Page 60 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 60
Tho_Ix December 2,1982 WMC ROTC department gets two instructors Ronald Kyle served as a target acquisition tour in Germany lasted 63 that WMC is co-ad, and mill- and biographies, listen to The ROTCDetachmenthere platoon leader in the 3rd months- quite long by Army tary discipline is not as strict. music (his tastes range from at WMC is "once again fully Armor Division Artillery HQ at standards. He returned to the He has thoroughly enjoyed classical to contemporary), staffed with the additions of Hanau. Germany. He also U.S. in March, 1982, and the Army life SOfar. Because and involving himself in sports Staff Sargeant Wyatt and was-the Platoon Leader Exec- attended the Field Artillery the job requires so much activities, (he was on the Captain Martin. utive Officer (XO)for a Target Officers Advanced Course. dedication, he wouldn't do it if track and cross country SSG Wyatt has been in the Acquisition Battalion, with the He came to WMC in October. he didn't like it. It can very teams in schooL) Army 11 years now. His draft same division. He also served Cpt. Martin describes his easily be a 24 hour job, he Hopefully both of these number was soon to be in most positions in an eight assignment so far as "differ- says. newcomers will find their ex- called. so he decided to enl- inch sett-propejed howitzer ent." It's a lot different from In his spare time, he likes to .pertence here at WMC pleas- ~rF7 e P":k~t1\0!:ssifh!~:i~~n~ battalion, also in Hanau. Ijls VMI, he points out. in the fact read a lot, mainly histories ant and rewarding. he attended a Leadership Prep Course. He became a 71 L30, which is an Adminis- tration Specialist. His first assignment was at the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks. Pa. From there he moved to the 16th Explosives Ordinance Dis- ·posat (EOD) Detachment which he described as a "bang up job." That assign- ment took him to Athens. Greece. He was then trans- 'erred to SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe), Belgium. where he Anny Rarc has more was the Administrative NCO than 6,000 four-, three-, and for a transportation division. two-year scholarships in From there he went to Kitzi- gEtn, Germany, and was sta- effect at any given time. tioned with the 10th combat And each year, hundreds engineer battalion. He came are available for which your back to the _U.S., and was students can compete. stationed at HO, First U.S. Scholarships cover tuition Army, Ft. Meade. where he books, and lab fees, and served the alternate Top Se- pay students a living allowance cret Control Officer. He re- of up to $1000 for each aca- turned to Germany and served with the 198th Person- demic year the scholarships arc 1 nel Service Comoanv. as the in effect. Our four-year scholar- NCOIC of the Personnel Ac· lions/Personnel Management ships may be used at 303 col- Section. From there he was leges and universities across transferred to HO, VII Corps the country. Three- and two- and worked as the alternate year scholarships may be used Top Secret Control Officer. at more than 700 additional On 27 August 1982, SSG Wyatt came to WMC. He likes institutions. Schools where the rappeling activities or- students can earn both a com- fered, and thinks that every· mission and a college degree. one should try it. just for the experience. He likes the peo- ple he works with. and thinks the cadets are outstanding. ARMY ROTC. SSG Wyatt is married and has two children, and a third BEALLYOUCAN BE. is due in a couple of weeks. In his spare time, he raises and studies tropical fish. He also helps a Girl Scout Troop on camping trips. His asso- ciation with them goes back to when he was stationed at Ft. Meade. The second addition to the ROTC Detachment is Captain Martin. Captain Martin gradu- ated in 1976 from the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia. He was commis- sioned in field artillery, and has attended Airborne Next year, 8,500 four, three, or two-year scholarships are to be School, the Basic and Ad- vance Officers Course for his offered. Funding now before Congress could increase the total to branch, the Army Intelligence Officers Course, along with a 12,000 scholarships. 30% of next year's scholarships are ear- few others. As a second lieutenant he marked for business majors and 23% for majors in physical science. If you are inte-rested in a. ROTC Scholarship, contact . Captain Maudlin at the Military Science Department (ext. 620) before 10 December, 1982.
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