Page 67 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 67
November 20, 1986lWestern Maryland CollegelPage 11 ,by Berke Breathed; Diegel joins Public Info. staff Ms. Sherri Kimmel Diegel Ohio has won several top feature has been named associate director and column writing awards from of public information for Western United Press International and Maryland. She replaces Pat other organizations. Donohoe, who is now Director of Diegel, who holds a bachelor College Relations and of sciencedegree in news-editorial Publications at Prince George's journalism and a master of arts Community College. degree in English from Bowling Until joining WMC in late Green State University, also October, Diegel was a feature worked as a copy editor for writer for the Evening Leader in Dayton Newspapers, Inc. and as St. Mary's, Ohio. In the last two editor of the Ohio Northern years, the native of Brookville, University alumni magazine. Dancers participate in liquor experiment whe~nthe~~~~~d~to~~t~~ continued from page 2 returned home safely following drinkers were Lisa Ricci, Jill the event And finally, everyone Dauer, Carvilla Dorshow, Duane who participated was required to Powell, Laura Ahalt, Billy go back to his room, assisted by Embry, and Mary Daugherty. their buddy, immediately Hubert hopes that with the followingthe dance. help of the participants in this "I think it was a learning experiment that the effects of experience. r learned I can drink alcohol on the body will become five beers and still be legal," more evident and that the dangers joked participant Steve Baily. of alcohol will be more clearly "But, seriously I think everyone revealed. He also hopes that the who participated, plus the people "Buddy System" will be used in who just watched, learned a lot everyday life and not just in about the effects of alcohol and experimentalcircumstances. ~ 6Et!B~ __n1EATI
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