'reasons. name] would be addressing the A group of students pose for a picture outside of Kiev near the Tomb of the Unknown "It was felt that by being the needs of everyone in the group," Soldier during their Jan Term tour of the Soviet Union. BSU we could better accomodate Darolyn Milburn adds that a name change Students explore U.S.S.R. the needs of black students in a since WMC is a predominately much easier way," commented white campus, White.· would only strengthen the organi- White feels that there will be zation. Socialist fonn of government But "The technology is there but not more unity by being called the continued from page 1 according to Joe Faber, "The Rus- with the people," said Woodard. BSU. Also, he noticed other mi- But VaJentine is not convin- people," commented Chris Seal- sians were open-hearted people "Their household electric appli- norities showing little interest in ved. "A name doesn't make a or- chuner. A lot of Russians are who never failed to give honest ances are not as advanced as ours," the non-exclusive minority group, ganization, the people do." familiar with English. ''The friend- answers." added John Russell. instead forming their own inde- For the month of February, lier Russians were in Ukraine and Mark. Woodard was impressed The group returned home on pendent groups. the Black Student Union is promot- Kiev," added Scalchuner. "Rus- by the incredibly organized and Jan. 28 with fond memories of the In his freshman year, White ingBlackHistoryMonth. Some of sian lifestyle is behind our times by inexpensive public transportation Soviet Union and a few Russian remembers the organization the events will include, Mary Car- at least 20 years," said Erin in Moscow. Most public transport words added to their vocabulary. changing its name to MSA because ter Smith, a story teller; a display in O'Gregario. was powered by either electricity "The deprived life of many Rus- there weresomanyminoritiesjoin- the showcase outside of the cafete- Seldom did they come across or diesel. Each metro station had a sians" made Tori Fulton "appreci- ingin,andtheoriginalnamewasn't ria. a Gospel Jubilee, and a film Russians with happy faces. Their different theme in architectural ate home even more," diversified enough. Now four addressing racism. starring Bill lifestyles seemed to be somber and design. Foreign cars were fre- While relieved to be home, years later, he's finding that's not Cosby. Everyoneiswelcometoat- monotonous. The Ukranians ex- quently visible, but only on the most said it was aonce in a lifetime the case. Therefore,byrulingofthe tend. pressed their displeasure at the streets of Moscow. trip not to be missed. England program offered Sisters paint heron mural, cable to WMC's'fees. continued from page 1 Anyone interested is invited 'Macintosh cyclist' in hallways lifestyle, untainted by tourism. to attend a general meeting for the Badiee exclaimed, "It is the study abroad program on Feb.16 at ultim~:x::~o:o;r=~d, ~~ ~.~~:n~~~w::e;:~:~ continued from page 1 Lan==·d'=Ui=ti=O"=a='H=arl=a=X=lO="=are=c=o=m=pa,=Arts=b=U=il=di="g=,o=,=a=,=ex=I.=599=.=~ painting. Sheadded,"JoeCliber,a r- junior, worked on the project com- Rape Myth #8 ~~::!:~oo~'lVPhYSiCS and Myth: You can tell who the rapists are by looking at them. "Eileen and Ithen completed the Biology and Academic Com- Fact: If It were that simple, tbere would be no backlog In the courts. The truth Is that rapists are like any other large group of puting murals utilizing ideas sug- people and cannot bedesc:ribed as anyone single type of gested by Drs. Brown and Iglich for person. The only thing common to all rapists Is that they need the Biology floor, and a design no excuse to carry thelr chauvinistic behavior to an extreme supplied by Ed Holthause for the and refuse to accept responsibility for their criminal behavior. basement," explained Kathleen. For help OTmore information. call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. The seniors, who are major- ~=-::t.==H:o:tIl:n.:' :848::.2:'24:::0:ffk::":8S:'::')):900===== ing in commercial art, indicated tbat"the goliath heron was the most r- challenging [project], taking a total N ed something typed? of thirty hours to complete." Othermuralsincludea"wall- n't convince sized Macintosh cyclist" for Aca- y of your demic Computing and a set of ar- Cynthia SchAfer photo rows pointing in the direction of the nds to do it? PowerI...ab. Kathleen, left, and Eileen McNulty put the finishing touches on their heron mural in Lewis Hall. type term pcpers. projects, studen~~:~:~iV~~=: commented, "Our upcoming proj- Nonnan Ward." . Call 857-4638, For these quiet, soft-spoken etc 4----=-==---=-=:....::...:..=----------' have other murals planned. Eileen ect is to paint Green Terrors in the sisters, the paintbrush is. mighty. the" accomplishments, they still donnitories, beginning with Albert
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