Page 15 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 15
October 8, 19871Western Maryland College/Page 7 New library director by Berke Breathed to oversee redesign by Jim Vowles All interview with Harold David Neikirk, library Director Interests: Computers and will work with Dr. Neal on an IBM PC user's group. He loves golf but is terrible at "it. He plays the tuba (only in the past few years) with the college band but claims he's terrible. He holds a B.A. in English, a Masters in German, and an MLS(Maslcr of Library Sciences). He has taught at the University of Oklahoma, the University of Wisconsin, Holy Cross and Worcester State (in Mass.), and at the University of David Neikirk, library di- Delaware. My lifelong dream is: rector Ican't answer that. do all the things that have to be Something I'd like to done. It's been described as do but never have dcne-. "trying to herd Jello." yet··is: to build a library and The thing [ like best work with all the architects, about WMC so far is: two planners, etc. In other words, things. I love the campus; it's what rn be doing here. beautiful up here! Also, there's a If 1 weren't a Library high level of energy and spirit Director, I would probably here. be: teaching German. But I'm The_ thing I like least so happy doing what I'm doing, about WMC so far is: it's hard to conceive of doing nothing, but the library budget anylhingc1se. has been so inadequate to deal The best part of my with expansion that it's job is: also the worst part-- frustrating. You need more having to deal with all of the books. different interests in building the On the whole, I'd rate new library and not being able to WMC 1Il out or 10. Play opens Oct. 8 continued from page 1 :ye~:h~f":Ye::s~~:~hts~~ Tim Weinfeld. It concerns the probable into the wonderful. adventures of three women who End of the World will be lake a mindbending trip through performed October 8, 9, to and time. Their trip allows the 11. and On The Verge will run audience a look at progress, for two weekends-November 13, civilization, imagination, 14. 15 and November 19.20 and interpretation and theatre itself. 21. Admission is $1 for students Overmyer's play is based on poet and senior citizens and $3 for the remark, Tickets Andre Breton's 1924 is on general community. at the door. may the imagination also be purchased "perhaps r----------~-----~----, Fitzgerald's . : Carriage House Liquors I 'At the Forks' 114 W. Main St., Westminster specials this month .. Coors and Coors Lite $10.99/case L , Heineken 12 pk. $7.99 _
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