Page 74 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 74
-----~-------------.. Page 6IWestem Maryland CoJlege/February 12. 1987 Wrestlers earn _Bill Desciak Suffering basketball squad a9-2 record needs 'new approach'to improve which WMC was down against by Cynthia Schafer Elizabethtown and Messiah. The Green quickly fell behind ]6-0 Welcome back. sports fans. The 1986-87 men's wrestling versus Messiah. Succesive pins I hope your break was as good as team, behind the coaching of Sam by Jon Bovit, Bill Dengler, and mine, and if it was not, well there Case, has compiled a strong Skip Sinak, however enabled the is always next year. record of 9·2 on the season. The Terrors to take a 18-16 lead after Alex Ober's men's basketball only two losses on the year came 158 pounds. This rebound team. picked by many to finish in against York, 12-40,on Jan. 28; enabled the Green to finish the the cellar of the division, started and versus Ursinus on Feb.?, 6- match with a 30-22 score. Out with a bang this season, 42. The second come-from-behind going 4-1. This was good WMC scored a double victory win was even more dramatic than enough for a tie with Franklin & on Dec. 3, defeating Loyola. 31- the rust. Messiah was leading 22- Marshall for the tops of the MAC 13; and Haverford, 44-11. Dec. o after five weight classes before Southwest division. Visions of 12 brought the Terrors a win over WMC's rally. The Terrors then an MAC Championship danced in Galluadet by a score of 27-16. pulled off an impressive siring of the heads of many, but it was not Johns Hopkins also went down five falls five bouts for a 30-22 to be. The Terrors dropped three in a tight match on Jan. -20 by a victory. straight, including a heart tally of 28-22. By the same Tri-Captains Ed Singer, Skip wrencher at Lebanon Valley in token Widener and Messiah also Sinn, and Mike Martinovich which point guard Jeff Stempler feU to the Green on Jan. 24,40-6 have all distinguished themselves went four for five in the last two and 3()'22 respectively. 39-16 by being undefeated so far this minutes from three point land. was the score by which season. Singer has a record of 9-0 This loss dashed any conceivable Elizabethtown was defeated by on in dual meets, Sinak 11-0, and chances of the Terrors making the Jan. 31. In more recent action Martinovich 9-0. playoffs. the Terrors split a dual meet, The wrestlers last home meet And now, the moment you've losing to Ursinus but beating will take place this Saturday all been wailing for. Billy D's Lebanon Valley Feb.14 against Delaware Valley. step by step analysis of this year's College 37-8 on Feb. 7. MAC Championships will be men's varsity basketball team. Two of WMCs most stirring held in the PELC over Feb. 27-28 The Guards: We have victories came from rallies in starting on the 27 at 12 pm. some good solid ball-handling, Betes bounce back; ~~~~~~eff an~tem~~ ·M-a-rk-K-a~rt"';."n-u-m"'b"e""r"5-2~.-m-a-k-e-s-a-C-leanjump shot in beat Bachelors ~c:aI~u::de a:~~:,in:ChS::~ Tuesday's game against Franklin and Marshall. The 82-63. Terrors lost to the Diplomats, being oneof lbe deadliest three point popppers in the conference. able to sink that medium range have one. Obers game plan The Gamma Beta em men's Hodges, Cbris Moms, and Darrell Freshman Dave Barnes also has a "J" from the corner. He is also consists of set UP. look over the intramural basketball team Guyton ted the way for the nice jumper, but he does not air it one of the few Terrors not afraid defense, and run our plays. That defeated the Bachelor's A team by Bachelors in the losing cause. out enough. to put it uP consistently. He does is fine, but you cannot be afraid 10 points in the ctlampionship Other fine performances were The Problems: The team not get as many boards as one fa let the boys push it up the game for the January Tenn. The registered by Tom "Three_point" seems to have a Jack of might think, though. Once he floor for that three on two; two Bachelon led at halftime 2().15. Kracke. Bob Forsythe, Tom penetration and they are not gets his timing and positioning on one situation. Nothing takes It was nip and mck all the Durkin, Joe "Scrappy" Nanans always 'able to gel the ball into down on the boards, especially on the oppositon out of the game way until the end when the Betes' and Rich "Toasted" McCaughey. the big men. But the biggest the offensive end, he shoud be one faster than racking up some qllick Dru SaJvo and John McDonnell The Bachelors had fine efforts problem is the nonexistent fast of the toughest in the conference. points by running them iDLOthe scored. The fmal score was Betes from Danny D'lmperio, Bill break, which could be due to the ground. 1am not saying let's turn 55 - Bachloors 45. Butts, Steve Lutche, and Dave tight reins drawn by Ober. Junior Former JV'er Bryan Lynch this team into the UNL V The triple towers of Luke Llewellyn. transfer Andy Pons could help if has also come a long way, most Running Rebels, but at least we he ever gets a chance to play and importantly in the aggresiveness could give it a by. ~============~====:;-'freshman IV'er Frankie Kratovil department. He still has to work The press. Once again, we r Treat your sweethart may be able to contribute next on not holding the ball underneath do not have any. This is another to our Valentine year. AU KratoviJ needs is a so long before laking it to the way to shake uP the opponent. little ball control. We aJl can see Take them Out of their game plan hole. He should also put that soft passion red he has got all the moves. jumper uP more often. by controlling the tempo and • Freshman Mark Kart has been causing some turnovers with an helium balloons! Another basic problem is the a pleasant suspnse, hustling all aggressive full court press. This team's need to move the baIl more :' 3 for $3 quickly around the perimeter. over the court and not afraid to already tough defensive scheme. is the only link missing from our his that for Sometimes you have to get the body sacrifice _........_- _ ...._ ~i., ~Cit!'YI:""5 T~£4T~ ball moving and then tum into offensive call. His defense needs And finally, the substituting. ''':f'~5tMJP the basket for the score. a littJe work though. especially Ober's substitutions are frequent, when recovering We have a ......... n_ from helping _ .._ _.. fme crew of young board-hangers. out. Still, I see a bright future which is great. I could not agree The Big Men: mere-get the most OUt of your as well as some nice touches from for Mark! Jackson Taylor may bench and have a fresh five on the In a slump? the Outside. Junior transfer be able to help out at small court at all times. But the timing Dwayne Milam is about as tough forward. especially in the used is sometimes questionable. I Need to boost sales? and intense as they come. He is penetration department. but he lias should be on the court at what • think Ober should reevaluate who strong on the boards and his shot yet to get the call. The Coach: Alex Ober has Advertise in The Phoenix is smooth as silk. Sometimes, been with us for 14 years, that is time. Perhaps, though, this final though, you might find him on almost as long as I have been in Reach over 3500 readers each month the bench when he should be Out existence. Yet he still doesn't get strategy is the major reason for Team Why? Nobody the Terror break-down. on the court Call today! knows. Jon Bugg has come a long the consistent entrance into the members do not have enough a Lime to into gel playing post season play that our fans are way from last year. His jump hungry for. Here some of the winning unit. 857-0155 WMC P.O. Box 61 shot has shown the most reasons why. And a winning unit, we progress. He is now consistently The fast break. We do not know, does not occur over night.
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