Page 2 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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Page 2IWeltem Maryland College/October 3, 1985 ~anel o~ st~de!1t Computer lab designed life to gIV:}~~~I~~~t~to aid student writing continued from page 1 Greeks. "Something has to be Philip Sayre, is also involved resolved and compromised.' by Robin Adams in the physical dimension of We hope to reach some deci- WMC, which is evident in the sions on how 10 plan Greek recent renovations. organizations by the end of In the enclosed room they Another are this sub-com- this year," says Fennell. sit, eyes fixed upon the mech- mittee is researching is the "However, it's nOI unrealistic anism which rests before issue of "common space." to consider the notion of elimi- them, fingers steadily tapping "There's definitely a need for nating Greeks from this cam- on the keyboard. Back and more common space, espe- pus altogether. But then forth the rhythm goes - an cially lounges, on WMC's again, things may stay the entry by the operator, an campus. We need more open same," General guidelines for action or reply by the ma- spaces for a shared commu- housing Greeks, as well as chine. nity," Sayre says. He further freshmen, will be evaluated. The place - Memorial Hall. added that this topic also Western Maryland. College concerns the future of Greek The third sub-committee on The scene - A WMC stu- club rooms. Social life is studying the dent using one of the 20 new general issue of social activi- Macintosh computers which Dr. Francis Fennell, co-chair ties on campus, and prob- were installed this summer of the commission stresses lems related to drug and after three years of debate the main goal of this study is alcohol abuse. The role of Five new printers were also to strike a balance between independents, women minori- purchased for use with the the social and academic life ties, and other special popu- system. at WMC, yet he agrees with The school received bids Sayre that space is a big continued on page 7 .from several different compa- '-:=================~ nies and eventually decided Freshman Mark Woodward works with a new r to do business with Westmin- Apple Macintosh computer in the writing ster Computers, mc., who in- center Pizza Hut Part time work stalled the equipment and will also service it. Dr. Leroy Pa- tem makes work easier dents may sign up to learn ~ available for both cooks nek , an English professor, through the ease of simplistic "just how easy it is to operate 01",.... and waitresses at ' was responsible for convinc- editing," says Panek. "This the Macintosh." So far, Panek ing the school to invest the leaves time .tor more impor- explains, the training sessions I:.~<.P ,~ut Westminster Pizza Hut capital of $20,000 in this tant things like structuring and seem to be successful, with proofreading." project. many eager writers buying 140 Village Shopping Center. The Macintosh system was and beginning their disks chosen over others, Panek The Macintosh is quicker those long hours in the com- explains, because of its Quick and easier for beginners "to puter room, For the training Apply in person. Must be 18. reaction time after the issu- learn on" than other systems. session, software is provided. ance of a command. The A student needs no previous Panek urges computer en- =-'M~iiiI ~=================::::;operator uses a floppy disk experience with a computer, thusiasts and beginners alike r which is inserted directly into but only a one hour training to make use of the writing 7JJ.~~~~~ the computer. Another advan- cial features. Outside of the training sessions, and pur- .. session to inform him of nec- Interested center. students tage to the system is that a essary commands and spe- must sign up for one of the person may take the floppy ond floor of Memorial Hall, is the safety of the information Center is currently open Sun- 10% discount ~ disk with him, which insures computer center on the sec- chase a disk. The Writing a bulletin board where stu- stored. "The Macintosh sys- day to Thursday, 6 pm-9pm. on art::!":::...:,~ with this ad WatlftUutn, II.".,.,." 21 167 .. 0.... additional TekphoM 3011848ยท0060 tRt.COfft cancer research Help wanted Dr. Richard H, Smith, pro- selected for Phase II trials at on the-camous will help to fessor of chemistry, has been treatment of cancer to be The students, who will reside Campus sales representatives selected to receive additional the National Cancer Institute provide background data for their Smith's research at FCAF. anti-tumor support for his research into in drug- College Tours to the causes and cures of can- screening program," Smith cer. said recently from his labora- A recent WMC graduate Killington, VT. The recipient of a National tory at the Frederick Cancer and a current student re- Research Facility (FCAF). internships to work ceived Ft. Lauderdale Institutes of Health senior re- "I've also been working with with Smith this summer. Andy search fellowship, Smith has Mehl, who graduated in May Poconos, PA. been on sabbatical this past three new compounds that with a major in chemistry, and show even greater promise as year to engage in full-time the Bahamas research at the Frederick anti-cancer drugs," Smith Jennifer Brashears, a junior biology major, have been as- said, adding that the com- Cancer Research Facility in Frederick, MD. His research pounds will begin Nel testing sisting him in his cancer re- search. CommiSSion, free travel has focused on a particular soon. Smith's work has also group of chemicals known as been awarded a grant-in-aid "Working at FCRF provides and a great time! alkylating agents, which may from The Petroleum Research invaluable experience for include agents that are both Fund. The PRF grant of $15,- these students," Smith said. For more information call carcinogenic and chemo-ther- 000 will provide for the pur- "Some of these students are apeutic. chase of a computer for use already credit for earning Scott 486-6750 ''Two of the four compounds in his research and for two publications that have grown I have been working with student assistants for two out of their research at FCRF show sufficient promise in the summers, beginning in 1986. and Western Maryland."