Page 12 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 12
Page 4/Westem Maryland College/October 8, 1987 Editorial Good buy, farewell Not long ago, WMC earned itself a place in a book, The Best Buys in College Education .. This fact was, and still is, highly touted in the school's pamphlets which lure college-bound high school seniors. Evidently. a record number swallowed the bait as the largest freshman class ever began their first year at WMC. Either that. or they liked a college whose main method of advertising could be placed conveniently in the comics section of newpapers across the nation. A "best buy" in education does not refer solely lO the cost for four years, but also to the quality of the education. This quality may determine your future income, and the reputation of the school will be a deciding factor in the marketplace. A school's reputation is derived from the performance of its graduates in the job market. All of this boils down to the level of standards imposed by the college administration and the quality of students accepted. Many students now believe that WMC's standards are slipping. They say administrators are concerned mainly with tuition dollars, and not with increasing the level of education. We hear they are satisfied with the level of education here, while professors constantly preach that we should always strive for improvement. A double standard? Do these voiced opinions have any validity to them? How about the fact that one-third of the freshman class- last year was placed on academic probation, the highest percentage ever, ~ numerous others were issued warnings. Half of those freshman were enrolled in communications courses. That department continously boasts the highest departmental GPA. There seems to be an inconsistency here. And last year, 18 seniors hadn't passed the basic math proficiency tests three weeks before graduation. Eventually all but six passed. and Former student trust. .. the hard way. and its formals, but someday your. friends So, on. move shall were allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies. Still, at least 18 ... Although Ienjoyed many cherish your friendships--they can WMC students entered the job market with questionable math skills. finds value a good time with my friends, when the true test came along. I bring you much if you let them. While administrators have admitted that they are worried about the scenes described above, they have been busy redefining yet again of friendship failed. I got no second chance My thoughts arc 0.£ you, just what a "liberal arts" degree is. For at least the last four years, the with WMC, but I have been truly my friends. You have taught me well. core requirements of WMC's degree has been changed. Schools that fortunate to get a second chance conunously change their foundations only lessen the value placed on Editor. with my friends. A friend is their degrees by society. It is interpreted as a sign of instability, and ... Last year, I attended indeed a friend, but only if that investments in yourself need to have a stable base. Western Maryland as a freshman While last year's incoming class had a rough go of it, this year's and it quickly found a place deep Jason Barnes freshman class has shown signs of repetition. This summer the within my heart. I mel many college admitted approximately two-thirds of the provisional students people and some became my Women angered that passed certain basic courses with at least a 'C. These were friends. A few became very students that would not normally have been admitted because they did special and close friends to me. by absence of not meet WMC's minimum entry requirements, but were given a But there were times that Idid not second chance. One provisional student working in the Writing show it soccer coverage Center this summer asked the tutor how he could place two spaces between each word. The tutor questioned the student as to why he Academically, Western would want two spaces between each word. The reply? "Because my Maryland was not very good to Editor, teacher wants the paper double-spaced." me. Or rather, I to it. But I It disturbs us that in the At this rate, WMC will probably make the next issue of The ended up learning much more September 24 issue of The Best Byes in College Education. outside the classroom than I ever Phoenix there was no mention of ,- .., did inside one. Even after Spring the newly-formed women's soccer Break and the year were over, I team. We have worked hard to continued to learn from things become a varsity sport and feel ~~ The Phoenix that had happened to me. that if the Carroll County Times tIJ found us newsworthy. at least our As I mentioned before, I made a few very special friends here. I did not realize until very own school paper could report on our at that time undefeated record. recently how important these This insult was doubled by the EditOl-in-Chiel... ....... ,.. Andrew J. Raith. Craig Cecil Managing Editor. .. . . .Robin Myers people really are to me and how extreme length of the football Copy EditOl .. . Maryann Rada they would have helped me if interview. Who are you to judge Sports Edhot. . CynthiaSchaler only I had given them the chance. that one team is more important New5 Editor ... "....... .. Roshini George Business Manager .. ", C.Uoyd Hart than another? Photographers.. .... .. .... Chuck Cruise. Cynthia Schiller. Today, I am no longer a Not only were we excluded Eileen McNulty. Kathleen McNulty student at WMC beause I did not from the issue, other deserving & Nancy Freeman Reporters. ...... . ..... " ..... "Jonathan Slade. Bill Desciak, reach out in a time of personal friendship is nurtured from both teams such as men's' soccer and Wendy Leroy. Jim Vowles. Tammy Gill crisis and need. I think I greatly people, and it must to remain cross-country were also neglected. Angela Coleman. Jason Plummer & Lee Spector hurt those around me when I healthy and alive. We found it imperative to call Advisor.. Pame!aRegis turned them away. Now I am [MJy letter (is) an example this to your attention, so that in The Pnaenix is a bimonthly publication 01 Western Maryland to those at WMC who may need a the future all athletic teams will College. The opinions expressed in columns and letters to paying. Yet through it all, those the editOl do flOt necessarily reuect thase 01 the staft or true friends have stood beside me friend, but feel they must carry receive equal coverage. adminiSlratoo. Editorials are the responsibilily 01 ee EiditQf' the burden of the world on their in~hiel. and are approved by the editorial board. The and given me their love and Phoenix reserves the right to headline. and edit !Of length. support My heart sings out to shoulders. A friend is but a clarity. and libelous content A1lleners to theedilor must be breath away .. signed, Authorship will be verified them. Address all mail to: The Phoenix. Western Maryland I have learned the true value WMC will always have its College. Westminster. MD 21157. of friendship and the need to parties and its dances and its finals The Women's Soccer Team
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