Page 10 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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Page 2IWestern Maryland College/October 8, 1987 Soccer holds onto Volleyball undefeated in 2-2 overtime tie Catholic U. tournament the lower comer of the net. This by Bob Ballinger goal proved to be costly for the Nonh Carolina Wesleyan 14-16, WMC lost at home to York Terrors because Sack was injured by Cynthia Schafer 15-2, 15-4; host Mary College, 3-1, on September IS, "Soccer is a creative sport and wilt be out for two weeks. Washington 15-12. 15-10; and with Bradley recording the team's and we are out here to make the The Terrors seemed to control the VOLLEYBALL Salisbury State 15-5, 16-14 lone goal. The Terrors fell to game exciting so fans want to last five minutes of the game but On September 25-26. the earlier in the match. Senior Franklin and Marshall on watch," explains Western just could not score the go ahead netters were invincible in the Captain Laura Ciambruschini September 19, 1-0. Sophomore Maryland College's head soccer goal. Catholic University round robin excelled and was named to the all- Jen Testa had an impressive 25 coach Brian Blank. "This campus Susquehanna struck first, tournament as they did not drop tournament team. In previous saves for both games. is looking for a winning team to scoring a goal 3:40 into the first one game to any contender. They MAC action, the Terrors subdued support and with a new scheme IO-minute overtime. WMC, defeated St. Mary's 15-8, 15-6 in Johns Hopkins on September 17 CROSS-COUNTRY they are going to fulfill those battling back, scored the lying the title match to capture first by a score of 15-3, 15-4, 15-3. Franklin & Marshall needs." goal when Looney converted a place honors. Seniors Shawn The Neuers' next home match up squashed the Terrors in cross As Susquehanna College penalty kick after sophomore Young and Annette Rapley were will be on October 12 at 7, pm country action on September 26. can attest, Blank stands behind his Frank Kratovil was fouled in the selected for the All-Tournament against Susquehanna. Doug Ripley finished sixth in the words. In the pouring rain and penalty box. Both teams Team and Coach Carol Fritz was standings with a time of 28:14 in two ovenimcs on October 3. a continued to exbange chances but named as the All-Tournament FlELD HOCKEY the 8.000 meter run to lead the strong defense prevailed for a 2-2 the game remained tied. Coach. On their trip to the top WMC women's field Green and Gold. tic. Anchored by freshman Mike WMC goalkeeper Andrew award. the Green snuffed out Kean hockey defeated Hood on At the Dickinson Looney, the WM;C defense proved Pons was credited with 13 saves. College 15-3, 15-11; St. Mary's September 22 by a 2-0 score. Invitational on September 19, that as long as the Terrors could Three key saves in the last two 15-4, 15-9; Mary Washington 15- Stacey Bradley and Barbara Wolfe Cathey Hilliard and Jill Richerd score. never count them out minutes of the OT clinched the 6,15-5; and Catholic IS-I, 15-5. each tallied one goal. On finished 13th and 21st SUSQuehanna scored first to tie. Blank: commented: In addition. the squad took September 24 they routed respectively out of 32 take a 1-0 lead going into "Something very successful was second place at the Mary Washington College, 5-0. Sandi competitors. The men, however, halftime. Co-Captain Ion Sack accomplished today--we have a Washmgton Tournament on Stevens outdid her teammates by were victorious by virtue of tied up the game late in the young team and we have a lot September 19. Their only loss in scoring a hat trick, and Bradley defeating Dickinson 41-20 and second period with a head ball to more to prove; this tournament came against followed close behind with two Drew 31-25. Ripley this time Students affected by Greensboro of 8-15. in the finals goals. Sophomore len Testa had finished second in the 8000 meter College to pace the with a time of 28:20 10-15. eleven saves and thereby registered by a score 15-6. Western Maryland had defeated her third shutout of the season. Terrors in the conquest. Prestige pull-out Blank sees brighter future I:~ih~~ er:~i~~ continued (rom page 1 eqUiP;~~~ i and 'ts adjusting extremely well. 