Page 68 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 68
Page 121Western Maryland College!November 20. 1986 _ Craig Cecil No, Cannon Film's new secure, happy future. When Harry blackmailed into doing it. release 52~Pickup is not about a reneges on the first payment to By far, the most interesting possessed Ford that strikes down the blackmailers, they find a gun and well done aspect of the film is pedestrians in a small mid-western in Harry's house and use it to kill the sudden transition from town. It is, however, a vehicle of his playmate, execution style. "reality" to the "fantasy" world another sort. It's a vehicle that Only then does Harry realize that that the blackmailers reside in. Cannon is using to rake in a lot he has to stop fooling around and (Some pessimists would say ". of money from unsuspecting deal with the low-life. 52-Pickup "fantasy" into "reality") audience's who are lured by the then careens along with Harry Eventually the outer world presence of the two stars in the through a world of sex, becomes sealed off and viewers are film, Roy Scheider and Ann- pornography, drugs, and death. locked in a stifling environment Margret, You see, it's blackmail. 52-Pickup is reminiscent of with Harry. Both the viewers and Harry Mitchell (Scheider) is a the atmosphere Brian DePalma Harry begin to comprehend the middle-age, well-to-do owner of a creates in his films. The strong, minds and thinking of these men, high tech manufacturing flagrant street-language and and therein lies the secret to their company. His wife, Barbara (Ann. graphic violence conjures up self-destruction By the film's end Margeet), is quite successful images of Scarface, while the the question will arise: Is Harry herself, as she has just accepted closed-in feeling is comparable to really a victim or are his the nomination to run for public that in Body Double. Jost similarities to the blackmailers office. However, it seems as Vacano's photography is good, more than a coincidence? though the overtime that Harry's using lighting, unique camera been putting in recently hasn't angles, and other techniques The time-worn plot, been at the office, but rather at the developed by DePalma and predictability, and flimsy local motel in little Micheal Mimni Vice Mann to characters tum an otherwise good extracurricular activity. Harry's their best effect, As the bullets thriller into just another be-bum trouble starts when he is are pumped in slow-motion from characters. By far, Scheider's whimpering lines and some release. The presence of Scheider confronted by some men who Harry's gun into the handcuffed character is shown in the most crying, although she does do a and Ann-Margret add little to the have a videocassette of him girl, one can almost hear Crockett detail and is the focal character, good job of kicking, screaming, movie's overall appeal. In "working overtime" at the motel. and Tubbs screaming, yet we still know little of the and pulling the blackmailer's hair. essence, 52-Pickup would've as well as visiting various "Noooooooooo!" man himself by the time the It's hard to believe Scheider and made a good episode for Miami . establishments of ill repute. The 52-Pickup , unfortunately is credits scroll up the screen. Ann- Ann-Margret signed on to play B- Vice ,without the Miami or the blackmailers decide that a not in the same class as a Scarface Margret's character is both a movie roles usually reserved for vice. payment of $52.0CI0 will allow or Body Double because of its victim in and of the film. Her unknown, two-bit actors or Oh, what's the title stand for? him to buy the videocassette and a flimsy, two-dimensional script is reduced to a few actresses. Maybe they were Never mind. It's no big deal . ...~..CAPBoard Presents . The CAPBoard Execs and advisors thank you for your support on Parent's Weekend and Get ready for the ride of your life. wish you a relaxing Thanksgiving break Look for our December events Fri., Dec. 5 Double feature Rambo and Commando Wed., Dec. 10 mini concert with The Bull Dogs Silverado Thurs., Dec. 11 Jim Mapes - Hypnotist Fri., Nov. 21 7 & 9 pm PUB FREE!! Sun., Dec. 14 A Christmas Carol
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