Page 77 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 77
Anorexia, bulimia by Berke Breathed strike college women Eating disorders affect white skin and brittle hair can be seen in females from upper-middle or the malnourished children of th middle-classbackgrounds. Only a third world countries. few males and very few blacks Hypoglycemia and heart problems have been affected. Among are some other dangers. Suicide, college-age women, as many as however, accounts for the deaths 18 per cent have been diagnosed of many anorexics. as having such a disorder. Hormones are greatly affec However, the chances are that this by anorexia. Amenorhea (or th percentage is very low, cessation of menstruation) may because most women suffer from caused by changes in hormones. these problems secretly. Often, anorexics revert to pre- What are anorexia nervosa and puberty conditions of bormon bulimia? "Anorexia" means a levels. Some scientists belicv lack of appetitc for food and that anorexics fear becoming "nervosa" is a term referring to sexually mature because sex has the nerves in the body. Anorexia been treated as evil by thei is not a disease, but a syndrome. parents. Bulimics have estrogen Many symptoms may indicate deficiencies which can cause anorexia. These include fear of osteoporosis (a bone disease obesity, weight loss, and body which affects many women in image disturbance, and though their later years). these do not automatically Bulimics commonly suffe indicate anorexia, they do offer a from irregular menstruation, way of identifying the disorder. gastric dilation and rupture, dental Bulimia is associated with enamel erosion, Mallory-Weis binging, or eating large amounts tears, esophagitis, and loss 0 of food, and then purging the potassium due to laxative abuse. body of the food through fasting, Often, drugs or alcohol used prio vomiting, or the use of laxatives to a bulimic purging can cau or diuretics. The body weight of asphyxiation. a bulimic person often fluctuates Scientists at NIH arc workin greatly. to discover the causes and cures 0 Often, bulemic women were these problems. Antidepressan at one Lime anorexic, and vice have helped in the past. versa. Both disorders result from Therapy is another altemaLiv an obsession with food. that could prevent futhe Anorexics often prepare delicious deterioration. Three types 0 food for others and enjoy therapy are group, family, an watching them eat. Bulimics individua1. But, before a patien often set aside specific times each can begin therapy, he must: 1) day to eat junk food. Admit there is a problem, 2 Bulimia starts around ages17- Realize its effect on the family 25. Anorexia usually affects a and friends, 3) Trust the therapist slightly younger group--those Our society demands tha between 13-14 or 17-18. Females women and men be
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