Page 71 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 71
February 12, 1987lWestern Maryland College/Page 3 My Sister in This House debuts Feb. 26 makes a point of using this who is SO different from herself. similarity (0 show the differences "IsabclleandMadameDanzardare continued from page 1 in the attitudes of the two classes. really snooty people," she says, came across this work in a Another basis for comparison lies "and it is kind of neal to play women's theater class I am in the family relationships Isabelle because she expresses teaching, and realized that college represented in the play. Madame herself completely different from theatre would be the perfect creative setting for My Sister in Danzard (played by Heather the way I do. Willever) is the widowed mother "I like my character because I This House. There is so much who does not want to lose the can have so much fun portraying liberty for performing unusual companyof her daughter, Isabelle, her. I also find Isabelle drama in an educational situation and Lea Lutton (played by Amy interesting because she makes a like this one," Wieczorek) is the younger sister small attempt to befriend the Unusual drama is precisely who constantly needs the love and maids. I don't think she is as what My Sister in This House is. approval of her older sister, class-conscious as her mother is." Even me set reflects this idea. An Christine. These two Willever, on the other hand, intriguing series of tilted, relationships are strangely similar does not like her character's multilevel platfonns has been in some respects (although one snobbiness. "Madame Danzard is constructed on me floor of should watch for an irueresung interesting to play because she is Alumni's mainstage. These twist to the familiar older a different kind of person from platforms, of course, cause every sister/younger sister scenario). me, but I don't like her attitudes object on them to appear All four of the actresses toward the maids. I am able to distorted, further giving the seem to enjoy the roles they have understand why she acts the way impression that something is not in the production. Wieczorek she does, though, just by acting quite right in the play. explains that she is even learning in the role." The four characters in My to see things in her own life that Tracy Tokar and Amy Wieczorek run through lines My Sister in This House is Sister in This House, though she never saw before. for the Feb. 26 opening of My Sister In This House. based on a true story.To consider separated by t\VO classstructures, "I could never really seethat The play, written by Wendy Kesselman, is directed this fact enhances the message of are at the same time intertwined anyone group was being by Tim Weinfeld. the play, especially when the by severa1 important factors. One oppressed today until I started audience witnesses the shocking of these factors is age, which playing the role of Lea," she says. makes me appreciate even more maternal comfort to Lea and results of the Danzard's provides an interesting "After a while, Ibegan to see that my own sense of independence Isabelle is a major theme of the oppression of the maids. comparison between the the kind of behavior the Danzards and self-worth." play," explains Tokar. "Wendy My Sister in This House upperclass Isabelle Danzard exhibit in the play actually does Tokar says that her character Kesselman uses the mothering will be presented on A1umni Hall (Debbie Suite) and the lower class still exist, and it exists virtually is "very much the mother" 10 the need to make a correlation mainstage on February 26, 27, maid Christine Luuon (Tracey everywhere. I'm also glad I'm not younger sister. "The need for between the two social classes." and 28, beginning at 8 pm each Ann Tokar). Both characters are like the character I portray. Lea both Christine and Madame Suite focuses more on the evening. Tickets are $1 for r _.:year:__, _ol_d,_an_d_the_...:_Pl...:ay_.:wn_..:_gh_t D_an_zar_d__ to__ _...:_pr_ov_id,efun of playing a character students. 20 Iwould like to extend my appreciation and warmest thanks to those who offered support during my recovery. I have been overwhelmed with kindness from everyone at WMC and I connot begin to express how much it has meant to me. Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, phone cans, and visits. Many thanks to all anonymous friends and to those who Imay have mistakenly overlooked. And Iwould especially like to thank Esther Griffith for being my second Mom! Thank you again, Jennifer Hoff I For Sale Spinet -Console Piano Bargain Wanted: Responsible party to take over low monthly payments on spinet- console piano. Can be seen locally. Call Mr. White at 1-800-544-1574 ext. 608 Sign up for Army ROTC Basic Camp. 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