Page 25 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 25
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Terror football· stops winless streak -at 29 by Cynthia Schafer combined for 259 yards rushing in 57 attempts. This was a vast The WMC Green Terrors improvement on their previous 90- snapped the nation's second yards per game average. longest winless streak at 29 WMC's first touchdown came games last Saturday Nov. 7. The after a fake punt, when freshman Terrors pulled out a 14-3 victory John Bailey picked up the needed over Swanhmore by scoring two firstdown on a nine-yard carry. touchdowns in the second half to Then quarterback .Mike Hamm overcome a 3-0 halftime deficit. completed a pass to Matt Donner This was WMC's first win since on a 29-yard post pattern in the Oct 25, 1984, when they beat end zone. WMC then drove 83 Lebanon Valley 15-12. The yards in 14 plays for another TO. Terrors' winless streak had been Crystal scored from the two yard second only to Division I-AA line behind the blocking of Pat Columbia, which lengthened its Crain and Chris Campbell. streak to 39 games. Terror head coach Dale Sprague The defense capitalized on the said, "I have worked with a lot of Gamet's mistakes to hold them to outstanding Division III teams only three points and used these Dale Sprague, head but this group of young men has Members of Terrors volleyball team return a shot various errors to put their own footballcoach been the best. The team has during 3-2 loss to Gallaudet on Oct. 24 in the tallies on the board. The Terror worked hard and it was good to North/Southtournament. defense put on a good show with recorded 10 tackles and Rodney see the emotion' with which they three interceptions by Pat Joyner had seven tackles. celebrated their victory. They even my Duncan, John Ford, and Pal .The offense had its finest game poured a water cooler over proud Ambassador talks Scannell; and limiting of the season by producing 304 head. I am Swarthmore to only 82 yards yards total offense. Ken Grystal, continued on page 3 rushing. John Van Lunen Paul Reese, and Jim Fultz on foreign affairs On the-Verge opens Nov. 13 anniversary," the anniversary or The Western Maryland slangy cliches. they find and the strange new by Tammie Gill the seizure of the embassy.' His College Theatre will present On Set in "Victorian America." language of modem America. "I lecture focused mainly on the Verge or the Geography of this joyful drama chronicles the have Seen the future," says one. On Tuesday. November 3, problems in the Middle East, Yearning on November 13-15. adventures of three women "and it is siang." Ambassador Lowell Bruce Lange including Iran. and 19-21. Written by Eric explorers. who have disembarked On the veree will be spoke in McDaniel Lounge on The Ambassador began his Overmyer. the play deals with the on "terra incognito" in search of performed at WMC in Alumni several problems faced by current lecture by reminding his audience necessity of language lO new cultures, but their journey Hall's Dorothy Elderdice Theatre. diplomats. of several Americans currently .understand the world and give it takes them through the wildermess All performances begin at 8 pm. Ambassador Lange, one of the being held captive in Beirut, meaning. as well as the of time as well as space. They Tickets are $3 for the general 52 Americans taken hostage by stating. "On this anniversary, I debasement of language as it emerge in the 1950's, bewildered public and $1 for students and Iranians in 1979, spoke on the slides into consumer slogans and by the mysterious new artifacts senior citizens. eve of what he termed a "dark continued on page 3 Sidelights: Chambers to review bestseller , Has Ronald Reagan demonstrated for Books Sandwiched In effective leadership as president the past seven years? The rise of Japan and the The book depicts American and the ascent of the Japanese. decline in American industrial industry, as revelling in its post- The reviewer, Dr. Chambers, strength Is- the 'subject of David World War II prosperity and is a professor of American Studies Halberstam's The Reckoning. to developing wasteful habits which who spent a semester teaching in Yes be reviewed by Robert H. left it prey to its wartime enemy. Japan in 1983 and has written Chambers, President of Western The label, "Made in Japan," once about the differences between the Maryland College. on Thursday. synonymous with poor quality, two cultures. Nov. 12 at noon and at 8 pm in now represents the opposite. Undecided McDaniel lounge. Japan has given American Books Sandwiched In, Halberstam, author of The industry a drubbing since the mid- sponsored by the college and Best and the Brightest and The Seventies when its economical Locust Books, is a year-long . Powers That Be, is known for his and well-built cars put many series of book reviews which is painstaking and accurate work. Americans in the driver's seat free and open to the public. To He spent five years researching Halberstam chooses two meet audience demand, a special and writing The Recknning. industrial giants, Ford and Nissen, nighttime review has been added Survey Sample: 120 Source: Phoenix which is ninth on the paperback to illustrate his points about the to the usual noontime one for Tne non-fiction bestsellers' list decline of American prosperity Reckoning,
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