Page 43 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 43
February 11, 1988/Western Maryland College/Page 3 Billy D. tackles wrestling, basketball, plus swimming rather nicely, with Salvo going 64 in the scoring department (16.6/ by Bill Desciak at 190 aJ\d Kehoe tallying an 8-5 game) rebounding (l1.4/game), record with four pins at heavy blocked shots (9), and steals (69). Welcome back sports fans. weight. Sophomore Caitlin Monroe Its been a great Jan Term here on Swimming averages just under 12 points a ''The Hili," with some exciting Unfortunately the men's and game while seniors Alice Sch- sporting events laking place as women's swim teams did not have warztkopf and Lisa Sullivan each well. Let's take a quick look at as pleasant a Jan Term as the wres- pitch in with about 8.5 points per what happened in the sporting tlers. game. world for all you people who stayed The women dropped seven Men's basketball home this Jan Tenn. straight in January with an overall The men's basketball team Wrestling record of 0-11, while the men did went 3-5 in January losing some The wrestling team had by far not fair much better, losing six beartbreakerswhicb includedarwo the most successful Jan Term out- straight before beating Ursinus on point loss to Muhlenbergon Jan 13 ing among the five varsity Western Jan 30 for an overall record of 4-6. and a one point overtime loss at Lisa Sullivan takes a shot in victory over Hopkins. Marylandteams. The Green Terror The problem for our swim- powerhouse Moravian on Jan 16. grapplers went on a six meet win- mers isnot a lack of talent, rather a The team has some fine youngtal- Women's B-ball wins ning streak that spanned from Jan 9 lack of numbers. You can not win ent which includes freshman Ed through Jan 28. They beat the likes as a team on firsts alone, you need Krusinski (10.2 points/game) and noon offensively as well. of Elizabethtown (25·22), Gannon seconds and thirds to tally up the sophomore Dave Bames (9.7/ by Cynthia Schafer Sophomore Barb Wolf scored (29-28), Johns Hopkins (33-120), points. game). Junior Bryan Lynch leads game high 21 points, Widener(31-18},Messiah(24-23), We do however, have some the scoring andreboundingdepart- The Western Maryland closely by senior captain and York (29-13), before dropping exceptional individual performers ments with 14.7 points and 8.1 women's basketball team upped Sullivan with 18 and Caitlin a sqeaker to Elizabethtown (23-20) that include Steve Humer, John rebounds per game and has proven their seasonrecord to 8-11 overall Monroe with 10. on Jan 30. Ellman and Dan O'Conner. Mark to be the most consistantplayer on withanaggresjvewinovertheBlue WolfalsosetaWMC Senior captain Skip Sinak WoodardisbackfromaJanTerm the Green Terror squad.' Jays of Johns Hopkins 6648 on moststeals inaseasonwirhes. lead this talented Western Mary- leave of absence and expected to Soccer Feb. 6. The Terrorsare now 34 in previous record was held land squad with an impressive 10-1 contribute significantly. On the And finally a note of interna- the MAC Southwest Conference. van for the 86-87 season and by record at 167 pounds while going woman's side Mary Martha Peel tional significance. Senior Neil TheGreenplayedadefensiveJy Molly Coberly in 85-86. 2-1 at the 177 pound class. and Karen Boynton lead a young Gwynn, who starred on last years superiorgame to Hopkinsand per- The Terrors had a 32-23 Freshman John Antonelli but potentially talented women's men's soccer team, has been se- mitted the Jays to shootjust 17-52 halftime lead and expanded lead the Terrors in the pin depart- squad. lected to play on the U.S. Deaf from the field and only 26 percent into a 52-31 margin mid-way ment with five clamps and a 10-4 Women's basketbaU Olympic Soccer team. Gwynnwas in the second half. the final half. This cushion record at 150. 10n Bovit is 94 The women hoopsters chosen among candidates from Hopkins was forced into 19 provided by the defense who overall with four pins, and Bill started out the Jan Tenn with wins across the country. Amidst some turnovers which inhibited their Hopkins scoreless for almost Dengler is 9-6 at 158. overAlbrightand conferencerival pretty stiff competition Gwynn scoring ability but allowed the ffiiiiutes while WMC ran off 10 Mike Salvo and Tom Kehoe Geuysburg,butthenwentonafive starts as a Middie and played a Terrors to postan impressiveafter- unanswered points. have found themselves in some game dry-spell which included pivotal rcle In the UiSil-Dqualify •. ~~~~~;;;;;~;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~ sticky yet simplesituations. lfthey conference losses to Franklin and ing game against Mexico. Good rr win the team wins. Simple right? Marshall and Dickinson. job Neil! So far they are filling that role SophomoreBarbWolfistops pntil next time... Freshman academic, probation Looking index down 8 points 'in '87 fora by Douglas Hitchcock <~~ summer job?~,--= '!f!jJ} ~~/ This week the Registrar's Office released annual figures on Want to meet new people? Interested in an the general academic standing of exciting job? Then Western Maryland the student body. The report notes that 121 freshman did not reach . College's Summer Conference Program the I.OOminimumGPArequiredto may be for you, The Marketing Office em- return for the Spring semester. While the numbers continue ~ ploys students as to rise, up by six students over last - year, September's larger class Conference f4.ssistants means the percentage of failures will fall from 35 per cent in 1986 Program (WISP). If he received a The Admissions Office says to 27 percent 3.0 or better the student was al- it is pleased that only six of this Conference 5'Lides After this fall semester 121 lowed to return for the second years' additional 119studentswere out of 450 freshman did not make semester. If not, he is considered placed on academic probation. GPA minimum. In 1986, 115out to have failed out. After WISP Admissions officials hope and Lifeguards of331 freshman,or30percent, did only eleven of the 121couldn't re- this downward movement reflects not meet theacademicstandards of tum. an academically better prepared theschoolafterthefallsemester. In Throughout the four classes freshman class. They say they are For more information and/ or an applica- 1985, there were 93 out of 312..or 30 people did not return for the not overly concerned with the tion, stop by the Marketing Office across 30 per cent, who did not make it. spring semester. The sophomore absolute increase in students with Students this year who did and senior classes registered the academic difficulty, expressing from the cafeteria or call extension 295 to not reach the level of good aca- fewest failures, while the fresh- hope that the numbers themselves talk with Dianne Curran, demic standing were allowed to man and junior classes comprised will start dropping when next take the Winter Intensive Study the majority of non-returners. year's figures are released. J' =================dJ .·r.; .'. .,'t, ~T'" .-,..~ . ,'.J .,. ,: -.'. .• '.I I!, .;-.
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