Page 76 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 8IWestern Maryland College/February 12, 1987 - Sharon Skozilas High blood pressure BLOOM COUNTY lurks as silent killer High blood pressure is a serious disease that affects some 60 millionAmericans. It is a disease that afflicts calm, easy-going people as well as high-strung, nervous people. It occurs in young people as well as old, affects males and females of all races, and cuts across all economic strata. It is more common and more severe among the black population. In more than 95-99 per cent of the cases there is no known cause or cure. Most often people with high bloodpressure haveno discemable symptoms, this being the reason Many factors can affect blood why thedi.seaseis often referred to pressure. Even those whose as the silent, mysterious killer. blood pressure is within normal First, however, what is blood limits can experience fluctuations. pressure? If someone told you B)oOO pressure changes can often your blood pressure was 120/80 OCCurwith postural changes (from would you understand what those lying down to sitting up) even in numbers mean and represent? patientswith no blood pressure or Blood pressure is the force of the cardiovascular abnormalities. blood exerted against the walls of Environmental temperature can the arteries. The top number affect blood pressure and blood (called the systolic) is the pressure pressure changes as we age. against the arteries while the heart Thereare certain factors,however, is beating. The bottom number that contribute to the development (diastolic) is the pressure against of high blood pressure. Obesity, the arteries while the heart is a diet high in salt and fat content, resting and flllmg "(between excessive alcohol intake, .beats). Blood pressure is smoking, and psychological stress measured in millimeters (mm) of can all predispose a person 10 mercury (Hg) by an instrument developing high blood pressure. called a sphygmomanometer. It To obtain more information, is recorded with systolic pressure ask questions and have your blood over the diastolic 120 mm Hg/80 pressure checked at the Blood mm Hg. The normal blood Pressure Screening sponsored by pressure ranges from 90/60 - Student Health Services, 140190. Persons with blood Personnel and Beta Beta Beta on pressures exceeding 140/90 are Monday, Feb. 16 between 11 usually referredfor follow-up. am. and 2 p.m. in Ensor Lounge. Seiler Corp. replaces Marriott food service pub, but DiPrima feels that the continued from page 2 true succcess of that area will has increased the salad bar and "depend on how involved the soup selections and introduced a studentsbecome." bread bar. "We've started serving pizza More importantly, DiPrima again," explained DiPrima, "and described Seiler's as a "scratch may begin a delivery service in company." "We try to make as whichcampus organizations could much as possible from scratch. earn money by delivering on .We bake in small batches so that specific evenings. We also plan to the food won't go bad or get stale. work closely with CAPhoard in I think:that this will improve the order to attract more students." overall quality of the meals," he Seiler's is part of a Contract added. Management Company based in "We are suong on Waltham, Massachussetts. It has presentation," continued regional branches in Atlanta, DiPrima." We will plan special Chicago, and King of Prussia, Pa. events suchas Hawaiiannight and Among the forty schools in this Chinese night in which we will region serviced by Seiler'S are be able to create a different Johns Hopkins University, The atmospherein the dining hall." College of NOLTe Dame, Catering Manager Francine McDonough School, and Catholic Morgan will be in charge of the University.
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