Page 16 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 16
/ Page 81Western Maryland College/October 8, 1987 _CraigC~il Pick-up Artist is a real let-down "Hi, I'm lack Jericho. Has seemingly irrcsistablc muo- manages to tum this two- anyone ever told you that you ductory lines. making him the dimensional, stereotypical drunk have the face of a Botticclli and Jerry Falwell of pick-up artists. iruo the most pathetically realistic the body of a Degas?" His targeted pick-ups range from character in the entire movie. Unfortunately, that's the females as eager as beavers to Hopper, who has appeared in only memorable line Robert such icicles as Vanessa Williams more than len films in the last Downey conjures up in his walking her Doberman Pinscher, two years, proves that he may seemingly-endless hormonal quest Caligula. Eventually though, very well be the most versatile for flesh, in 20th Century Fox's Jack spies Molly Ringwald, a supporting actor in Hollywood new comedy, The Pick-Up Artist. mysterious redhead, who becomes today. This movie exemplifies the his lone obsession. Though The Pick-Up Artist type of film r like to refer to as For the remainder of the is a shallow, thinly wrought "cinematic vapor." Trailers for film, viewers are whipped around story, there arc a few comedic the movie entice viewers into the New York as Downey hounds respites that keep the movie clear theater. whereupon the realization Ringwald like a lost dog, in --.:..---::;;;;;;:=~::. of how thinly concocted the plot hopes of latching on to her ~o:neeY~~~~it o~;=k~n~tah~~e c~ is quickly drifts in. After the permanently. In fact, Downey York version of Ferris Bucllcr, because she was tired of being in the middle of the street without requisite 90 minutes have elapsed, probably does more running than Ringwald decides to simply clone typecast solely in adolescent suspicion by placing his own said viewers emerge only to walking throughout the film. It the emotional, ice-princess role roles. Here she plays a nineteen- traffic ticket under the wiper discover how easily those minutes is here though, that the writers she originated in Sixteen Candles year old. Now that's progress. blade. But like most of the gags have dissipated from memory and decided to veer off course. Instead and futher solidified in The The Pick-Up Artist certainly here. it's cute the first time but how much lighter their wallets of concentrating on and Breakfast Club. In those earlier won't help to cleanse the "Brat eventually wears thin after feel. developing the comedic aspects of roles, Ringwald's originality and Pack" image she's been stamped repetition. Pick-Up Artist's story this sometimes pathetic energywerearefreshingchangein wilh. Don't let The Pick-Up revolves around Downey's Jack relationship, Downey's pick-up adolescent-oriented films, but by Artist deceive you. Even though Jericho, who would describe artist motif is trashed in favor of now her performance seems Ironically, one of the better Ringwald. Downey, and Hopper himself as "just a lonely boy" some partially-developed, synthetic. Here Molly shouts and performances in the film is turned are accomplished actors, they can't who usually ends up not very unimaginative plot involving cries in the patented Ringwald in by Dennis Hopper, playing a resurrect the plot as it crumbles lonely after walking for a few Ringwald, her father, mobsters, way seen countless times before. character who uses practically no down around them. In this case, minutes from his New York and a gambling debt. Bad move, Maybe 100 much is expected from comprehensible dialogue. Hopper The Pick-Up Artist is a let-down. apartment. You see, Jack's guys. her. Ringwald was recently plays Flash, Ringwald's specialty in life is his ability to While Downey attempts to quoted as saying she wouldn't do alcoholic father, an ex-gambler Rating out or 10: bait and hook females with make his character into a New any more John Hughes' films deep in debt. and he somehow **** First year varsity team opens with 5-1 record by Sheri Trivane her best shot by holding back 17 shots. Assists were contributed Last Saturday, October 3, by junior Michelle Meehan and the women's soccer team defeated senior Lisa Sullivan. The Terrors Swarthmore in a 3-1 victory. were not down long, .because on This was the fifth win of the September 28 their most season for the newest varsity outrageous victory was recorded sport on "Ibe Hill." Recording against Mount Saint Mary's only one loss so far, to nationally- College. With the score ending ranked Franklin & Marshall. the WMC 9, The Mount 1. the Green Lady Terrors' season looks had plenty to brag about Grauch promising. neued the first goal with an assist After two years of club by Clew who soon afterwards action, the team has finally earned would bring the score to 2-0. their varsity status. Co-Captain Game high-scorer Meehan booted The most exciting Lynn Stone explains. "We the next point, the fourth goal with her first of four. Clow scored arranged our own games, held our few hours own practices and transportation. our lag at the half to beat Loyola 4-2. an assist interesting, they To make and provided by Sullivan. switched things first shut-out The own uniforms of the season you'll spend allweek. Now this has all paid off. We arc of was achieved victory. Three of the to give Sullivan the next goal and versus Towson State in a 4-0 Meehan Meehan an assist. with lots a team varsity enthusiasm and potential." goals were made by the team's took the final two goals with an Run. Climh. Rappel. Navigate. Lead. Valerie BUlla, the other captain, high-scoring sophomore Lori assist by senior Sheri Tnvane on And develop the confidence and was a main force in working Clow. Classmate Karen Pill one. Keepers Kepner and skills von won't get from a textbook. towards the organization of a booted the final goal. adding to Megenhardt rounded up the game EnroiJ in Armv ROTC formal team. Now with the help her earlier assist to Claw. with a combined 10 saves. as one of vour electives. Get the facts of coaches Joan Weyers and Mike Freshman Bonnie Grauch assisted In most recent action, the today. BI·~;\1.1. Y()l' C:\7'\ ilL Temme, these twenty women are Pill's goal. Keepers Mary Beth Green Terrors beat Swanhmore in heading towards one of the best Kepner and Bev Megenhardt had a the rain on two goals by Meehan Military Science Department seasons recorded for a first-year good showing with an impressive and one by sophomore midtielder Upper Level of Gill Center sport at WMC. 13 combined saves. The hot Jenny Flynn. Swarthinore's lone 876·3804 or campus ext. 620 On September 12, the -offense took 35 shots on goal. goal came on a second-half Green and Gold began with a roar The Terrors' roll was put on penalty kick. by recording an 8-3 victory over hold on September 26 with their The Lady Terrors' next Messiah at home. Three days 2-5 loss LOF& M. The Green's home game will be- this afternoon later the ball kept rolling when goals were scored by Clow and at 3:30 when they will take on the hooters overcame a two point Grauch. Goalie Kepner gave it Elizabethtown.
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