Page 18 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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Page 2IWestern Marytand CoUege/October 29, 1987 Public Info. films Doonesbury video continued from page 1 that the video will be finished by the spring of 1988 so that it can chosen to participate in the video be used for recruiting the will not be given scripts, following fall. After the videois allowing for more candid finished. the Learning Resources oprmons. Network will be responsible for The video will incorporate fhe distributing the production to Dooncsbury cartoons which have approximately 3000 high school been highly successful in the guidance offices. Copies will printed material for the college. also be made for applicants to Ten different scenes depicting borrow The Admissions Office sports, activities, the Honors is also planning to usc the video program, internships. and campus at admissions functions and life will be featured in the c'ight to alumni gatherings. ten minute production. ' "Many of the schools we All of [he departments at compete against are using video Western Maryland will be as a pan of .admissions represented in the video in some marketing," states Joe Rigell, way, although the length of the Director of Admissions. While video will limit the amount of the printed Doonesbury material • Raith photo details that can be presented. increased applications by 30%, it Members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity show off their Homecoming float; The filming of various classes is not expected that the video will the Batmobile. and activities began in early cause such a dramatic change. October. The crew spent much of Yet, it is hopeful that the video Festivities highlight Homecoming Homecoming Weekend filming will help to maintain current the activities and events. levels of applications, when used There was little thought of the crowd favorite in the parade. theme blared from inside the car. Joyce Muller of the Public in conjunction with the printed dismal Terror football record last President Toasted: Robert Information Office is optimistic material. Saturday as more than 5,000 Members of the fraternity piled Ch.ambers, friends and alumni into a modified two door sedan Poetry lecture set students, alumni, and faculty and passed the reviewing stand in tapped into a keg of beer at the members turned out for the 1987 football the front of Harrison House. game, toasting The homecoming festivities. Dynamic Duo stood on the hood, homecoming celebration from a Jesse Glass, Jr., a poet, County ghost stories. Look out, Jokers: Sigma Phi essayist, editor, and small press Glass will be joined by Gary Epsilon's Batmobile was the consulting Commissioner Gordon tailgate party at the southern end on the Batphone, as the Batman of tile field. publisher, will read from his Blankenburg, who has published was Football loss to F&M poetry and talk about publication poetry in Great Britain, as well as this afternoon at 4:30 pm in America. Blankenburg. Memorial Hall, Room 206. A educated at Illinois State, Johns 1978 graduate of WMC, the Hopkins, and Camegte-Mellon in shadows Homecoming native of Carroll County has universities. He lives written on county lore for local Baltimore and manages the newspapers and published a Electric Press, which recently Nonh/Soulh Volleyball Classic Field hockey improved their collection of Carroll published its first issue of poetry. by Cynthia Schafer by downing Eastern Mennonite record to 9-4 by scoring a 2·0 11.15, 15·8, 15·10 in the finals. victory over Catholic University. During last weekend's The Green raised their overall Senior Stacey Bradley scored her record to 30-12 by going 4·0 in ~----~J~U.------~ homecoming celebration, all pool play. They defeated Kammerer put in the other goal. 12th goal of the year and Nancy sports squads, with the exception 1k NtM'H~ (!1Au of played their games on campus. Gallaudet 15·11, 15·10, and the Jennifer Testa recorded eight saves team, soccer women's the University of North Carolina at in the net, And, by Saturday night, WMC Greensboro 15·9, 15·7. In In a triangular cross country An ucitins collq:e and career Bibte class emphasWns evansdi.m discipleship and had walked away with a semifinal play WMC Came from meet against Johns Hopkins and fellowship. tournament victory, a win, a third behind to beat Gettysburg 15-12, Loyola, WMC's Doug Ripley EVERY SUNDAY AT 9:45 A.M. and fifth place finish, an overtime 9-15, 15-12. Shawn Young lead finished in third with a time of L.rry St.ner- Teecber tie. a close loss, and a the Terrors by recording 15 kills, 27:48. For the women Kathy ........ made seven postponement and senior Laura Ciambruschini a Cbun:b or tbe OpeD Door 550 BalUDloRBh"d. The Terror volleyball team while Diana Palmer Hilliard came in with a time of Weslmlaller, MD 1:1157 won the Sixth Annual total of six. continued on page 6 *Coffeeand donuts served at 9:30am. C t r---------------------, on ras t a dds i f S pnng, . *Frcctransportationprovided s Issue or Carriage H~~~~Liquors! launches 'help wanted' campaign 'At the Forks' I by Maryann Rada been an annual publication, will single editor-in-chief The which has usually Contrast. intended effect of the change is to 113 W. Main St., Westminster If you've ever felt like voicing come out in two issues this year. get more students involved. Also, the name of each entrant The fall issue is expected to be an idea in writing. Western distributed in early February, and will be kept anonymous until specials this month ... Maryland College's literary a second issue should come out in after all judging is completed. magazine, Contrast, may be just May. The deadline for fall entries There are about eighteen students *National Boh $3.29/case the outlet you're looking for. is November 9. Another change involved so far this semester. The magazine is composed of Submission guidelines are as Coors and Coors Lite poetry, fiction, black-and-white this year is that the WMC Press follows: all entries must include will be used for publication. $10.99/case photography, and graphic art, all There is a new structure lO the a cover name appears. The sheet on which the entrant's done by WMC students. For Heineken 12 pk. $7.99 added incentive, this year a prize editorial process this year as well. entrant's name is not to appear on will be done by an Judging of $25 will be awarded for the editorial board made up of best entry in each category. students. rather than having a continued on page 7
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