Page 20 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 20
Page 4/Western Maryland College/October 29, 1987 Editorial Steak-out Just when you thought it might be safe to eat in the cafeteria. Last semester, our administration decided that Mamou's food service was not performing satisfactorily. That decision, backed by strong student support, resulted in the termination of the contract between the college and Marriott Corporation. When Seiler's food service took over, it offered students something new. With these new ideas, and a new management, conditions in Englar Dining Hall would surely improve. Not quite! In a little more than one semester, the food quality and service in Glar is slipping. The first annoying circumstance occurs just inside the doors, the expensive. inoperable VALI-DINE security system. Why does the staff continue to put this computerized light' machine on the (able, when it does not work? Anyone who is currently in possession of a Western Maryland College identification card (boardingor not) can eat in Glar (although recently there is no attraction lO do so). Is this fair to those students who must pay for board? This bogus electronic centerpiece needs to be repaired or retired. Simplcdecision. Other annoyances include the quality of food, the aquisition of additional helpings, and seating. College food quality will inevitably be auacked and accused of no flavor; such comments must beexpected. But, thcre is a serious problem here. No orange juice or milk for breakfast can ruin the most important meal of the day, and wilted lettuce often heads off salad eaters. And the quantity must be monitored much closer. The football team practices end about six o'clock, and often little is left for. them to eat. Not fair to them; they need their strength. And not fair lO anyone enteringGlar late. Getting second helpings is one of the biggest nuisances. Servers ---- Letters to the Editor are not permitted to give any more than one entree at a time, but if a student puts his tray down (at the beverage bar) and returns to the serving line to ask for the second helping, it is given without Palm-erdisputes 'Best Byes' facts comment. -what gives? The only possible explanation is to keep the line flowing. Yet, these people seeking seconds interrupt the flow of the service line anyway. Editors, now running through higher communications courses, r don't Seating is often overlooked, yet it has become an inconvenience to I am sure I act on behalf of education has caused faculty to see how the number of students in many students. Closing the dining porch for events is an acceptable the faculty when I applaud your become more rigorous. Perhaps the department's courses is related reason, but why is it closed when not in use? What's the big idea? editorial (October 8, 1987) on increased rigor accounts for the to the departmental (majors?) Now, a few concessions must be granted, too. The main room of enhancing the quality of students. increased percentage of deficiency GPA. the cafeteria has been kept clean religiously. We must applaud the Our new Long Range Plan, now reports, rather than deterioration Finally, please be absolutely efforts of the staff. Furthermore, the inventions of a sundae bar and before the Trustees, will support of student quality. That point sure that WMC is one of the crepe bar add new flavor to some stale lunches. And when students you in that respect (and in the needs further research. most conservative schools in the learn to respect the food service a little more, many differences will be short range too). Further, I'm country when it comes to eliminated. It is clearly not totally the fault of the food service. Let's happy to report that Dr. curricular (including core compromisea little,guys. Lightner's analysis of the requirement) changes. In the 60's, Still, it seems that some needed improvementscan be easily made, mathematics proficiency when most schoolsdisbanded core but little effort has been put forth. Has the food service kept its new performance of the new class requirements, WMC held the line. ideas, or hidden them with the steak sauce? shows an improvement over that In the mid-70's, when Harvard of previous entering classes, and boasted of re-instituting core that is especially good news requirements, our own Dr. because the class is larger. Richwine wrote a piece for the The Phoenix general, some of your particulars Baltimore Sun pointing out that Though I heartily agree in WMC had never abandoned them. an incorrect impression. create First, the faculty assign grades, A curriculum is never static, but we change less than most schools not the administration; and the do. Our current core requirements Editor·in·Chiet.... Andrew J. Raith. Craig Cecil faculty as a whole designs the resulted from 1981 Managing Editor ,.. .. Robin Myers curriculum (including core recommendation to review them. Copy Editor_ _. . Maryann Rada requirements), not the Sports Editor... .. CynthiaSchSier The resulting changes were not News Editor... .. Roshini George administration. But that's systematic but rather a matter of BusinessManager.... C,lloydHart irrelevant anyway, since faculty fine-tuning the same basic Photographers... .. Chuck Cruise, Cynthia Schafer, and administration are united in a Eileen McNuny, Kathleen McNulty structure. Whether this curricular & Nancy Freeman desire to enhance quality. We're conservatism is good or bad is aecotes.. .. ... ... ... ... .Jonathan Slade. Bill Oesciak, not divided on that issue. Third, I didn't understand the another mauer, but we have Wendy Leroy, Jim VowIe5. Tammy Gin Second, it is true that about a Angela Coleman, Jason Plummer & Lee Spector point about the Communications certainly not gone overboard in AdviSOf. ...Pame!aRegis third of last year's freshmen were Department. In any case, that altering core requirements. The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication of Western Maryland on the deficiency list at the end of department ranked 14th (of "22) These are quarrels with your College. The opinions expressed in columns and leners to the fall semester. and that is bad, from the highest percentage in the data. however, and not with your me editor do no! necessarily reflect those of the slatl or ~dmi~istration. Editorials are the respoosibility of the editor· no doubt about it For most percentage of its majors that were general opinion, which I In-chlef, and are approved by the editorial board, The years since 1982, on the other on the deficiency list; and it ranks wholeheartedlyshare. Onwardand Phoenix reserves the right [0 headline. and edit lor length. hand (I don't know about "ever"), clarity, and libelous content, Alileners to the editor must be 4th from the highest (of upward! signed, Authorship will be vented the percentage has been in the departments) in terms of average Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland high 20's, not a shattering College. Westminster. MO 21157 grades assigned in their courses. Melvin D. Palmer difference. Further, the reform It doesn't win in either category. Vice Prcsident and movement ("back to basics," etc.) Since a lot of non-majors take Dean of Academic Affairs - '.'
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