Page 59 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 59
December 2, 1982 Pa e 7 Jazz band heats up for concert from page 1 Kaplowitz and Dave Oravec ments. With more college are the guitarists; Steve Ports students, more people will be as the bass guitarist; Jeff Carr able to be at practices. is the pianist; Chip Coffin is People in the Jazz Ensem- .ne drummer; and Steven ble consist of WMC students Rossman is the vocalist. and alumni, and people from In addition to their perform- Westminster and Carroll ance in December, the Jazz County. It includes the follow- Ensemble plans to have an- ing people: Dan Fielder, Ellen other performance on campus Nash, Keith Patterson, and during the second semester Andy Robey as the trumpet- and possibly other perform- ers; Jim Martin, Dave Motter, ances off campus for any- and Dave Stevens on the body who wants to hear good trombone; John Ferber, Bill jazz music being played. The Jones, Larry Leeds, Kurt Lin- show is free and open to the koff, Steve Reber, and Frank public. Silva' . WMC Jazz Ensemble gets ready for their Fall presentation. Selections include Sammy Nestico; Earth, Wind & Fire; Duke Ellington; Spyro - Gyra. !-ittle GeOrge'S .Convenience Stores \ Open 7 Days A Week 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. from ..... 6 floor. This was the only place went up many spines during where the action slowed and Buy film for your Jan. Term trip and get your this dramatic plece., one was tempted to take a HOUSE The only low point was the passport photo free! 10% discount on film "Begetting" scene. For abo!A .~e~tio~in~::1t~~ ag:r~~e T~~~ developed after the trip! ' OF ten minutes the audience"was aside, The Serpent was an subjected to the reciting of overall exciting and gratifying LIQUORS who begot who and how old excursion into the traumas they lived to be, while three and emotions of the human Carroll Plaza, cou les co ulated on the soul. • Tkt C!Ul!fUl The Counting Place - ~.,,-', _" , Skr.pp~ ,," Westminster 848-1314 Decker Center I Lower Level • I Special For all your cross stitch and I : Heineken 12 oz NR candlewicking needs I I $3.99 6 pak Instruction Supplies I I I Free camera clinic - We'll check your camera to be sure' I Custom framing it is ready for the holidays! I Handmade gifts our specially Ipresent coupon : bpiresl2/8/82 -----..;:.. ....:..... ~..;:.. ......... .._._._"""
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