'Richochet Rabbit" Kratovil is on removal of the video equipment honors project," said Jamie Davis, by Bill Desciak His attitude towards the change is attack. with junior Ethan without sufficient notice," who is also majoring in commendable." Langford. Freshman Chip Savery explained Jon Slade, a senior Communications. The Western Maryland When asked about possible also sees time at the attack Communications major. "It was College men's soccer team kicks substitutions, Blank replied, "no, position. "Kratovu IS an production-quality studio The question as to whether 'Off its 1987 season with some our defense is pretty much set It excellent thinking player," equipment, usually unseen at a WMC will ever have a video new forces both on and off the may change in accordance with exclaims Blank. "He combines liberal arts college," added Slade. studio still remains to be field. Off the field there are first- who we are playing. It also his speed and talent with his answered. The anticipated cost is year coaches Brian Blank and JOe depends on who is playing well, 'knew-how' of the game. He At present, students have to beyond any departmental budget Nattans. and. of course, injuries. 1 feel thinks soccer exceptionally well. use the video equipment used by "If we go ahead, it should be in Blank, a graduate from very confident about our Langford has excellent athletic the college two years before. compliance with academic Messiah College, has six years of substinnes if called upon." Blank ability and is a continuous threat Students who worked with the requirements and be satisfactory as coaching experience under his alluded to the goalie position. to punch that quick goal. He equipment reiterated the a revenue-raising project," belt, including teams that have "We have two very fine goalies in makes his presence known to "invaluable experience" which explained Dr. Robert Sapora. "I played in the Netherlands, Andy Pons and David Cadigan. I opposing defenses," they obtained by being lucky think the two objectives can be Denmark, Czechoslovakia, and feel confident with both of them Iasked Blank if he took an enough to operate the advanced harmonious," he added the Soviet Union. Blank played in the net. It's just that Andy has extensive look at last year's team. cq=Ui:pm:cn:L~=====~op:u:·m:i':tiC:al:IY:.=====; Blank. healthy edge-be's responded and the slight "No, not really," soccer at Messiah ~ on a team that was for four years he is playing well." "I really team did not want to take last I a national "We have two basic types of contender. into consideration; year's Nauans is a graduate of defenses," Blank continued. "high just put everyone at zero and gave' ~C;E~fiEATIlE Western Maryland College. where pressure and low pressure. We them a fair shake at camp." ~Sfi()P he was a member of and a captain use high pressure 'on teams that And what about the Terrors' of the soccer team, leading them we think we can cause some chances this year? "I think the On our low pressure 82 W. Main St. and CranberryMall in scoring and assists. turnovers. we look to contain a little resources are here, we have some defense On the field the squad looks very good soccer players. We are The Halloween Stop like this: THE DEFENSE combination We also may use a a very young to playing but once we bit more. team, get of the two each with used Stop by our new Cranberry Mall kiosk ball and its location concern is the game." the course of the other more, the goals will come throughout "Our primary on the field," and so will the wins." Opening states Blank. "We're marc of a THE O~FENSE Mon,Oct. 26 ball-oriented defensive team." Offensively, Blank goes with The WMC men's soccer The defensive unit consists of junior co-captain Jon Sack at the team plays in the South West and don'( miss ... senior co-captain Denny Snyder at attack mid-field spot The Division of the Middle Atlantic The Ultimate stopper, senior Rich Gruber and defensive middie is flip-flopped Conference, a conference that has Halloween freshman Carlton Cayward at the between senior Jamie Hess and the strongest showing in terms of The Terrors How-To Show wings, freshman Mike Looney at freshman a junior, Pat Donnelly. of Craig the NCAA work bids. cut out for them, have but and junior Andy Pons in Sweeper, is at one their Ejk, Oct. 28, 7 pm on the stage the net. wings with sophomore Mike with the knowledgeable and in the mall's Center Court "We're really going to miss Shanahan at the other wing. enthusiastic coaching team of Denny next year," says Blank. Shanahan is in for an injured Blank and Nauans. combined with "He's really a big part. of our Mark Oskam, a freshman a young and talented corp of defense. Rich Gruber switched exchange student from Holland. soccer players, the future looks from offense to defe~se this year Sophomore Frank bright. And the Iotarc starts here,
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