Page 69 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 69
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Palmer announces drama, communications merger curricular committee to determine what kind of theater program can by Jonathan Slade best serve Western Maryland at Starting this September. some this time," Palmer added He performing arts majors at WMC explained !!lat drama may become will find themselves in much a minor, a communications track, larger company. or remain a major with an altered "We're combining theater and curriculum. communications into one depart- "I don't like thejurnors saying ment called communications and we're killing off theater. We're theater arts," Dr. Melvin D. not," Palmer stressed. "At a Palmer. Dean of Academic liberal arts college, you need a Affairs, announced Monday. theater program. We want to "Performing Arts won't be used as keep it alive so that if drama a title anymore." flourishes again, like it did in the Palmer. explained lhat sixties, we have the seed to make declining enrollment in theater theater into its own department classes over the past several years again." Andy Staib, (L) and Rolf Arnesen, (R) inspect the led to the merger. The idea to merge arose last steam pipes laid bare of earth in front of Decker "Drama was not a separate semester when three outside College Center. The work was begun in search of an department until the late sixties. consultants visited the WMC errant steam leak. Recently, though, the number of dramatic arts department to study majors has gone down. The the program. he said. February production theater curriculum was moo Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, "All three mentioned the elaborate than the people we had Dean of Academic Affairs possibility of combining theater in it," he said. "It was a question and communicaricns," of how to best utilize the present communications At present, there are eight drama instructors we have at our chairperson. will head the new majors. tackles dark themes disposal." department in the fall Ms. Pamela Regis, the "She will spearhead a continued on page.2 Residents receive damage bills by Kristin Tyeryar My Sister in This House Human oppression and its explores the attitudes of the upper and lower social classes not only floor of the affected residence halls damages invokes a feeling of various consequences make up the toward each other, but toward by Rober! A. Paul have been posted. Bills for halls responsibility on the residents," central conflict in My Sister in themselves as well. where Greek organizations reside says WMC student and Rouzer This House , the latest dramatic Tim Weinfeld, who directs On Tuesday, Feb. 3, were sent to each group's Hall resident James S. Berra, "but venture for the Department of the Western Maryland production. flagrant common damage bills were president Unless the perpetrators I believe parties should damage by Performing Am. The play, says he chose the play because it outside written by Wendy Kesselman, not be distributed to WMC residence of the damages come forward, the deals with two sisters who are is nan acting challenge." halls. Floor residents will have damage cost will be divided charged to students." He refers 10 maidservants in the house of an "This play is too dark and glass the listing door of to pay bills ranging from as low among all floor residents. brutal for a community theatre to as $20 to upwards of $8()() for This billing method has replacements in Rouzer; most upperclass woman and her only perform," states Weinfeld. "I damages done to their floors. caused some controversy. "The continued on page 2 daughter. Set in 1930's France, continued on page 3 The damages and cost to each policy of students paying for idelights: ill colorizing classic Omegas 'go national' with black and white films adversely affect them? Alpha Omicron Pi sorority No sororities seek out national school's reputation, and the by C, Lloyd Hart affiliation, and the offer of a reputation of the group, but also Yes thousand dollars to help defray the we look at GPA's, extra curricular The stan. of the new year saw costs of "going national," the activities, and how Greeks are Undecided the sisters of the Alpha Nu sisters of Alpha Nu Omega have viewed by the school. We turn Omega sorority take off their chosen to accept colony status down many more than we accept" baby blue and white sweatshirts with Alpha Omicron Pi. . Don't - Care for the last time. From now on "We're very pleased to be During the next six to 12 • the 43 former Omegas will sport chosen." says Ms. Debbie Miller, months the colony members will the red and white of Alpha national . public relations immerse themselves in their new 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Omicron Pi, the group's new coordinator for Alpha Omicron organization's national activities, national parent organization. Pi. But she adds that her philosophy" and 90 years of Number of people Responding to the recom- organization chooses very sorority tradition. To help mendation of the President's carefully the campuses on which WMC's Alpha Omicron Pi survey sample: 125 source: Phoenix Commission on Student Life that it agrees 10 colonize. "Most L_~_~ ...J the college's local fraternities and importantly we look at the continued on page 2 ,--
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