Page 88 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 88
Page IOIWestem Maryland ColiegelFebruary 26, 1987 _ Marlene Clements Health: Flu virus BLOOM COUNTY poses winter threat Influenza has been around, nose, nasa] congestion, sore and labeled as such, since the throat. dry cough, and substernal epidemic of 1743. "Flu" is a chest pain. . highly contagious respiratory Flu symptoms last three disease caused by a virus. There days to a week, but tiredness and are three types of flu viruses ~eakness may pers!sl for some known; types A, B. and C. It is ume. Symptoms lasting ~yO~d a the type A strains that cause the week may mean complications major epidemics such as the Hong have developed. One of several Kong flu of 1968. New mutant secondary bacterial infections may strains of type A continue to have set in. These include appear. sinusitis, otitis media (middle ear Jmmmuniry, which is not infection), bronchitis and permanent, occurs after a bout pne~moni~.. . These infections with the flu, but it is specific antibiotic therapy. only for the type of flu virus which caused the original infection. Vaccines are available each year against type A and B strains. This year there was also available a vaccine against the mutant type A Taiwan strain. The vaccine is an egg vaccine. so anyone with an allergy to egg protein should not receive it, Immunity from the vaccine lasts only several months to a year. . Flu is highly contagious. care yourself nee it starts to spread, up to half symptomatically. First, stay in f the community can catch it. bed and gel plenty of rest This is pidemics usually last from four necessary especially while a fever six weeks. The incubation is present. Second. drink fluids to riod is short,lasting from 18 to loosen secretions and prevent 72 hours. The virus is transmitted dehydration from fever. Third, directly by the respiratory route, take analgesics such as Tylenol to usually when an infected person relieve the fever and other body coughs or sneezes near you. aches. Children and teenagers Flu can also be transmitted should avoid aspirin during a flu- indirectly by coming into contact type illness, since Reye's with things a flu sufferer has syndrome has been associated infected, such as towels, with aspirin use duing flu telephones. tooth paste tubes, etc. infection. Fourth, take a cough Direct or indirect transmission can suppressant and use a humidifier continue for about a week for the dry cough caused by following the appearance of the congestion. first symptoms. The best protection against These symptoms often arrive catching the flu this winter is 10 suddenly, and may include a avoid the flu virus whenever severe frontal headache, extreme possible and to keep yourself sensitivity to light, aching healthy by practicing good heanh muscles and joints- particularly in habits. If you do happen to catch the back and legs, chins, a fever the flu this season, act wisely. as high as l04oF, tiredness. and a Avoid spreading the virus to loss of appetite with nausea or others, rest in bed, and follow-up vomiting. After the inital with a visit to the Health Center impact, respiratory symptoms or your doctor if more serious will follow, including a runny complications are suspected. KME Puzzle Contest Correctly solve the following puzzle and you could win a $10 gift certificate to Fan's restaurant in Westminster: Suppose a man buys a house for $50,000 and rents it. He puts 12 per cent of each month's rent aside for repairs and upkeep, pays $600 a year in taxes, and realizes eight per cent on his investment. What is the monthly rent? Submit your answer to KME, P.O. Box 42 by March 6. A random drawing will be held of all correct solutions. KME members are not eligible to win. Congratulations to Shawn Young who correctly solved the last KME puzzle and received the $10 cash prize.
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