Page 73 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 73
February 12, 1987lWestern Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on·CampUS What are your impressions of Black History Month? Seems to me there's I feel that it is impor- I think it is a good I think it is very irn- I think it is good in a a need for months tant to observe Black idea but I think we portant to make indi- way, but I think more deSignated as Black History Month for the should have other viduals aware of emphasis should be History, or Native good of mankind as history months to bet- Black History Month placed on other races North American, be- well as those without ter compliment the an the accomplish- in the U.S., not just cause the thing we knowledge of Black American Melting ments of Blacks in Blacks. call society is in need heritage. Pot. America. Many Amer- of increased aware- icans are ignorant of ness of different peo- our many accom- . pies and their plishments. importance. Jeffery Kirkwood Rhonda J. Meyers Karen Quidas Angela Latney Lee Holmes _ J. Scott Moyer Campus Safety apprehends WMC gallery features breaking and entering suspect Native American art On December 3, a Union apprehended by Chief Scott Bridge man was apprehended and :y~~f W:~TnrW: ~af:~byAmyRatcliffe =~~ose= tore::C.!nd their S charged by WMC Campus Safety The with trespassing and breaking and incidenL WMC Art Gallery . Tuesday night's opening was of two students' semester its entering in a series of bizarre launched of shows spring on Tuesday, the culmination study projects. independent schedule events which took place on The Department of Campus an completed campus. Safety in conjunction with the Feb. 10, with opening of Elizabeth Koppe the . At approximately 7:30 am., Residence Life Staff and Carroll Native American artifacts. The research on the artifacts and the campus safety office received County Sexual Assault will be opening, which lasted from 7·9 compiled the information, while designed Amy several calls in regard to a sponsoring an infonnational pm, presented has a collection been of placing Ratcliffe the artifacts. The the artifacts that never of suspicious subject posing as a exhibit on personal safety for shown before. Student Gallery Committee janitor walking through the female students and staff. The corridors and ladies' rest rooms in exhibit will be held on Tuesday, hosted the event and provided Blanche Ward Hall. Before Feb. 17 from 8:30 am to 5 pm in Given to the college in 1957 refreshments. The opening also permanent campus officers could arrive on Ensor Lounge. by Mr. Winter Myers, the introduced WMCs the scene, the subject fled the area In addition to printed collection includes objects from collection of Greek, Roman, and in an automobile. A broadcast matching the description was just materials, a 20 minute videotape the Navajo, Zuni, Woodlands, Egyptian artifacts, which are now Art in and Blackfeet was put out to city police as well seen leaving Blanche Ward HaJJ on sexual assault on college Sioux, Cheyenne, our view of an, hanging room. the Gallery Building's hours are reception indians. ' Unlike as college staff working in lite and heading for McDaniel Hall. campuses will also be shown these tribal peoples' concept of art Monday-Friday. lOam to 4 pm. area. Campus safety officers conducted throughout the day. At 3:15 p.m. a call was a search of the building. As the lies in everyday objects. The Students and faculty are received from a physical plant suspect was attempting to exit the J. SCQtt Moyer is tIlL WMC b~ets, c,lothes, ~nd .po~,?, in encouraged to stop by and see the employee stating that a person south side of the building, he was Director of Campus Safety.
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