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Buyfilm for your Jan. Term trip and get your passport photo free! 10% discount on film developed after the trip! l Ii« c"""", ._"" Sk."P' ------------------------- 111;1 MD M"'N&80"OST~Hrs \ lS''''''SHH Free camera clinic - We'll check your camera to be sure it is ready for the holidays! I,. If you passed up Army ROTC during your first two years of college, you can enroll in our 2-year pro- gram before you start your The Phoenix last two. I publication in January the summer after your will resume Your training will start 1 sophomore year at asix-week .J/nppy 'llirtliday 'T! Army ROTC Basic Camp . It'll payoff, too. You'll earn over $400 for attend- ing Basic Camp and up to Rebecca Orenstein two years of college. $1,000 a year for your last 9: you'll be on your way in But, more important, to earning a commission Wedding Photography today's Army-which in- cludes the Army Reserve 848-2148 and Army National Guard Portraits • Commercial -while you're earning r-' -, a college degree. HOUSE BEALLYOUCAN BE. ARMY ROTC. OF LIQUORS CarrollPlaza, Westminster 848-1314 Opportunity can knock Speciai ·1. I twice. Four WMC students I proved it last summer. Stroh's Light ·1 I Check with Captain Maul- $2.49 6 pak_12 oz. : din at the Military Science , I Dept. for details. I I I I present coupon I. I Explm 12111182 I I --------------~
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