Page 2 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 2IWes_t_e~. Maryland College/September 27, 1984 SGA Today ..Renovation in qua_t!_ Doonsbury artist, Nobel improves looks, living Prize winner, to receive honorary degrees by Robert Miller Each summer hundreds of by Peter Brooks prospective students visit This space has been pro- at 8 p.m. Pleasecontact your WMC in finalize their vided to the Student Govern- newly elected Senator with college decision.. And each l men! Association (SGA) for your decision or opinion. su~mer. ~our gUld~s m.ust information concerning what _ Positions available for avoid mini construction sites the students, faculty and ad- Student Committees are: (1) as buildi~g upon building is ministration are currently for- Calendar and Schedule, (4) refurbished ". Two summers mutating with respect to Disciplinary Hearing Board, ago construction w~rkerscon- Western Maryland Colteqe at- (2) HonorBoard, (1 independ- verge.d upon what I~ now the fairs. ent male, 1 commuter stu- Education and - We would like to wel- dent) Student Life Council, (1 Learning Center. This past come all our new administra- female) Athletic Council, (1 or summer the guad, as well as tors. We, the students hope 2) Affirmative Action, (1) Stu- Baker Memorial Chapel, were that they will perform in the dent Publications Board the major scenes of renova- best interests of Western Freshman Class Officers will lion. Maryland College. be elected one week prior to The Quad has been in re- - The Students Against a Homecoming. Those floors cent years the eyesore of our Violent Environment program, that do not have Senators campus. Internal renovationof has been postponed because please elect representatives Albert. Ward (ANW) of a lack of funding available as soon as possible.The SGA com~lned. with external land- from SGA for posters, up- Vice Presidentwill be elected scapmq In the Quad area dates, rewards, etc. It has during the meeting on Sep- have once again made this also been postponed be- tember 25. The V.P.wit! serve area an appealing part of our cause the Student Affairs of- until February 1, 1985, and campus". It seems that both nee does not have accurate must be a sophomore or a the physical changes to the detailed accounts as to the junior. All interested students quad and the transformation violence and tbe.cost.ot each should attend this meeting. of ANW into a cooed rest- action from last year. It 'is _ The Office of College' dence ha!1 have created a possible that this event wilt be Activities is sponsoring more positive mood among co-sponsored by a different "Workshopsfor StudentLead- students living In the area administrative agency in the ere." An student leaders are Proposed renovations to future . encouraged to attend. All' Daniel MacLea. Hall should - Brochures were dislrib- meetings ~in be held in the continue the spirit of tranSItion. uted to a/l students to inform Leidy room. The meeting and rebuil~ing which has be- them as to the purpose of the dates are: Wed. Oct. 10th at come a major emphasis of the halls of Albert Norman Ward Hall as they look after SGA and to encourage mem- 6 p.m. "How can Activities this college in the past few remodeling, bership get me a Job?", Wed. Nov years. - Homecomingis Sat., Oc- 7th at 6 p.m. "How not to Baker Memorial Chapel was partment. Taking the foreign Yet, even more has been tober 13, when the Terrors suffer Activity Burnout." also a spot of renovationthis language department's place planned for 1985, including take on Dickinson at Scott S. - The inauguration of our summer with the foreign lan- in Memorial Hall" basement the complete renovation of Bair Stadium. A parade is new President, Dr. Robert H guage department moving are the offices of the counsel- Daniel MacLea Hall and the being scheduled for 12:30 Chambers,will be held during into the basement of the ing and career services pro- conversion of the Thompson p.m. immediately preceding the weekend of November 9~ chapel. The large open area gram. Infirmary into classrooms the presidential dedication 11. Receiving honorary de- of the chapel's basementwas As one can see, this past Also, an addition to Hoover Nominations for the home- grees are: Mr. Gary Trudeau, converted to house offices year has been a productive Library is in the planning coming court are due on author of the Doonsbury and classrooms for the de- one for the campus of WMC. stages. being held on October 4. Nobel Prize Winner in Eco- Cadets earn October comic strip, Mr. Jim Toben, 1, with elections _ Bids for the Homecoming nomics, and Mr. Kurt scholarships Dance are being handled by Schmoeke,StatesAttorneyfor CAPBOARD. the City of Baltimore. Several of the college's with using helicopters in the very demanding, both physi- - With regard to the I'd like to thank the officers ROTCcadets got a chance to assault role. Some of the cally and mentally, but he is washer situation, the price of the SGA, for their hard experience leadership at U.S. training includes helicopter glad to now be airborne quali- hike by the administrationwill work and contributionsto this Army's training bases at Forts rappelling, locating a good fied. be decided upon by the stu- article. These people include: Benning, Bragg, Campbell, landing area, and a ten mile The final achievement of dents through the SGA Sena- Jeff Ballentine, Jeff Sweren. and Knox. march with full pack and this summer was the award- tors during the meeting on Susan Hunt, Suzanne Mead- :"t FO.rtKnox, Kentucky, gear. Walton also participated ing of ROTC scholarships. October 10, which will be owe. Margaret Miller, George Mike Birmingham (who at- in a challenging obstacle Seven cadets were awarded held at the President's House Peck and John Palmer. tends Hood College but course, followed by a two scholarships ranging from two , comes here for ROTC), John mile run. Walton also said that years to a full four years. The College welcomes Sayre Stonebraker, and Andy Wise while it was very difficult at scholarship covers tuition, completed times, he's glad that he did it all successfully books, laboratory fees, and basic camp. The completion and it was a good experi- also gives the cadet $100 a continued from page 1 to provide a well run campus. of camp allows them to enter ence month spending money. Bir- The dean wants to assure a pected of Western Maryland the ROTC program without Nick Guarino, Steve Wilkin- mingham was awarded a two more safe and happy environ- College, Dean Sayre said that completing the first two years son, Rick Harfst, and Marc year scholarship, Sandy ment. This can be done by he "expected to find a small of instruction. The camp also Yates completed airborne Brant, a three and one half working closely with the Liberal Arts College, with a gives instruction in basic training this summer. This year scholarship, Ed Singer, health center, to inform stu- strong academic program, army skills. Aside from being three week course includes Todd Waif, and Chris Ginther dents about the importanceof that is sure of itself and is admitted to the junior level ground week, practicing land- were awarded three year good health and well being. heading in the right direc- ROTCclasses, all three, Mike, ings; tower week. jumping scholarships. Ann Cryer and By working closely with Col- tion." Dean Sayre continued John, and Andy receive a from different towers; and a Dawn Deffinbaugh, both lege activities the dean wants to say that he was "very $100 a month allowance from final jump week, where the freshman, entered with four to provide a full schedule of excited about taking on the the army. five necessary jumps are year scholarships. The win- entertainment. responsibilities, challenge, Desmond Walton was the made, one which must be at ning of these scholarships is Dean Sayre stresses the strength, agenda and poten- college's only representative night. Earning jump wings is the end result of physical importance of working with tial of the fine students on at air assault training this one of the greatest achieve- tests, interviewsand a variety,:_f.::ac::u:::'ty:._.::an.::d:..;::st;;:aH;_,:c:::a::_m:!::p;::us::_.'_' -- _J ~~~t~~~y.a~hi~o~Ch~~lm~~::~ ments for a soldier. Marc of other competitive tests. Yates said that airborne was
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