Page 17 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 17
ThePhoenix WesternMaryland College Seidel saves plan for partial liquor license Ward are considered to- be the by Roshini George appropriate place for closed parties for 49 or fewer members, in Alcohol was sold in the pub accordance with the fire code," for the first time in over a year on added Philip R. Sayre. dean of Thursday, Oct. 22 after the student affairs. Any organization College procured one-day-event on campus may be permitted to liquor licences. Administration hold closed parties if the parties officials expect more closed and are scheduled ahead of time and open parties in the Forum and the group provides the services of clubrooms. while hoping for a a trained bartender. decrease in hall parties. In order to ensure observation The "event licences" enable of the legal drinking age, students' organizations to sell alcohol. birth dates are checked in a instead of giving it away. It also computer list and tags are issued allows for the selling of beer in before alcohol is sold. the Pub on Thursday. Friday and The reduction in hall parties Saturday nights during set hours. is being enforced by the Student Ar1drew Raith photo "Extended hours are being Affairs Office due to damages in considered," explained Dr. Ethan the residence halls, and faculty Jim Fultz,20, plunges into the end zone for a fourth Seidel. professor of ecomonics opr photo complaints of poor Friday quarter touchdown Saturday against Franklin and and business administration. Dr, Ethan Seidel morning class attendance. Marshall. See sports, pg.2. The liquor liability insurance "Everyone wants to work was terminated last year when the acquiring the licence." said Seidel. together to structure the social life are College was unable to find a who lead efforts to restore the on campus so that laws a good sunaevs carrier willing to write a policy. licence and helped push through obeyed, students have presents "The increase of the official county approval for liquor sales in time, and the rights of other S ' drinking age to 21 only enhanced time for Homecoming. people are respected," insisted the difficulty involved in "The clubrooms of Blanche Sayre. chamber orchestra Shooting begins on PR video The Concert Artists. of Concert Artists' repertoire ranges Baltimore, a professional chamber from Baroque to Broadway and Charles Barbour, the producer Students were chosen to orchestra and chorus association, features virtuosic singing and playing. will perform by Tammie Gitt of the video, has made some participate in the project on the in Baker Memorial The Concert Artists of award winning videos for other basis of faculty recommendations. Chapel on Sunday, November I The Public Information colleges. Professional Video Likewise, students were free to at 3 pm. Baltimore is the second in the of of Note Office, in conjunction with the Services, a company associated recommend faculty members for Concert Artists is directed by Sundays events jointly series sponsored five cultural North Charles Street Design with the British Broadcasting the project Interested students Baltimore Symphony Chorus by the Peggy and Yale Gordon Organization, is currently in the Company, is also involved in the were also able to sign up for Director Edward Polochick. He is Trust of Baltimore and the Peabody of the process of producing a video to be project. informal auditions. Students also conductor Orchestra and the Western Maryland College Symphony used primarily by the Admissions Several faculty members and continued on page 2 Activities Programming Board. Office. students will appear in the video. Peabody Opera Theatre. The Ingham speaks on role Sidelights: as British press secretary "Will the stock market 'crash' initiate policy on a recession in the next year?" by Andrew J, Raith and advisor and contributing and to press figure. Another distinction is presentation. news made was that all British the career management in the' released on the floor of the House Bernard Ingham, press press office. of Commons, not on television ~ secretary for British Prime In an effort to clarify his role as in the United States. told government, Ingham 60 ./ Minister on Oct Margaret Thatcher. in Ingham the stated. British "1 am not a public students, faculty. the audience of and community spoke 8 in MacDaniel ./ Lounge about his relations with figure. I am an interpreter for the members, that he has meetings twice day with ./ the British and foreign media . government 10 the media." He journalists. a and once a week British with also mentioned that his position __... ./ one "1 bring you greetings another," as press secretary was several media organizations, from Wesuninster to Ingham said, following an substantially different from his including the Association of j...-'" introduction from President American counterpart, the White American Correspondents and the Chambers. Ingham continued by House Spokesman, Marlin Foreign Press Association, for discussing the four roles he plays Fitzwater. The largest difference questioning and briefings Yes Undecided as press secretary, which include remains that Ingham is not well concerning many British events. Surveysample: 100 Source: Phoenix spokesman for the Prime Minister known throughout Britain, continued on page 3 and government, coordinator of whereas Fitzwater is a public
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